Barack Obama - A Horse of a Different Color

Wow, how badly did you misread my last response and I'm the idiot:lol:

You must of went to FSU

Close, NYU, only about 1300 miles off this time, but hey 2 out of the 3 letters ain't bad.

Where did you go? BCC?

And now I didn't misread your response you dolt. I moved downhere 5 year ago and have to say the intelligence factor of many Floridians is that of a cucumber. Every now and then you meet a really nice person to have a conversation with but then 10 minutes in you find out they are from somewhere else.
Obama is meeting today with McCain. Since they are both such good friends of Zbigniew Brzezinski I betcha McCain ends up in Obama's cabinet. Can I then be allowed to BARF?
Obama is meeting today with McCain. Since they are both such good friends of Zbigniew Brzezinski I betcha McCain ends up in Obama's cabinet. Can I then be allowed to BARF?

Obama said a Republican was going to be in his cabinet--McCain could be it . :lol: Get you're bag ready.
:clap2::clap2: So true, So true. I bet he'd make a spot for John Lewis until Lewis said what was true though not popular so now he can't.

One thing that he's done though that kinda pissed me off was that he didn't support any of the 3 black candidates to replace him in Illinois. He was the only Black Senator and hopefully the Governor will not listen to him

Well said my very astute brother.
Obama is meeting today with McCain. Since they are both such good friends of Zbigniew Brzezinski I betcha McCain ends up in Obama's cabinet. Can I then be allowed to BARF?

You can smell Zbigniew Brzezinski all over Obama's foreign policy .. especially anywhere Russia is involved.
To the first post ...
All politicians are full of shit!!! Rich thieves!!!
As I said before the election and still feel today, obama got what he wanted already and now just rides it out and Im sure pointing the finger along the way.
He might me charismatic and all that, but has no experience and who do you think wrote all the speaches it wasn't him!
To the first post ...
All politicians are full of shit!!! Rich thieves!!!
As I said before the election and still feel today, obama got what he wanted already and now just rides it out and Im sure pointing the finger along the way.
He might me charismatic and all that, but has no experience and who do you think wrote all the speaches it wasn't him!

It's so much clearer now, thanks for that.
Close, NYU, only about 1300 miles off this time, but hey 2 out of the 3 letters ain't bad.

Where did you go? BCC?

And now I didn't misread your response you dolt. I moved downhere 5 year ago and have to say the intelligence factor of many Floridians is that of a cucumber. Every now and then you meet a really nice person to have a conversation with but then 10 minutes in you find out they are from somewhere else.

Lol, youre hilarious. And I'm not gonna get into a pissing contest with you because its going to get nowhere. But reading your threads is a hilarious moment in my day
I agree with much of what you say, but we differ in what we think most important. There are no quick fixes for what ails us domestically and there is no political will on either side of the aisle to take on where capitialism fails in the areas you spoke of.

Did I suggest that there were quick fixes? Obama can begin mitigating the problems. It takes a 180 degree turn in maco-economic planning to actually fix things.

I did note that I doubted Obama could do that, and I also pointed out why he wouldn't be able to do that, too.

Mostly though, the reason he won't be able to do it is because the American people have bought into the lie that FREE TRADE benefits them.

We see examples of that on this board every damend day.

People who think that laissez faire capitalism is the goal, for example, also believe FREE TRADE is a good thing. People who believe in social darwinism, belived FREE TRADE is a nature thing that serves progress. And then there's millions of Americans who work in industries that actually do benefit from FREE TRADE who are quite reasonable supporting their own rice bowls regardless of that pernicious policy's overall effect on their nation, too.

Americans have little recognition of those who "really run this nation", thus little recognition of what a real fix would even look like.

I doubt any of us can name the puppeteers pulling the strings. If we know their names, they're the puppets, not the puppeteers.

America is in for a well-deserved bumpy ride economically and Obama could possibly soothe some pain .. maybe, but a "fix" ain't happening anytime soon.

Americans don't deserve this bumpy ride. Let's not become part of the BLAME THE VICTIM team, here, okay?

From my perspective, Obama could make his greatest impact internationally, which, in my opinion, impacts us domestically. The American economy is dependent on the rest of the world and dependent on how we are percieved by the world. He has tremendous opportunity to make that impact with an anxious world that greets him with open arms .. but it is here that I think will be his greatest failing.

I'm listening...

During the primaries Obama said he wanted to bring US troops home from Iraq by the end of 2008 and he nuanced the impression that he looked more to soft power than military power. He also said he wanted to end the "mindset that took us to Iraq." His position morphed dependent on what crowd he was speaking to and what time of the political season it was. Point is some of us were paying attention .. and when he started to nuance his way towards war, some of us got off the boat.

He pulled a NiXXon on the electorate, didn't he? He started our very dovish, and then evolved into a pragmatist as the campaign progressed.

Let's see what his plan really is regarding Iraq. I think we're out in 24 months which is, in the greater scheme of things, not a completely terrible outcome.

As to the rest of his foreign policy?

It looks a lot like more of same Democratic foreign policy to me.

The world will grow less enamored with Obama, when that reality sets in.

But let's remember, shall we, that the rest of the world ALSO is being dominated by the same internationalists who dominate OUR nation.

The whole damned industrialized world, workers everywhere are getting screwed by the neo-feudalism that is really what FREE TRADE amounts to.

The EUROS are getting screwed, the OZ likely will be, too.

I think if Obama REALLY did something serious about this problem he'd be struck down by a lone gunman with another magic fucking bullet to be honest.

If Americans want to fix this AMERICAN PEOPLE have to wake up and DEMAND a fix that is meaningful.

No other people on earth still have enough power to do frighten our governement methinks.

And ironically, you want to know why that is true?

My answer will probably crack some of our gun queers up


Yeah, that's right, Congressmen still fear the torch and pitchfork crowd, folks. As well they should, too.

The superrich realize that if the zietguiest changes in this nation, I mean if the truth really becomes part of how Americans perceive the world, then by GOD the masters' advantages won't mean jackshit because we'll tear up the social contract and rewrite it.

I don't expect that to happen, of course, but that possibility is always out there, too.

We can fix this the easy way (politically) or we can wait until even the dumbest libertarian can see that they've been duped, and then frankly I think the masterclass wins, nation states because tools of power over the people, and pretty much every other social need is left to the corporations to dole out as they see fit.

That is really THE PLAN folks. Not an offical end to nation states, but the defanging of them (in relation to big money) but keeping them in place as the smokescreen and tool to control the people.

Basically, that's some kind of feudalist society a la the third millenium.

And then?

WEll I'm just guessing here, but then I think the plan is to control the world's population to bring it down to whatever the master class thinks is truly sustainable.

If their plan works out, our grandchildren are NOT going to be able to breed unless the government allows them to.

Yeah, the people I think runs things plan in terms of centuries, not years or presidental elections.

I know this sounds like science fiction folks, but we're damned close to our robotic revolution and let's face it...if you're of the class which is superwealthy, the working class is looking more and more like an expense that the superwealthy will want to jetison as soon as the workers can be mostly replaced by machines.
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Obama is obviously economically ignorant. Let's hope you're right and he gets the right people to guide him in the right direction. For Bill Clinton, it was the Conservative-controlled Congress. Obama doesn't have that luxury right now.

Says people whose judgment allowed them to cast two ballots for the worst president I've seen in my lifetime.

And, again, McCain was the candidate who was economically ignorant and who would have foisted Phil Gramm on us.

And you can pretend that about Clinton all you want. It is distortion and an effort to re-write history. Clinton ran as a "new democrat" who was far more conservative than "traditional" democrats on economic issues.

It's really important to get your facts straight. No matter what you wish they were.

As for Obama... I hope he succeeds too. But if he fails, it won't be for lack of ability. It will be that the mess the repubs left him was far too great to be dealt with as quickly as needed so the loonies couldn't use THEIR failures against him.
Obama appears to have chosen another ex-Clintonite, Eric Holder for Attorney General. Republicans are going to go after Holder for his role in Clinton's pardons of Mark Rich and 16 Puerto Rican nationalists while he was Deputy AG in the Clinton Administration..

Holder also defended UBS against charges of racial discrimination.

Holder also said, shortly after the Patriot Act was signed into law, that dissenters should not be tolerated, and he invoked 9/11 while calling for the firing of any "petty bureaucrat" who might suggest that proper procedures be followed and that the separation of powers be respected?

Appearing on CNN in June, 2002, the former Clinton administration Justice Department aide sounded as if he had just stepped out of the Bush camp: "We're dealing with a different world now. Everybody should remember those pictures that we saw on September the 11th. The World Trade Centers aflame, the pictures of the Pentagon, and any time some petty bureaucrat decides that his or her little piece of turf is being invaded, get rid of that person. Those are the kinds of things we have to do."

If that's unsettling, consider the fact that Holder was part of the legal team that in 2005 developed strategies for securing re-authorization of the Patriot Act.

Holder, as a corporate lawyer in private practice after leaving the Clinton team, played a key role in negotiating an agreement with the Justice Department that got Chiquita Brands International executives off the hook for paying protection money to right-wing death squads in Colombia.
The Trouble With Eric Holder

Holder said in an interview that he is considering not only prosecuting more marijuana cases but also asking the D.C. Council to enact stiffer penalties for the sale and use of marijuana.

He also wants to throw more people in jail for prostitution.

Just what the greatest prison nation in human history needs .. more people in jail for minor crimes.
Americans don't deserve this bumpy ride. Let's not become part of the BLAME THE VICTIM team, here, okay?

I disagree. Politicians do not have sole responsibility for our government and we, by our apathy and intellectual laziness, have allowed OUR government to be completely taken over by the corporate interest. We cheered and applauded when Bush marched US soldiers off to Iraq on the flimsiest "evidence" imaginable. "Mushroom clouds in 45 minutes." Ridiculous.

We don't even have the temerity to demand a real investigation of the events of 9/11.

We expect our politicians to lie to us and we defend their lies.

I completely disagree.

As to the rest of his foreign policy?

It looks a lot like more of same Democratic foreign policy to me.

The world will grow less enamored with Obama, when that reality sets in.

I agree.
Obama appears to have chosen another ex-Clintonite, Eric Holder for Attorney General. Republicans are going to go after Holder for his role in Clinton's pardons of Mark Rich and 16 Puerto Rican nationalists while he was Deputy AG in the Clinton Administration..

Holder also defended UBS against charges of racial discrimination.

Holder also said, shortly after the Patriot Act was signed into law, that dissenters should not be tolerated, and he invoked 9/11 while calling for the firing of any "petty bureaucrat" who might suggest that proper procedures be followed and that the separation of powers be respected?

Appearing on CNN in June, 2002, the former Clinton administration Justice Department aide sounded as if he had just stepped out of the Bush camp: "We're dealing with a different world now. Everybody should remember those pictures that we saw on September the 11th. The World Trade Centers aflame, the pictures of the Pentagon, and any time some petty bureaucrat decides that his or her little piece of turf is being invaded, get rid of that person. Those are the kinds of things we have to do."

If that's unsettling, consider the fact that Holder was part of the legal team that in 2005 developed strategies for securing re-authorization of the Patriot Act.

Holder, as a corporate lawyer in private practice after leaving the Clinton team, played a key role in negotiating an agreement with the Justice Department that got Chiquita Brands International executives off the hook for paying protection money to right-wing death squads in Colombia.
The Trouble With Eric Holder

Holder said in an interview that he is considering not only prosecuting more marijuana cases but also asking the D.C. Council to enact stiffer penalties for the sale and use of marijuana.

He also wants to throw more people in jail for prostitution.

Just what the greatest prison nation in human history needs .. more people in jail for minor crimes.

That scares me abit, but at least he still answers to Obama. Anything is better then the atrocities known as Ashcroft and Gonzalez. They hire people from unaccredited schools started by Pat Buchanon that are religious based
That scares me abit, but at least he still answers to Obama. Anything is better then the atrocities known as Ashcroft and Gonzalez. They hire people from unaccredited schools started by Pat Buchanon that are religious based

My brother, remeber when Obama was against the Patriot Act .. but now he's for it? .. Holder helped draft provisons for its renewal .. and he said that any "petty bureaucrat" that didn't like it should be fired.

Remember when Obama was for the decriminalization of marijuana .. now he's against it .. Holder wants to make all mj convictions a felony and he wants harser and longer sentences for those who use it .. this in the greatest prison nation in human history.

Remember when people were saying Obama is saying what he had to say to get elected .. they were right.

If you think Holder is any different than Gonzalez or Ashcroft you should look again my friend.
My brother, remeber when Obama was against the Patriot Act .. but now he's for it? .. Holder helped draft provisons for its renewal .. and he said that any "petty bureaucrat" that didn't like it should be fired.

Remember when Obama was for the decriminalization of marijuana .. now he's against it .. Holder wants to make all mj convictions a felony and he wants harser and longer sentences for those who use it .. this in the greatest prison nation in human history.

Remember when people were saying Obama is saying what he had to say to get elected .. they were right.

If you think Holder is any different than Gonzalez or Ashcroft you should look again my friend.

Damn, you make really good points, but it kind of sucks because you are starting to burst my bubble a bit. Actually, as I re-read what you wrote, you burst my bubble a lot. I'm pissed, because Marijuana SHOULD'VE been decriminalized along time ago. 77% of black men are in prison for drug related reasons and thats ridiculous
Damn, you make really good points, but it kind of sucks because you are starting to burst my bubble a bit. Actually, as I re-read what you wrote, you burst my bubble a lot. I'm pissed, because Marijuana SHOULD'VE been decriminalized along time ago. 77% of black men are in prison for drug related reasons and thats ridiculous


Now you see why I tell people they shouldn't talk to me.

You are right on about black men in prison for minor mj offenses .. and weigh that 77% with the fact that blacks make up up 14% of illegal drug users .. about proportionate to population .. and whites make up about 77% of all illegal drug users.

I'm not in anyway suggesting we should lock up more white people, but that our system of justice has absolutely nothing to do with justice.

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