Basking In The Afterglow


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....of the dumpster fire known as the Mueller Hearings, we on the Right are smiling like a Cheshire Cat.


And, continuing the schadenfreude, here is the editorial from the NYSun, putting things in their correct perspective:

"...Mr. Trump was elected by attacking the entire political class from right to left and practically all leaders of both parties and the parties themselves. He managed to stir up enough discontent to win the nomination of one of the parties and then got just enough votes in the right places to win the election.

Since Mr. Trump had opposed everyone in both parties, they all opposed him, and the Republicans, almost as much as the Democrats, wanted to get rid of him.

Mr. Trump was not only the first president who had never sought or held a public office, elected or unelected, or a military position. He also had no knowledge of the official procedures and attitudes in the upper approaches to the presidency. As he had changed parties seven times in 13 years looking for his chance to try the novel theory of turning celebrity, and often rather crass celebrity, into electability, and had countered press skepticism with social-media direct contact with the people, supplemented by support on the talk-radio circuit, which generally enlists the attention of a lower-middle- and working-class demographic, he had no cadre of political loyalists to assist him.

The new president thus had no bedrock of support in either party or any part of government, and was not treated to the traditional “honeymoon” period with Congress. He was like a threatening alien to the powers that have always been, and they reacted with almost uniform hostility.

They generally hoped that he had colluded illegally with the Russians, so they could be quickly rid of him. The proportions of that gigantic fiasco have been appreciated by the president and his supporters, but the effect of it on his enemies has been the bitter embarrassment of the defeated and unconvinced.

....the farther to the economic and foreign-policy left one is, the more repulsive Donald Trump appears. The far-left faction of the Democrats, led by congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib, ....All four of them qualify as anti-Semites.
...the president is doing what he can to help make these four the best publicly known face of the Democrats. ...and the president will hang their insane ideas around the Democrats’ necks like a toilet seat.

Their hate is real, but their impression of the target is a chimerical mirage. In pursuit of him it is acceptable to say publicly “impeach the motherf***er,” to claim adequately outfitted border detention centers where illegal migrants are fed Big Macs are “concentration camps” where children are forced to drink from toilets, and to demand a green terror, unpatrolled borders, free health care for everyone, doubled income-tax rates in the high and corporate brackets, trillions of dollars for reparations to non-whites, and legalized infanticide.

Mr. Trump is steadily gaining strength in the polls of African and Hispanic Americans and has no grievance with Muslims per se, just with the two whom he mentioned.

Mr. Trump is not a racist. The congresswomen’s attacks on the United States; Ms. Omar’s trivialization and quasi-justification of the 9/11 terrorist attacks; the imputation of racial and sexual bigotry to almost anyone who is not in lock-step with their absurd and nasty opinions, including their own leader, Nancy Pelosi — all are well within their rights of freedom of expression, but are politically suicidal."
Why the Left So Despises Donald Trump

Time to form a new party, Democrats????
Trump is the country's first Independent president.

He has no allegiance to the Republican party, and would have ran as a Democrat if that is what it took to get elected.

As far as he is concerned, they can both go pound sand. ... :cool:
Trump is the country's first Independent president.

He has no allegence to the Republican party, and would have ran as a Democrat if that is what it took to get elected.

As far as he is concerned, they can both go pound sand. ... :cool:

Just imagine.....a President elected by the people, not by a party.
Policies not personalities.
It is worth noting.
I left the democrat party in the early 1990's, flirted in being a republican only to be shaken back to reality, now I am a full independent and free thinker where I am free of party ideology and free of having to provide tortured rationalizations in defending their indefensible party propaganda.

Have not voted for a presidential candidate since Romney who turned out to be a deadglow, when Trump came along, refrained from voting for him due to being unsure of what he is and what he would do, never considered Hillary whom I consider a proven criminal, and ugly human being who is also incompetent.

In time as President, I have slowly come around to him, despite his crude replies to people who often deserved it, because he does have some true accomplishments that hasn't been seen for decades. The absurd and lying attacks on him, calling him a racist and other dumb crap opens my eyes to wonder why the over the top hate against him. Now the Kavanaugh controversy and the ridiculous Mueller "investigation" (knowing from the start Trump never conspired with the Russians) has caused me to change my mind, I WILL vote for President Trump in 2020 because he LOVES America and genuinely wants to solve major problems that the two parties have dragged their feet on for decades.

I don't like the Republican party, despise the dog eared drooling, knuckledragging leftist party called democrats, as they are racist, haters, and anti-America. They were then and STILL are today the party of slavery, socialists and sexual deviants.
I left the democrat party in the early 1990's, flirted in being a republican only to be shaken back to reality, now I am a full independent and free thinker where I am free of party ideology and free of having to provide tortured rationalizations in defending their indefensible party propaganda.

Have not voted for a presidential candidate since Romney who turned out to be a deadglow, when Trump came along, refrained from voting for him due to being unsure of what he is and what he would do, never considered Hillary whom I consider a proven criminal, and ugly human being who is also incompetent.

In time as President, I have slowly come around to him, despite his crude replies to people who often deserved it, because he does have some true accomplishments that hasn't been seen for decades. The absurd and lying attacks on him, calling him a racist and other dumb crap opens my eyes to wonder why the over the top hate against him. Now the Kavanaugh controversy and the ridiculous Mueller "investigation" (knowing from the start Trump never conspired with the Russians) has caused me to change my mind, I WILL vote for President Trump in 2020 because he LOVES America and genuinely wants to solve major problems that the two parties have dragged their feet on for decades.

I don't like the Republican party, despise the dog eared drooling, knuckledragging leftist party called democrats, as they are racist, haters, and anti-America. They were then and STILL are today the party of slavery, socialists and sexual deviants.

Reality check, many political parties have a legit chance to win a national election?

Which is closer to your view?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

And which party is always......always....closer to your view?

See what I mean?
When first elected, the Republican leadership hated Trump as much as the Democrats, maybe even more.

Now the Republican leadership has faced reality and reluctantly climbed aboard the Trump train.

Pres.Trump is a smart man and I doubt that he trusts any of them as far as he can spit. .... :cool:
I left the democrat party in the early 1990's, flirted in being a republican only to be shaken back to reality, now I am a full independent and free thinker where I am free of party ideology and free of having to provide tortured rationalizations in defending their indefensible party propaganda.

Have not voted for a presidential candidate since Romney who turned out to be a deadglow, when Trump came along, refrained from voting for him due to being unsure of what he is and what he would do, never considered Hillary whom I consider a proven criminal, and ugly human being who is also incompetent.

In time as President, I have slowly come around to him, despite his crude replies to people who often deserved it, because he does have some true accomplishments that hasn't been seen for decades. The absurd and lying attacks on him, calling him a racist and other dumb crap opens my eyes to wonder why the over the top hate against him. Now the Kavanaugh controversy and the ridiculous Mueller "investigation" (knowing from the start Trump never conspired with the Russians) has caused me to change my mind, I WILL vote for President Trump in 2020 because he LOVES America and genuinely wants to solve major problems that the two parties have dragged their feet on for decades.

I don't like the Republican party, despise the dog eared drooling, knuckledragging leftist party called democrats, as they are racist, haters, and anti-America. They were then and STILL are today the party of slavery, socialists and sexual deviants.

I agree with most of your thoughts. However, left was the party of slavery and segregation and they continue to project their racist antics.
I left the democrat party in the early 1990's, flirted in being a republican only to be shaken back to reality, now I am a full independent and free thinker where I am free of party ideology and free of having to provide tortured rationalizations in defending their indefensible party propaganda.

Have not voted for a presidential candidate since Romney who turned out to be a deadglow, when Trump came along, refrained from voting for him due to being unsure of what he is and what he would do, never considered Hillary whom I consider a proven criminal, and ugly human being who is also incompetent.

In time as President, I have slowly come around to him, despite his crude replies to people who often deserved it, because he does have some true accomplishments that hasn't been seen for decades. The absurd and lying attacks on him, calling him a racist and other dumb crap opens my eyes to wonder why the over the top hate against him. Now the Kavanaugh controversy and the ridiculous Mueller "investigation" (knowing from the start Trump never conspired with the Russians) has caused me to change my mind, I WILL vote for President Trump in 2020 because he LOVES America and genuinely wants to solve major problems that the two parties have dragged their feet on for decades.

I don't like the Republican party, despise the dog eared drooling, knuckledragging leftist party called democrats, as they are racist, haters, and anti-America. They were then and STILL are today the party of slavery, socialists and sexual deviants.

Reality check, many political parties have a legit chance to win a national election?

Which is closer to your view?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

And which party is always......always....closer to your view?

See what I mean?

I don't go by the possibility of who can win, I go by their potential America first leadership qualities and how good a defender they will be for the Constitution. NONE of the Democrats presidential candidates are worth a serious look as they are ALL the same socialist hacks, who would sell out to the ideology of controlling the masses.

Republicans are no longer being viewed as the party for individualism (Democrats have been able to trample over them for years) Free Markets (they allow democrats dictate deficit spending drives) and a serious defender of the Constitution (they allow democrats control the narrative on changing or bypassing the constitution)

Republicans have become the cowardly, feebly follower party, no longer standing tall to defend their ideology they have largely abandoned or gone quiet over. Haley Barbour was the last decent party Chairman who had unified them (which is 25 years ago), creating "The Contract with America" which they over time abandoned it after a strong start.

I not a party supporter, I am a supporter of the Constitution.
I left the democrat party in the early 1990's, flirted in being a republican only to be shaken back to reality, now I am a full independent and free thinker where I am free of party ideology and free of having to provide tortured rationalizations in defending their indefensible party propaganda.

Have not voted for a presidential candidate since Romney who turned out to be a deadglow, when Trump came along, refrained from voting for him due to being unsure of what he is and what he would do, never considered Hillary whom I consider a proven criminal, and ugly human being who is also incompetent.

In time as President, I have slowly come around to him, despite his crude replies to people who often deserved it, because he does have some true accomplishments that hasn't been seen for decades. The absurd and lying attacks on him, calling him a racist and other dumb crap opens my eyes to wonder why the over the top hate against him. Now the Kavanaugh controversy and the ridiculous Mueller "investigation" (knowing from the start Trump never conspired with the Russians) has caused me to change my mind, I WILL vote for President Trump in 2020 because he LOVES America and genuinely wants to solve major problems that the two parties have dragged their feet on for decades.

I don't like the Republican party, despise the dog eared drooling, knuckledragging leftist party called democrats, as they are racist, haters, and anti-America. They were then and STILL are today the party of slavery, socialists and sexual deviants.

Reality check, many political parties have a legit chance to win a national election?

Which is closer to your view?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

And which party is always......always....closer to your view?

See what I mean?

I don't go by the possibility of who can win, I go by their potential America first leadership qualities and how good a defender they will be for the Constitution. NONE of the Democrats presidential candidates are worth a serious look as they are ALL the same socialist hacks, who would sell out to the ideology of controlling the masses.

Republicans are no longer being viewed as the party for individualism (Democrats have been able to trample over them for years) Free Markets (they allow democrats dictate deficit spending drives) and a serious defender of the Constitution (they allow democrats control the narrative on changing or bypassing the constitution)

Republicans have become the cowardly, feebly follower party, no longer standing tall to defend their ideology they have largely abandoned or gone quiet over. Haley Barbour was the last decent party Chairman who had unified them (which is 25 years ago), creating "The Contract with America" which they over time abandoned it after a strong start.

I not a party supporter, I am a supporter of the Constitution.

I didn't say anything about who would win, Tommy.....I said you have no choice if you are a supporter of the Constitution.....

The party closest to the Constitution has been the Republican Party at least since Stalin's BFF won four times.

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