AZ Gov Jan Brewer says her Father died fighting Nazis. Problem? He Didn't

Modbert, Jillian , Echo Zulu and the rest of you that have lied about this Governor, when will you apologize? Her father DID die because he fought the Nazi Regime JUST as she claimed.

By the way your original quote is NOT what she said. You can change it anytime and admit you are wrong.
Modbert, Jillian , Echo Zulu and the rest of you that have lied about this Governor, when will you apologize? Her father DID die because he fought the Nazi Regime JUST as she claimed.

By the way your original quote is NOT what she said. You can change it anytime and admit you are wrong.

The original quote is not what she said? Link to what she said then originally? I quoted it from an article that had it long before this issue came up.

If you want to be consistent, should ask Cecilie when will she apologize for saying no leftist has never served his/her country.
Your inability to understand English is not my problem, nor is it Jan Brewer's. She was making a very valid point in response to the left's childish need to holler "Nazi!" at everyone they don't like: that it's particularly offensive to her because her father lost his life in the US fight against the Nazi regime. Perhaps if you brain-damaged adolescents could learn to hold a serious, mature debate on issues instead, it would save her the trouble and save the rest of us from having to answer THIS sort of foolishness.

The point of trying to pre-empt your likely stupidity is that if I had had to actually listen to you make such an argument - and God knows, I've seen you do it before - it would have made me nauseous, and I'm not in the mood to puke today.

Do you not see the irony in your post? You want to have a mature debate on the issues where if anything, I have been acting like a rational adult here while you have been throwing nothing out but insults, false accusations, and immature smears.

I feel nothing but pity for people like you though Cecilie.

I guess if your idea of "acting like a rational adult" is parsing every word out of the woman's mouth in order to find something to attack her for in order to divert attention from the issue of illegal immigration - or trotting out the word "Nazi!" every time someone of color gets butt-chapped about something, for that matter - I can see where you'd get the idea that you were acting like a rational adult.

However, that is not how I define that phrase, so I consider you to have richly earned the contempt I have heaped, and will continue to heap, on your pathetic attempts at a smokescreen. Jan Brewer isn't the only one who is fed up to her ears with you juvenile assholes out there calling us racists and Nazis for trying to defend our home. Her father fought against evil then, and we are fighting against evil now, and none of us owes you one single iota of justification for our methods in that fight.
It's amusing how the libturds abhorrr lying unless obie wan does it then it's excused by "what politician hasn't lied"" obie wan lied about sitting in a church for twenty years and being deaf as a doorknob and all the libturds :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Don't just sit there like a lump on a breast ..impeach the son of a bitch.
I don't really give a good goddamn WHAT conclusions you choose to jump to, nor do they mean that what was said was a lie, simply because you made an assumption and it was wrong.

Face it. You and your cohorts tried to make the issue about hate-filled racists and forced her to respond to puerile, simplistic insults, and NOW you're desperate to find something to personally attack her for because ANYTHING is better than having to deal with the reality of the issue of illegal immigration. God forbid we discuss how to stem the invasion of our country and the erosion of our economy that it's causing. Let's talk about whether or not Jan Brewer's wording was sufficiently dumbed-down to suit you! Yeah, THAT'S the fucking priority here.

My dad died in the mining industry. What's the first thing that comes to your mind? Does it mean I'm lying about how he died if your assumption happens to be wrong?

This has nothing to do with anything going on in Arizona. Why you are trying to make it otherwise, I have no idea. You seem to think because Jan Brewer is doing something you agree with, she is free from criticism because of her words. She is as responsible for her words, as is anyone else.

I'm not saying she is a complete liar either, I'm saying she misrepresented the facts. Whether she did it intentionally or unintentionally is up to debate.

Yes, right, MODMORON because when you launched your attack the very first link you posted headlined thusly..

Signing Arizona immigration law was never a question for governor
Read more: Signing Arizona immigration law was never a question for governor

I hate to be the one to point out you blind stupidity but there you have it.
Signing Arizona immigration law was never a question for governor

She also opened herself up to what she says were unanticipated personal attacks.

"The Nazi comments . . . they are awful," she said, her voice dropping. "Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that . . . and then to have them call me Hitler's daughter. It hurts. It's ugliness beyond anything I've ever experienced."

A sad story indeed, except:

Brewer tells conflicting stories about dad's war effort

Thoughts USMB? Considering the recent events with people lying about their military record, what made Governor Brewer think nobody would check this? :eusa_eh:

All Alinsky, all the time .......
However, that is not how I define that phrase, so I consider you to have richly earned the contempt I have heaped, and will continue to heap, on your pathetic attempts at a smokescreen. Jan Brewer isn't the only one who is fed up to her ears with you juvenile assholes out there calling us racists and Nazis for trying to defend our home. Her father fought against evil then, and we are fighting against evil now, and none of us owes you one single iota of justification for our methods in that fight.

Just curious, what "evil" are you fighting against now? I'm interested in knowing just how you define "evil".
Yes, right, MODMORON because when you launched your attack the very first link you posted headlined thusly..

Did I quote anything else from that article? Nope. I used the article as to quote her original comment that is the discussion of this thread.
It's amusing how the libturds abhorrr lying unless obie wan does it then it's excused by "what politician hasn't lied"" obie wan lied about sitting in a church for twenty years and being deaf as a doorknob and all the libturds :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Don't just sit there like a lump on a breast ..impeach the son of a bitch.

better yet, let's ressurect that dog who shit in your boots. I really like his style.
Modbert, Jillian , Echo Zulu and the rest of you that have lied about this Governor, when will you apologize? Her father DID die because he fought the Nazi Regime JUST as she claimed.

By the way your original quote is NOT what she said. You can change it anytime and admit you are wrong.

Exactly on point. All people whom worked during that time on the Battle front or at the factories were in BATTLE.

I guess To FagBert, Jillian, and EZ don't understand the logic of teamwork...and everyone involved.

History, AND logic are NO friends to them.

I chock it up to their partisan stupidity.

[And YES all three of the aforementioned? Stay OUT of my way].
Modbert, Jillian , Echo Zulu and the rest of you that have lied about this Governor, when will you apologize? Her father DID die because he fought the Nazi Regime JUST as she claimed.

By the way your original quote is NOT what she said. You can change it anytime and admit you are wrong.

The original quote is not what she said? Link to what she said then originally? I quoted it from an article that had it long before this issue came up.

If you want to be consistent, should ask Cecilie when will she apologize for saying no leftist has never served his/her country.

Ok semantics, the opening line of your source says the following....
"Gov. Jan Brewer said in a recent interview that her father died fighting Nazis in Germany."

Which is an outright LIE. You used the source which is biased and offensive and full of misinformation. She said her father died because he fought the Nazi Regime which is factual and correct. NOW when will you apologize?
Yes, right, MODMORON because when you launched your attack the very first link you posted headlined thusly..

Did I quote anything else from that article? Nope. I used the article as to quote her original comment that is the discussion of this thread.

you launched an attack with exactly what was going on in Arizona.. you guys cannot stand it that's she standing for the rule of law and your obie wan will not.. he's a libturd after all.
Signing Arizona immigration law was never a question for governor

She also opened herself up to what she says were unanticipated personal attacks.

"The Nazi comments . . . they are awful," she said, her voice dropping. "Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that . . . and then to have them call me Hitler's daughter. It hurts. It's ugliness beyond anything I've ever experienced."

A sad story indeed, except:

Brewer tells conflicting stories about dad's war effort

Thoughts USMB? Considering the recent events with people lying about their military record, what made Governor Brewer think nobody would check this? :eusa_eh:

All Alinsky, all the time .......

What else can FAGBERT be but a Statist creep?
I don't really give a good goddamn WHAT conclusions you choose to jump to, nor do they mean that what was said was a lie, simply because you made an assumption and it was wrong.

Face it. You and your cohorts tried to make the issue about hate-filled racists and forced her to respond to puerile, simplistic insults, and NOW you're desperate to find something to personally attack her for because ANYTHING is better than having to deal with the reality of the issue of illegal immigration. God forbid we discuss how to stem the invasion of our country and the erosion of our economy that it's causing. Let's talk about whether or not Jan Brewer's wording was sufficiently dumbed-down to suit you! Yeah, THAT'S the fucking priority here.

My dad died in the mining industry. What's the first thing that comes to your mind? Does it mean I'm lying about how he died if your assumption happens to be wrong?

This has nothing to do with anything going on in Arizona. Why you are trying to make it otherwise, I have no idea. You seem to think because Jan Brewer is doing something you agree with, she is free from criticism because of her words. She is as responsible for her words, as is anyone else.

I'm not saying she is a complete liar either, I'm saying she misrepresented the facts. Whether she did it intentionally or unintentionally is up to debate.

This has EVERYTHING to do with what's happening in Arizona. She wasn't called a Nazi because she likes to dress up in a black uniform with a swastika on her arm, or because she's prone to shouting, "Seig Heil!" at odd moments. And this tempest-in-a-teapot sure as shit wasn't brewed up because Governor Brewer's been in the national eye for any OTHER reason. Before SB 1070, none of you jackwads even knew the name of Arizona's Governor, or that she was even female, and even the Arizona Guardian, bastion of cheap-ass yellow journalism and champion litter-box liner that it is, wouldn't have given a rat's ass how her father died.

I don't think Jan Brewer is free from criticism for her words. I think I'm not interested in agenda-driven criticism based on YOUR lack of reading comprehension and a leftist muckraker's ability to misconstrue words to suit his purpose.

She owes you NOTHING for YOUR assumptions.
Signing Arizona immigration law was never a question for governor

She also opened herself up to what she says were unanticipated personal attacks.

"The Nazi comments . . . they are awful," she said, her voice dropping. "Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that . . . and then to have them call me Hitler's daughter. It hurts. It's ugliness beyond anything I've ever experienced."

A sad story indeed, except:

Brewer tells conflicting stories about dad's war effort

Thoughts USMB? Considering the recent events with people lying about their military record, what made Governor Brewer think nobody would check this? :eusa_eh:

At first I was going to say "M'eh, people tend to embellish the service record of their parents/loved ones." until I saw that her father worked in a munitions factory during the war and wasn't in uniform. We needed the people back home, so I don't mean to diminish what he did. However, the governor is fairly full of shit here, even with the whole "I meant he destroyed his lungs building munitions which caused his death." line.
Exactly on point. All people whom worked during that time on the Battle front or at the factories were in BATTLE.

I guess To FagBert, Jillian, and EZ don't understand the logic of teamwork...and everyone involved.

History, AND logic are NO friends to them.

I chock it up to their partisan stupidity.

[And YES all three of the aforementioned? Stay OUT of my way].

You know, we can discuss this like rational people without such anger and hate filled posts. I do also hope you're not threatening anyone with that last line in your post.
Nothing of what she said was WRONG. Her dad eventually DIED as a result of the results from the factory where he worked to foward the effort against HITLER, and Japan.

All people even civilians working in factories were working toward the same end.


Seen those 'MESOTELIOMA' Ads on TV as of late?

Try again.

Are you fucking serious?

She said....
"Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that . . . and then to have them call me Hitler's daughter. It hurts. It's ugliness beyond anything I've ever experienced."

Pretty cut and dry...she said he died fighting the Nazi regime and he didnt. That makes her a piece of shit. (If you dont think so, ask a WW2 vet how he feels about this lie). She spits on vets and is an ass.

By her logic, I guess this means she is like Hitler's daughter?

RETARD ALERT. Her Dad died because of working to arm America in the war against Nazi Germany. he died because of that fight. She is telling the truth. Dumb fucking liberal retards.

As a matter of course Gunny? These people show thier stupidity.
Exactly on point. All people whom worked during that time on the Battle front or at the factories were in BATTLE.

I guess To FagBert, Jillian, and EZ don't understand the logic of teamwork...and everyone involved.

History, AND logic are NO friends to them.

I chock it up to their partisan stupidity.

[And YES all three of the aforementioned? Stay OUT of my way].

You know, we can discuss this like rational people without such anger and hate filled posts. I do also hope you're not threatening anyone with that last line in your post.

Spoken like the TRUE BAITING TROLL you always have been FagBert.

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