Bank CEOs meeting with Obama

yes, that tiny dot of light the gop sees is really a freight training heading for them.
Even if you hate to admit it those with all the wealth have all the power. What better example could show this is true.
Then with the Citizen United ruling it continued along the path of the wealthy gain an unbalanced scale of power.

To discuss debt ceiling strategy. They will then meet with Holder to discuss pending lawsuits charging malfeasance in their handling of mortgage agreements. The more they help Obabble spend, the less will be their fines. Dat be how it work in chi town muthafuggah....

Bank CEOs to meet with Obama Wednesday - Oct. 1, 2013
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To discuss debt ceiling strategy. They will then meet with Holder to discuss pending lawsuits charging malfeasance in their handling of mortgage agreements. The more they help Obabble spend, the less will be their fines. Dat be how it work in chi town muthafuggah....

Bank CEOs to meet with Obama Wednesday - Oct. 1, 2013

In the end all it will do is drive up hyperinflation and implode the economy.

Amazing these buffoons get paid to re-enact Weimar Republic policies.
Actually, this is a moral dilemma for Obama. Since when does a sitting president meet with 18 CEOs and not with Republicans in congress? How do you expect the Republicans to negotiate when he's elsewhere? What kind of picture does this send to all of the poor folks he supposedly cares about?
Actually, this is a moral dilemma for Obama. Since when does a sitting president meet with 18 CEOs and not with Republicans in congress? How do you expect the Republicans to negotiate when he's elsewhere? What kind of picture does this send to all of the poor folks he supposedly cares about?

And who was it Dickhead Cheney went and talked to when setting Bush admin. Energy policy. I detest what Obama's doing, just pointing out that because of partisan support, it didn't stop him and so it won't stop Obama now.

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