‘Badly understaffed’ Park Police assaulted by ‘mob of thousands,’ pelted with poop at pro-Hamas riot in DC: union chief

There's plenty of images of amputee kids in Gaza, I just picked one, here's a few more for you to deny, just click the image to get to the source.

View attachment 986517

View attachment 986521

Here's an interview too with a surgeon who had to do such surgery.

Why you think anyone would stage a photograph of an injured child in Gaza when there are hundreds of easily verified images, makes no sense, but people like you never do.

Anyway, congratulations, with your post here today you finally know exactly what it feels like to be a Holocaust denier.
In the top picture that’s either a birth defect or a long healed wound. Nothing recent .
You are a sickening fake using children to prop up your mental and social dysfunction
In the top picture that’s either a birth defect or a long healed wound. Nothing recent .
You are a sickening fake using children to prop up your mental and social dysfunction
And you are a Holocaust denier, claiming fake this and fake that and staged this and staged that over and over. Here's some more images for you:




Now, go and verify those dipshit.

To have less compassion for Arab kids than Jewish kids is to think like the Nazis did and the Zionists do.
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Zionist Israel needs to be wiped off the map, just as the Nazi Germany was wiped off the map. It is only be wearing the blinkers of racism that anyone can seriously support Israel. It should never have been created.
So you are a bigot too... duly noted....
The former president barely escaped assassination a couple of weeks ago but the freaking Park Police are on the job to protect the Country from harm under an onslaught of anti-American mobs. WTF?
To say it's "their own fault" when reacting to a toddler having her bones sawn through, is a new level of depravity, why some here pretend to have morality escapes me, it fools nobody.
ther men and and son created the problem . why dinbt you care about the americans and jews there killing?
So you are a bigot too... duly noted....
Get real, I compared Zionist Israel to Nazi Germany, if you think its bigotry to have wanted to see the destruction of the Third Reich then sonny, its time for a cold shower wake up, get the drugs out of your system and fix yourself.
Get real, I compared Zionist Israel to Nazi Germany, if you think its bigotry to have wanted to see the destruction of the Third Reich then sonny, its time for a cold shower wake up, get the drugs out of your system and fix yourself.
Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is a mental disorder...
Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is a mental disorder...
No, that's not true, anyone can compare two governments, nothing wrong with that. You should read some history books and do some fact finding, they really do have rather a lot in common, look:

Here are some of the key traits that these have in common, of course they aren't identical but there is no other state in existence today that shares as many commonalities with the former Third Reich as does Israel. Everyone of these is an easily verified fact.
  • The Third Reich justified its necessity by a prior national catastrophe - the Versailles Treaty
  • The Zionist state justifies its necessity by a prior national catastrophe - the Holocaust, antisemitism
  • The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of a superior race - the Aryans
  • The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of racial supremacy - the Jews
  • The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of territorial entitlement - Poland, Sudetenland...
  • The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of territorial entitlement - West Bank, Golan...
  • The Third Reich was committed to the destruction of another race - Jews
  • The Zionist state is committed to the destruction of another race - Palestinians
  • The Third Reich justified its necessity by declaring an existential threat - Bolshevism, Jewry
  • The Zionist state justifies its necessity by declaring an existential threat - Islam, Arab nationalism
Given these similarities we must ask ourselves, looking back in time, could the Third Reich have been subdued and pacified through negotiation? and if not does that not imply that Zionist Israel too cannot be subdued by negotiation?
No, that's not true. You should read some history books and do some fact finding, they really do have rather a lot in common, look:

Here are some of the key traits that these have in common, of course they aren't identical but there is no other state in existence today that shares as many commonalities with the former Third Reich as does Israel. Everyone of these is an easily verified fact.
  • The Third Reich justified its necessity by a prior national catastrophe - the Versailles Treaty
  • The Zionist state justifies its necessity by a prior national catastrophe - the Holocaust, antisemitism
  • The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of a superior race - the Aryans
  • The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of racial supremacy - the Jews
  • The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of territorial entitlement - Poland, Sudetenland...
  • The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of territorial entitlement - West Bank, Golan...
  • The Third Reich was committed to the destruction of another race - Jews
  • The Zionist state is committed to the destruction of another race - Palestinians
  • The Third Reich justified its necessity by declaring an existential threat - Bolshevism, Jewry
  • The Zionist state justifies its necessity by declaring an existential threat - Islam, Arab nationalism
Given these similarities we must ask ourselves, looking back in time, could the Third Reich have been subdued and pacified through negotiation? and if not does that not imply that Zionist Israel too cannot be subdued by negotiation?
Nazi's were conquerors that wanted global domination and a pure race....
Israel doesn't want to kill Palestinians they are defending themselves... who was Hitler defending Germany from?...
Nazi's did not declare a threat from anyone... they hated the fact that Jews were better business people than Germans and prospered inside Germany when they struggled... therefore they set out to eliminate Jews....
Nazi's are more like Hamas than Israel....
Nazi's were conquerors that wanted global domination and a pure race....
Zionists are foreign racist colonizers who stole already occupied land.
Israel doesn't want to kill Palestinians they are defending themselves... who was Hitler defending Germany from?...
The Third Reich didn't want to kill anyone, they were just defending themselves from the communist threat (sound familiar?).
Nazi's did not declare a threat from anyone... they hated the fact that Jews were better business people than Germans and prospered inside Germany when they struggled... therefore they set out to eliminate Jews....
The Nazis regarded Bolshevism and the Versailles Treaty as an existential threat to the German people.
Nazi's are more like Hamas than Israel....
No, the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto are more like Palestinians in Gaza.
Such selective outrage, clear evidence of the moral myopia infecting US society today when a tossed turd elicits more passion than toddlers undergoing amputations without anesthesia.

View attachment 986439

This is why so many people are protesting about Israel, not because they support terrorism but because they refuse to condone Israeli and American terrorism wrapped in a veil of morality.
Who’s paying you for your pro-mass-murder propagandizing?

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