Barry Channels Hillary...

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
But instead of calling us normal Americans "deplorable" and "irredeemable", he went with "divisive, resentful, and paranoid". I guess he never considered how well that worked for her, but hey, he was there for an award, not to help a candidate. In fact, Barry never helped anybody get elected but himself and he won't now. He's too lazy and self-centered to care about the party who handed him fame and fortune so his appearances are like Slick Willy' keep his face in front of us and jack up his speaking fees. Except his words rang hollow and burned out...there was none of the wide-eyed adoration for him in the audience and that crowd would have been pure Obama back in 2008 when he promised the kids the moon and ended up putting them in massive student loan debt without a chance at a good job when they graduated. By seizing the student loan program, now they get dogged by the IRS instead of written off as a bad bet before bankruptcy, no relief....that's Barry for ya. And it's no surprise several candidates have politely asked him to stay away from their campaigns, Tester and Heitkamp flat out told him thanks, but no thanks. You're old, bad news, Barry....we've seen how a real President operates now.

I'm calling it, Obama is an asshole.

It must have killed him to stick that Flag pin on his coat when he didn't have to anymore.

Obama is a phony, a con man. The guy's resume since college is damn near blank, even with a law degree from Harvard. Never argued a big case. Never held a real job. Then wormed his way into politics and lied his way into the White House with HUGE assistance from the liberal media.
I'm calling it, Obama is an asshole.

It must have killed him to stick that Flag pin on his coat when he didn't have to anymore.

Obama is a phony, a con man. The guy's resume since college is damn near blank, even with a law degree from Harvard. Never argued a big case. Never held a real job. Then wormed his way into politics and lied his way into the White House with HUGE assistance from the liberal media.

We have no idea what he did at Harvard or if he was ever enrolled there...We do know he got a foreign exchange student loan as a boy from KENYA at Occidental. Put a real FBI agent on his background and you could keep a grand jury busy for a year....he belongs in Leavenworth and Trump is the man to put him there when he gets a real AG instead of Mr. Magoo.
The guy who ran guns to Mexico, grew ISIS, money laundered planeloads of cash to Iran, overthrew our ally in Egypt in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, just received the "Ethics in Politics" Award.
Ironic isn't it...

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