Bannon lawyers up, to testify. Kushner Krew better stock up on Extra Strength Immodium AD


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Bannon has no use for Javanka and rightly so. With Bannon's departure Javanka has turned Trump into Jeb "act of love" Bush.

1600 has now become a "love a Democrat first" farce. Pity.
I have given the Trump organized crime family some mob names.

Steve "Two Shirts" Bannon.

Ivanka "The Brick" Trump.

Donald "The Egg" Trump, Jr.

Donald "Tiny Hands" Trump, Sr.

Natalia "Jumo" Veselnitskaya.
Bannon has no use for Javanka and rightly so. With Bannon's departure Javanka has turned Trump into Jeb "act of love" Bush.

1600 has now become a "love a Democrat first" farce. Pity.
I agree completely. I can't wait for Kushner and Ivanka to go!
I must say TD, I had to look up what "Immodium" was but now that I have, "better stock up on Extra Strenght Immodium" is one of the cleverest phrases I've read here all day. And I've been reading at least an hour. :thup:
Steve Bannon Lawyers Up As Russia Investigators Ready to Pounce

The Daily Beast has learned that the former top White House strategist has retained Bill Burck, of the firm Quinn Emanuel. Two sources tell us Burck is helping Bannon prepare for an interview with the House intelligence committee, which is currently scheduled for next week. Sources also said Bannon plans to “fully cooperate” with investigators.

Burck also represents White House Counsel Don McGahn and former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus for the purposes of the Russia probe, as Law360 reported last September.

It is not unheard of for one attorney to represent more than one client on the same matter. But the fact that several key players with Trump administration ties have the same lawyer could irk investigators.
I think you missed what Trump was up to, TD. First off, with the avalanche of attacks on his sanity and competence, he had to appear calm and engaged in that meeting. Feinstein tried to bamboozle him with the "clean bill" gambit letting the "dreamers" stay without any border security. Trump seemed to agree it was a good idea but thought she meant with border security but without comprehensive (amnesty) reform. One of his amigos picked up on what she was trying and explained that wasn't about to happen. Trump seemed a little taken aback she'd try something that clumsy and obvious. He said again and again, no wall, no DACA. The far-right commenters like Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter jumped to the wrong conclusion....that meeting was a PR COUP for the president and the far-right should keep their yaps shut and give him room to operate.
Bannon has no use for Javanka and rightly so. With Bannon's departure Javanka has turned Trump into Jeb "act of love" Bush.

1600 has now become a "love a Democrat first" farce. Pity.

I told you Trump was a Democrat, but hey you had that hope that did nit last long!
I think you missed what Trump was up to, TD. First off, with the avalanche of attacks on his sanity and competence, he had to appear calm and engaged in that meeting. Feinstein tried to bamboozle him with the "clean bill" gambit letting the "dreamers" stay without any border security. Trump seemed to agree it was a good idea but thought she meant with border security but without comprehensive (amnesty) reform. One of his amigos picked up on what she was trying and explained that wasn't about to happen. Trump seemed a little taken aback she'd try something that clumsy and obvious. He said again and again, no wall, no DACA. The far-right commenters like Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter jumped to the wrong conclusion....that meeting was a PR COUP for the president and the far-right should keep their yaps shut and give him room to operate.

Seriously, Tucker isn't far right. I've been a fan of his since Cross Fire. And Annie is filled with trepidation for good reason. Trump is now surrounded by advisors who are either Rockefeller Republicans or RINOS with the exception of Stephen Miller.

The most worrisome of course is Ivanka and Jared aka the Javanka "Daddy you have to bomb Syria right now because I'm sad and distraught at that bad man Assad" Kushners.
Bannon has no use for Javanka and rightly so. With Bannon's departure Javanka has turned Trump into Jeb "act of love" Bush.

1600 has now become a "love a Democrat first" farce. Pity.

I told you Trump was a Democrat, but hey you had that hope that did nit last long!

I put him as a Rockefeller Republican but when Bannon endorsed him I had hope. Which of course now is diminishing rapidly.
I must say TD, I had to look up what "Immodium" was but now that I have, "better stock up on Extra Strenght Immodium" is one of the cleverest phrases I've read here all day. And I've been reading at least an hour. :thup:

and the Trumpbots are going to need a lifetime supply of this after Trump gets through screwing them ..

Now to the key point of Bannon testifying.

One must remember that Bannon and Priebus tried to dissuade Trump from firing Comey. Bannon was completely right to call it the biggest political idiotic mistake for some time (I added idiotic). Now I realize Trump had every right to do so.And most certainly a myriad of reasons to do so.

But the timing of the firing could not have been worse. Ivanka and Jared convinced Trump to ignore his advisers and got him to nuke Comey.

You know the drill conservatives. :) "Daddy that bad man Comey is looking at our finances". Poof! Comey's canned.

"According to Vanity Fair, Priebus believes Trump was persuaded to fire Comey by Kushner and his wife, Ivanka, during a weekend at the president's golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. When Trump returned to the White House on May 8, he informed aides he was going to fire Comey, and he dismissed the FBI director the next day."

Steve Bannon reportedly wants Reince Priebus to testify that Jared Kushner was behind the FBI director's firing

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