Barbara Boxer, the Alan Grayson wanna-be...


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Sen. Boxer Warns EPA Provision In GOP Tax Cut Bill Will Lead To Thousands Of Deaths | Fox News
Sen. Barbara Boxer warned Tuesday that more than 8,000 people will die every year if Congress passes the Republican-backed payroll tax cut bill -- because it includes a provision that would delay regulations on industrial boilers.
Boxer, citing "peer-reviewed science," rattled off a string of statistics that come from the EPA regarding the impact of the House proposal.

She said the GOP bill would lead to 8,100 "premature deaths" per year, 52,000 more asthma cases per year and 5,100 more heart attacks per year, in addition to hundreds of thousands of "lost work days."
Interesting how she did not specify the source of this 'peer reviewed science'. I wonder which orifice she pulled those numbers out of.

Boxer's press conference was not the first time a lawmaker has warned of the mortal effects of legislation. During the health care overhaul debate, then-Rep. Alan Grayson, R-Fla., took to the floor to warn that the Republican plan is for Americans to "die quickly."
General, you will call me princess, er er Senator. Got it peon? Boxer is just an egotistacal wannabe.
The Progressives are pulling out all the stops.

The fear mongering and stupidity is strong with that woman..

my gawd.
30,000 deaths a year in car accidents, I wonder when they are going to call for the ban of cars.?

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