Bailout bill works for you!


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
The Troubled Asset Recovery Program, which is no longer recovering troubled assets, is now offering regular mom & pop people like you and me a part of the $700 billion.

Story here.

Download application to get money from the government here.
Let's thank neotards like Obama, Reid, Pelosi, McCain and Bush for this.

Thank you!
The Troubled Asset Recovery Program, which is no longer recovering troubled assets, is now offering regular mom & pop people like you and me a part of the $700 billion.

Dam, I looked and it doesn’t seem that they are interested in buying my mortgage, that’s ok, if they did I would probably need to use my garage to store nuclear waste or something.
Dam, I looked and it doesn’t seem that they are interested in buying my mortgage, that’s ok, if they did I would probably need to use my garage to store nuclear waste or something.

Miss a few payments, and then re-negotiate for a mortgage half the value of the home when you bought it. Talk about re-financing!

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