‘Insurrection’ Sensationalism Suddenly Stops With Pro-Hamas Capitol Protesters

NO one is entirely right about where the blame rests. The leaders of both groups and their actions require a closer look.

Yes we can be "entirely right" and sure about "where the blame rests".
The Balfour Declaration was made after the Jewish international conference at Carlsbad ensured the British they had no national ambitions, but merely wanted a Jewish homeland inside a free and independent Arab Palestine.
They clearly lied and immediately started smuggling in weapons and 10 times the agreed upon immigration quotas.
There is no possible explanation other than that the Zionist were deliberately lying in order to cause exactly what happened, which is the slow genocide of the native Arab Palestinians.
People try to blame the natives over things like the 1929 Hebron Riots, but the truth is that was caused by a European Jewish immigrant who illegally shot and murdered a native strawberry vendor over price.
All the problems were deliberately caused by the illegal immigrant Zionists.
The proof is that otherwise there would have been no reason to blow up the King David hotel, killing the British peace keepers.
Otherwise there would have been no reason to gun down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator.
It was so they could start massacring unarmed Arab villages, with no one left to stop them.
And the final verdict against Israel as a whole, comes from the fact that then the butcher of Irgun who was responsible for all these horrific crimes, was Menachim Begin, who then was elected Prime Minister.
That proves the majority of all Israelis approved of all these crimes all along.

just like a lot of democrat males...the ones pretending to be women especially....they like attacking females...and these DC punk cops are no different.
Yes we can be "entirely right" and sure about "where the blame rests".
The Balfour Declaration was made after the Jewish international conference at Carlsbad ensured the British they had no national ambitions, but merely wanted a Jewish homeland inside a free and independent Arab Palestine.
They clearly lied and immediately started smuggling in weapons and 10 times the agreed upon immigration quotas.
There is no possible explanation other than that the Zionist were deliberately lying in order to cause exactly what happened, which is the slow genocide of the native Arab Palestinians.
People try to blame the natives over things like the 1929 Hebron Riots, but the truth is that was caused by a European Jewish immigrant who illegally shot and murdered a native strawberry vendor over price.
All the problems were deliberately caused by the illegal immigrant Zionists.
The proof is that otherwise there would have been no reason to blow up the King David hotel, killing the British peace keepers.
Otherwise there would have been no reason to gun down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator.
It was so they could start massacring unarmed Arab villages, with no one left to stop them.
And the final verdict against Israel as a whole, comes from the fact that then the butcher of Irgun who was responsible for all these horrific crimes, was Menachim Begin, who then was elected Prime Minister.
That proves the majority of all Israelis approved of all these crimes all along.
After what they'd been through, even if your claims are right, what do you expect and damn good thing they were armed otherwise they'd have been raped, tortured, murdered before they'd even settled in. How can any reasonable person support terrorist organizations over a country that has bent over backwards to make peace with their neighbors and you condemn them for fighting for their existence.
After what they'd been through, even if your claims are right, what do you expect and damn good thing they were armed otherwise they'd have been raped, tortured, murdered before they'd even settled in. How can any reasonable person support terrorist organizations over a country that has bent over backwards to make peace with their neighbors and you condemn them for fighting for their existence.

You are totally ignorant about what went down in Palestine.

The Palestinians earned independence by helping Lawrence of Arabia in WWI, with the Treaties of San Remo and Sevre om 1920.
The British wanted Jewish spies in Germany to help also, so they made the Balfour Declarations, which said they would not be against Jewish immigration into an Arab Palestine.

So the Zionists pretended to immigrate.
But the quotas were only 30,000 a year.
The borders are so wide open, that they smuggled in millions, along with the latest weapons.

But the problem was the British peacekeeper and the UN observers.
So the terrorist organization Irgun, tied up the basement kitchen staff of the King David hotel, and carried in 12 80 gallon milk containers full of TNT.
The explosion killed the entire British high command, and made them leave.
It was even easier with the UN, since all they has to do was wait for the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, to come dow to his car, where they waited. When he showed up, they shot him 18 times with an MP38 that they dropped at the scene.

Once the British peacekeeper and UN were neutralized, the next thing Irgun did was to start wiping out native villages. They concentrated on the road to Jerusalem, because their intent was to ignore the UN partition, and take all of Palestine. While they did massacre hundreds of native villages, the Jordanians were tipped off and able to stop them from getting all the way to Jerusalem. That would have to wait until 1967 when they started another invasion, which finally was successful.

So when you say "a country that has bent over backwards to make peace", that shows you have never read anything at all about the 1948 or 1967 wars.
The Zionists basically invented terrorism, as no one before had ever done anything so vicious and violent.
They did not just shoot the men, women, and children, but instead relied almost entirely on throwing grenades into homes, through the windows.

And this was not just one odd terrorist gang.
The leader of Irgun was Menachim Begin, who the Israelis were aware had committed these atrocities.
And yet they elected him Prime Minister.
And they have never stopped.
They continually murder Arab natives in order to steal additional properties, daily.

Look at the facts.
The Palestinians are 13 million natives who owned all the properties, never had any weapons, and never harmed anyone who did not deserve it.
The Israelis are 7 million illegal immigrants who have constantly been lying, murdering, and stealing homes.
How do you think the Israelis managed to occupy 85% of the former Palestine that we were obligated to protect from invaders like the Zionists?
Why would anyone think that 13 million mostly farmer natives, could survive in 15% of their former land?
Because it's not corrupted, for starters.

We saw the voting system being corrupt in 2000 in Dade county.
We know computer voting machines are a bad idea since they are easy to hack.
We know people were dropping off bags full of ballots at drop boxes.
The MAGAMOB sheep deserve to be ruled over. Democracy will lead in the 21st century.

You can not have a "democracy" if a candidate is hit with 91 ridiculous indictments.
Obviously that many will prevent any money or time for a campaign.
It is clearly illegal insurrection to void a fair election.
We saw the voting system being corrupt in 2000 in Dade county.
We know computer voting machines are a bad idea since they are easy to hack.
We know people were dropping off bags full of ballots at drop boxes.

That was 23 years ago.

You know. How do you know? Who told you? Are they reliable?

You don't know shit.
We know nothing of the sort.

You are totally ignorant about what went down in Palestine.

The Palestinians earned independence by helping Lawrence of Arabia in WWI, with the Treaties of San Remo and Sevre om 1920.
The British wanted Jewish spies in Germany to help also, so they made the Balfour Declarations, which said they would not be against Jewish immigration into an Arab Palestine.

So the Zionists pretended to immigrate.
But the quotas were only 30,000 a year.
The borders are so wide open, that they smuggled in millions, along with the latest weapons.

But the problem was the British peacekeeper and the UN observers.
So the terrorist organization Irgun, tied up the basement kitchen staff of the King David hotel, and carried in 12 80 gallon milk containers full of TNT.
The explosion killed the entire British high command, and made them leave.
It was even easier with the UN, since all they has to do was wait for the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, to come dow to his car, where they waited. When he showed up, they shot him 18 times with an MP38 that they dropped at the scene.

Once the British peacekeeper and UN were neutralized, the next thing Irgun did was to start wiping out native villages. They concentrated on the road to Jerusalem, because their intent was to ignore the UN partition, and take all of Palestine. While they did massacre hundreds of native villages, the Jordanians were tipped off and able to stop them from getting all the way to Jerusalem. That would have to wait until 1967 when they started another invasion, which finally was successful.

So when you say "a country that has bent over backwards to make peace", that shows you have never read anything at all about the 1948 or 1967 wars.
The Zionists basically invented terrorism, as no one before had ever done anything so vicious and violent.
They did not just shoot the men, women, and children, but instead relied almost entirely on throwing grenades into homes, through the windows.

And this was not just one odd terrorist gang.
The leader of Irgun was Menachim Begin, who the Israelis were aware had committed these atrocities.
And yet they elected him Prime Minister.
And they have never stopped.
They continually murder Arab natives in order to steal additional properties, daily.

Look at the facts.
The Palestinians are 13 million natives who owned all the properties, never had any weapons, and never harmed anyone who did not deserve it.
The Israelis are 7 million illegal immigrants who have constantly been lying, murdering, and stealing homes.
How do you think the Israelis managed to occupy 85% of the former Palestine that we were obligated to protect from invaders like the Zionists?
Why would anyone think that 13 million mostly farmer natives, could survive in 15% of their former land?
don't get your history from movies.
The Arabs lost a war with the Jews, both sides intending to stomp the other.

The state of Greater Israel and the nation of the Jews will be here in another five centuries, it is going nowhere.
You can not have a "democracy" if a candidate is hit with 91 ridiculous indictments.
Obviously that many will prevent any money or time for a campaign.
It is clearly illegal insurrection to void a fair election.
We cannot let an alleged criminal off the hook for the numerous crimes he is charged with just because he has the wherewithal to runs for public office. Either you trust our system of law and order, Grand Juries, judges and everything, or you want to scrape it an allow for a more authoritarian form of government.

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