Bad riddance to you Benedict Boehner.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Great news this morning hearing the worst speaker ever is resigning. Bad riddance to you, you traitor pile of:

Now we taxpayers will have to support he and his wife for the rest of their lives at our expense.
The Old Guard is falling. Anything Obama accomplished is the result of Republicans caving.
Now we taxpayers will have to support he and his wife for the rest of their lives at our expense.

He served for 24 years. I don't see anything wrong with him drawing pension benefits. Some of you have some really messed up ideas when it comes to government.
He should be paying us for the honor of serving this great nation especially since no one was ever supposed to earn a living as a professional politician.

That's not a job. Its a cushy life that we pay for.

These Clowns earn a pretty good living along with retirement and benefits that we pay for.

They also vote themselves some pretty good perks.

They have their own SS that they pay into and they haven't put THEIR SS in the general fund so they can rob it blind like they do ours.

If you think he deserves what he's getting then you are one blind idiot.
Now we taxpayers will have to support he and his wife for the rest of their lives at our expense.

He served for 24 years. I don't see anything wrong with him drawing pension benefits. Some of you have some really messed up ideas when it comes to government.

If I had my way, no elected official would be payed for anything beyond their term in office. You want to get rid of the political class, that would do it.

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