Beautiful colorized movies from early 1900's....


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2021
I thought this was also fascinating. Most of the "vehicles" are horse drawn but you do see a few trucks and the bus lines. Noted at 3:00 there is a "Marilyn Monroe moment" when the wind lifts the ladies floor length skirt above her waist. I love the close ups of their faces, what were they thinking so long ago?

I thought this was also fascinating. Most of the "vehicles" are horse drawn but you do see a few trucks and the bus lines. Noted at 3:00 there is a "Marilyn Monroe moment" when the wind lifts the ladies floor length skirt above her waist. I love the close ups of their faces, what were they thinking so long ago?


Yes, wondering what they were thinking is what fascinates me. They had such different concerns then.

NO graffiti no trash. A clean city. What happened?
No beat cops.

Baltimore 1957.

NO graffiti no trash. A clean city. What happened?

Technology plain and simple far outpacing man's evolution. Just 100 years ago, electric, telephone and radio were all new. In just the past century, electronics have boomed to now, people no longer do 90% of the stuff they used to to live, it is now done for them. This has made people fat, dumb and lazy to where they no longer even know how to do stuff and expect everything at the push of a button. This drives our moral decay and all of the crime, filth and graffiti are just a manifestation of that.
Technology plain and simple far outpacing man's evolution. Just 100 years ago, electric, telephone and radio were all new. In just the past century, electronics have boomed to now, people no longer do 90% of the stuff they used to to live, it is now done for them. This has made people fat, dumb and lazy to where they no longer even know how to do stuff and expect everything at the push of a button. This drives our moral decay and all of the crime, filth and graffiti are just a manifestation of that.

When it hits the fan and their technology no longer works, MERCY! It's going to be funny watching them lose it!

.When it hits the fan and their technology no longer works, MERCY! It's going to be funny watching them lose it!

We are heading for a technological collapse. For instance, plants we eat for food need nitrogen to grow but most nitrogen is bound up in an inert form called N2. Then long ago, they created something called the Haber-Bosch process which breaks the two nitrogen atoms apart into a form which is available to plants as plant food (also is the basis for most explosives, key to mineral and resource mining).

Without this process, we could not feed 2 billion people. Put another way, there are 2 billion more people on the planet because of all the extra food we can grow because of this! Instead of keeping population down to within our means, they have instead artificially boosted food production to meet increased demand, which of course just provides the impetus for population to grow further. But that nitrogen we now create causes problems and now people like Biden and other globalists want to "save" the planet by restricting or banning fertilizer.

Just on that one thing alone, 2 billion people in the world could suddenly be at risk. Many other aspects of our infrastructure from housing to waste removal to clean water recycling to crime management and communication are all stretched to the limits.

And Joe Biden just added twice the population of Finland to our coffers in the form of illegal aliens bringing crime and disease, poor and unskilled--- just the kind of people to further tax resources.

If any part of the chain which holds all of this together including banking and government benefits fail, in a very short time we would see a collapse of our civilization that will make the Great Depression look like a Nancy Pelosi Fundraising Lawn Party. And, kid you not, the chain must eventually break as we are just continually adding and adding further to its tension.
I thought this was also fascinating. Most of the "vehicles" are horse drawn but you do see a few trucks and the bus lines. Noted at 3:00 there is a "Marilyn Monroe moment" when the wind lifts the ladies floor length skirt above her waist. I love the close ups of their faces, what were they thinking so long ago?

too fake.

May as well be on FOX News

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