Aziz Ansari accused of sexual misconduct...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
‘Parks and Recreation’ star Aziz Ansari accused of sexual misconduct

Just days after winning a Golden Globe and participating in a national anti-sexual-harassment campaign called Time’s Up, Aziz Ansari — who has starred in TV series like “Parks and Recreation” and “Master of None” — has been accused of sexual assault, according to various news reports.

The accusation was made by a woman who is being identified as a 23-year-old photographer named “Grace,” according to Babe, the entertainment news outlet who first reported the claim.

According to Vanity Fair, the woman met Ansari while she was taking photos at the Emmy Awards after party. At some point, the two exchanged phone numbers and eventually went on a date in late September which ended at his apartment.

“She claims he almost immediately began kissing, fondling and undressing her and then said he was going to grab a condom. The woman says she asked him to slow down, but he continued and performed oral sex on her,” reported TMZ. “She says when he started sticking his fingers in her throat, she used verbal and non-verbal cues to indicate her discomfort.”

If true these stories really show what scumbags men really are. I know it's a hackey cliche, but I'm not sure it's stated enough. Aziz Ansari always seems like such a pleasant guy. :dunno:
"Aziz Ansari always seems like such a pleasant guy."

Seriously?! Have you seen his stand-up or the series he did for Netflix? The guy is a horn dog that views women as meat only.
‘Parks and Recreation’ star Aziz Ansari accused of sexual misconduct

Just days after winning a Golden Globe and participating in a national anti-sexual-harassment campaign called Time’s Up, Aziz Ansari — who has starred in TV series like “Parks and Recreation” and “Master of None” — has been accused of sexual assault, according to various news reports.

The accusation was made by a woman who is being identified as a 23-year-old photographer named “Grace,” according to Babe, the entertainment news outlet who first reported the claim.

According to Vanity Fair, the woman met Ansari while she was taking photos at the Emmy Awards after party. At some point, the two exchanged phone numbers and eventually went on a date in late September which ended at his apartment.

“She claims he almost immediately began kissing, fondling and undressing her and then said he was going to grab a condom. The woman says she asked him to slow down, but he continued and performed oral sex on her,” reported TMZ. “She says when he started sticking his fingers in her throat, she used verbal and non-verbal cues to indicate her discomfort.”

If true these stories really show what scumbags men really are. I know it's a hackey cliche, but I'm not sure it's stated enough. Aziz Ansari always seems like such a pleasant guy. :dunno:
Put an (R) behind his name, run him for Senate, and drop her age from 23 to 14....and this thread would be in his defense and attacking her....
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Ok that's it. This is ludicrous shit. It is a level of stupidity that I haven't seen in awhile. I'm going to tell you why.

This is a 23 year old woman that could have left at any given time. Any time. She went to his apartment. Willingly. Even so,
we can pretend she is just a lil' ol' girl until this:

Grace said she attempted to indicate her disinterest, but Ansari followed her around the apartment as though he was executing “a football play.” “It was 30 minutes of me getting up and moving and him following and sticking his fingers down my throat again,” she said. “It was really repetitive. It felt like a fucking game.” She said he then suggested they move to the couch, where he continued to attempt to initiate sex, though she wasn’t interested: “I know I was physically giving off cues that I wasn’t interested. I don’t think that was noticed at all, or if it was, it was ignored.”

She could have left but didn't. Fuck off with this shit, man.
Ok that's it. This is ludicrous shit. It is a level of stupidity that I haven't seen in awhile. I'm going to tell you why.

This is a 23 year old woman that could have left at any given time. Any time. She went to his apartment. Willingly. Even so,
we can pretend she is just a lil' ol' girl until this:

Grace said she attempted to indicate her disinterest, but Ansari followed her around the apartment as though he was executing “a football play.” “It was 30 minutes of me getting up and moving and him following and sticking his fingers down my throat again,” she said. “It was really repetitive. It felt like a fucking game.” She said he then suggested they move to the couch, where he continued to attempt to initiate sex, though she wasn’t interested: “I know I was physically giving off cues that I wasn’t interested. I don’t think that was noticed at all, or if it was, it was ignored.”

She could have left but didn't. Fuck off with this shit, man.

I blame women. They expect us to have learned the new rules to the game already. Just a few months ago if a man invited you up to his apartment it's because he wanted to fuck you. Did this 23 year old girl think that this 34 year old man was inviting her up for an interesting conversation?
‘Parks and Recreation’ star Aziz Ansari accused of sexual misconduct

Just days after winning a Golden Globe and participating in a national anti-sexual-harassment campaign called Time’s Up, Aziz Ansari — who has starred in TV series like “Parks and Recreation” and “Master of None” — has been accused of sexual assault, according to various news reports.

The accusation was made by a woman who is being identified as a 23-year-old photographer named “Grace,” according to Babe, the entertainment news outlet who first reported the claim.

According to Vanity Fair, the woman met Ansari while she was taking photos at the Emmy Awards after party. At some point, the two exchanged phone numbers and eventually went on a date in late September which ended at his apartment.

“She claims he almost immediately began kissing, fondling and undressing her and then said he was going to grab a condom. The woman says she asked him to slow down, but he continued and performed oral sex on her,” reported TMZ. “She says when he started sticking his fingers in her throat, she used verbal and non-verbal cues to indicate her discomfort.”

If true these stories really show what scumbags men really are. I know it's a hackey cliche, but I'm not sure it's stated enough. Aziz Ansari always seems like such a pleasant guy. :dunno:
Put an (R) behind his name, run him for Senate, and drop her age from 23 to 14....and this thread would be in his defense and attacking her....
Typical liberal quality right here^. He has been ACUSSED of the attack! Not found guilty!
Ok that's it. This is ludicrous shit. It is a level of stupidity that I haven't seen in awhile. I'm going to tell you why.

This is a 23 year old woman that could have left at any given time. Any time. She went to his apartment. Willingly. Even so,
we can pretend she is just a lil' ol' girl until this:

Grace said she attempted to indicate her disinterest, but Ansari followed her around the apartment as though he was executing “a football play.” “It was 30 minutes of me getting up and moving and him following and sticking his fingers down my throat again,” she said. “It was really repetitive. It felt like a fucking game.” She said he then suggested they move to the couch, where he continued to attempt to initiate sex, though she wasn’t interested: “I know I was physically giving off cues that I wasn’t interested. I don’t think that was noticed at all, or if it was, it was ignored.”

She could have left but didn't. Fuck off with this shit, man.

I blame women. They expect us to have learned the new rules to the game already. Just a few months ago if a man invited you up to his apartment it's because he wanted to fuck you. Did this 23 year old girl think that this 34 year old man was inviting her up for an interesting conversation?

They hurriedly left the bar to go to his apartment to carry on a deep and involved conversation on existential poetry.

The rules didn't change. It's a bunch of shit is what it is.
She went to his apartment after a date. That is a Big Fat Yes, to sex. He put his fingers in her mouth. She didn't bite them down to the first knuckle? That was a Big Fat Yes to oral sex. He performed oral sex on her - against her will! Okay, this is always like huge joke to me. Did she wrap her legs around his neck and snap it like a twig? No. Did she come in his mouth? Yes. She was free to get up and wander about, yet never got close to the front door. Odd? Maybe? Perhaps she wandered about until he met her price. She was giving off cues that she wanted to suck his dick not his fingers. Those were the cues.

No it's time we stopped believing these wilting flowers.
Ok that's it. This is ludicrous shit. It is a level of stupidity that I haven't seen in awhile. I'm going to tell you why.

This is a 23 year old woman that could have left at any given time. Any time. She went to his apartment. Willingly. Even so,
we can pretend she is just a lil' ol' girl until this:

Grace said she attempted to indicate her disinterest, but Ansari followed her around the apartment as though he was executing “a football play.” “It was 30 minutes of me getting up and moving and him following and sticking his fingers down my throat again,” she said. “It was really repetitive. It felt like a fucking game.” She said he then suggested they move to the couch, where he continued to attempt to initiate sex, though she wasn’t interested: “I know I was physically giving off cues that I wasn’t interested. I don’t think that was noticed at all, or if it was, it was ignored.”

She could have left but didn't. Fuck off with this shit, man.

I blame women. They expect us to have learned the new rules to the game already. Just a few months ago if a man invited you up to his apartment it's because he wanted to fuck you. Did this 23 year old girl think that this 34 year old man was inviting her up for an interesting conversation?

He wanted to show her his etchings!
To me, if there is not enough evidence to back up the accusation, I hope the guy fires back with all that he has in him. For such a thing to be done to him right after he wins an award, it reminds me too much of what Kanye West did to Taylor Swift at the 2009 MTV awards.

God bless you and her and Aziz always!!!

Aziz Ansari responds to accusation of sexual assault, says sex was consensual

“In September of last year, I met a woman at a party. We exchanged numbers. We texted back and forth and eventually went on a date. We went out to dinner, and afterwards we ended up engaging in sexual activity, which by all indications was completely consensual,” Ansari told Fox News in a written statement. “The next day, I got a text from her saying that although 'it may have seemed okay,' upon further reflection, she felt uncomfortable. It was true that everything did seem okay to me, so when I heard that it was not the case for her, I was surprised and concerned. I took her words to heart and responded privately after taking the time to process what she had said. I continue to support the movement that is happening in our culture. It is necessary and long overdue.”

It sounds as if neither party is lying. So this woman had consensual sex with Ansari, and felt uncomfortable with it later. Tough titties. You can't engage in consensual sexual activity with a man, and scream sexual assault because you didn't feel right about it after the fact. You're a grown ass woman.
Don't know if he's guilty or not. But I do know he's guilty of being the one of the most unfunniest comedians of this generation.

I never saw the hype with this dude.
"Aziz Ansari always seems like such a pleasant guy."

Seriously?! Have you seen his stand-up or the series he did for Netflix? The guy is a horn dog that views women as meat only.

Unfortunately many of these stand up comedians are horn dogs who view women as only sexual objects. One of the reasons why I don’t like stand up comedy too much.
Don't know if he's guilty or not. But I do know he's guilty of being the one of the most unfunniest comedians of this generation.

I never saw the hype with this dude.

The woman admitted that it was consensual. I'm not sure what there is to be guilty of.
"Aziz Ansari always seems like such a pleasant guy."

Seriously?! Have you seen his stand-up or the series he did for Netflix? The guy is a horn dog that views women as meat only.

Unfortunately many of these stand up comedians are horn dogs who view women as only sexual objects. One of the reasons why I don’t like stand up comedy too much.
I have a hard time seeing that as a big deal. A larger portion of societies women see themselves that way, so?
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"I’m so conflicted about Aziz Ansari. On the one hand, the allegations are complete B.S. & he’s being unfairly vilified. But on the other hand, I don’t think he’s funny." - Wacky Ann Coulter
Some women are worried this will torpedo their actual fight against professional harassment and misconduct.

Ashleigh Banfield Blasts Aziz Ansari’s Accuser: ‘You Have Chiseled Away’ at the #MeToo Movement | Mediaite

Noting that the woman has not gone to the police for sexual assault and that it appears she just had an unpleasant sexual experience, Banfield assailed her for going to the press with a story about a “bad date” that could potentially end Ansari’s career. “What you have done in my opinion is appalling,” the HLN host declared.

“Here is where I am going to claim victim,” she stated. “You have chiseled away at a movement that I along with all of my sisters in the workplace have been dreaming of for decades. A movement that has finally changed an oversexed professional environment that I too have struggled through at times over the last 30 years in broadcasting.”
"Aziz made some unwanted advances on me after dinner, then after I left his apartment the next morning, I suddenly realized I was the victim of harassment, or something"

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