BAD NEWS FOR MOSCOW EMPIRE ! Sweden will now officially become a NATO member. Good work US/Swedish government. Hungary ratified Sweden's accession to

Why do you use personal attacks and get nasty with people.
I defend and protect Ukrainian Europeans from your 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 hordes of the rapists and looters

🇺🇦Teen sisters 'raped'(BY 🇷🇺🇸🇦 ) as horrors from Ukrainian town cut off for 35 days emerge | ITV News​

The 🇷🇺veteran is Leonid Rabichev Leonid Rabichev - Wikipedia. He left a memoir, written in 2005. his 🇷🇺RAPE - LOOTING- SADISM🇸🇦 book has to be translated to English!!!

IN PICTURES: How German women suffered largest mass rape in history by Moscow Marxist hordes
Bad news for you, because there was a time when the Scandinavian countries of Northern Europe, were neutral towards Russia, especially during the Cold War. They were smart enough not to join NATO. Unfortunately, the Swedes have become stupid, letting all of those Arabs and Africans into their country, creating crime and drug infested ghettos.

Your stupidity also expresses itself with Sweden's willingness to bend-over and take it in the butt by the US and its NATO interests. The Swedes used to be smart, and pretty. A smart, pretty, handsome race of people, who have lost their minds, becoming absolutely retarded. I don't say this as a blonde haired blue eyed Northern European, but as a Jewish person of dark features and complexion. You've destroyed your beautiful country, culture and people. The progeny of the great Vikings have lost their minds.

Sweden and Finland, are now on Russian target lists. Back in the Cold War if you were to ask a Russian-Soviet ICBM, "Do you know where Sweden is?", it would've responded, "What the hell is Sweden?". Now, the Russian ICBMs, have your address. Those Russian ICBMs are even listening to ABBA in their launch silos:

You've really screwed up.

You're a case for psychiatry.
no IVAN you a case for psychiatry. CAN YOU HANDLE your 🇷🇺 Pobedobesie ( victory obsession) ? i dont think so ....

Pobedobesie :) победобесие, lit. 'victory frenzy, victory mania or victory obsession') is a pejorative term used to describe the perceivably jingoistic celebrations of Victory Day in Muscovy .[1][2] This has been also dubbed the Victory Cult.[3]

The term has been further extended to refer to the weaponization of the legacy of the Second World War to justify Muscovy 's aggressive policies and an increase of militarism, using the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany for propaganda purposes.
no IVAN you a case for psychiatry. CAN YOU HANDLE your 🇷🇺 Pobedobesie ( victory obsession) ? i dont think so ....

Pobedobesie:) победобесие, lit. 'victory frenzy, victory mania or victory obsession') is a pejorative term used to describe the perceivably jingoistic celebrations of Victory Day in Muscovy .[1][2] This has been also dubbed the Victory Cult.[3]

The term has been further extended to refer to the weaponization of the legacy of the Second World War to justify Muscovy 's aggressive policies and an increase of militarism, using the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany for propaganda purposes.
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You're a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
You're a few peas short of a casserole.
BAD NEWS FOR MOSCOW EMPIRE ! Sweden will now officially become a NATO member. Good work US/Swedish government. Hungary ratified Sweden's accession to NATO, 188 voted for and 6 against. Hungary was the last country to ratify.

I WAS RIGHT ! Brace for impact, Gripen incoming!
And with this announcement, Muscovite biggest strategic defeat of the Ukraine war has been announced. If you told putin about this being a result of the Invasion in 2022 then he probably wouldn't have done it at all. This is devastating for Muscovite 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 ULUS

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