Beck: ‘Lindsey Graham hating my guts is probably the highest honor I’ve ever received

And Think Progress reported on what another in the media said. And you slurped it up like a good little tool enabling media to talk about media.

Except they are another media outlet reporting this story about Graham talking. ....
Yup - the media reporting on another in the media, ET-style. :clap2:
.... The only person here who is complete bullshit is you Strawman. ....
Read: Strawman
.... I would of figured the smackdown that Shogun gave you in that other thread might make you see something called common sense but I suppose not.
Huh. 'Smackdown' - that's a 'professional wrestling' term. I am getting a better idea of your intellectual tastes. Regardless, I haven't seen you in any thread where Shogun and I have exchanged. Why don't you go there and participate? It would be my pleasure to debate with you on the three topics where I have encountered Shogun. ;)
Think Progress » Beck: ‘Lindsey Graham hating my guts is probably the highest honor I’ve ever received.’

BECK: And yet Lindsey Graham comes out and Lindsey Graham gives a talk yesterday to, I guess this is a bunch of Republicans he’s speaking to? There are a lot of things I’ll wear as a badge of honor. Lindsey Graham hating my guts is probably the highest honor I’ve ever received. Judge me by my friends and judge me by my enemies. Thank you, Lindsey Graham.

If we're judging him by Lindsey Graham being his enemy, then he is definitely a whacko Republican. :lol:
I like Beck's attitude.

A shame more "journalists" don't think that way.
I don't blame Beck, Graham is the epitome of a neo-con and everything wrong with the Republican Party today.
Huh. 'Smackdown' - that's a 'professional wrestling' term. I am getting a better idea of your intellectual tastes. Regardless, I haven't seen you in any thread where Shogun and I have exchanged. Why don't you go there and participate? It would be my pleasure to debate with you on the three topics where I have encountered Shogun. ;)

:lol: I use to watch it when I was a kid. Haven't watched wrestling in a very long time. However, now you're being a strawman once again and going off-topic.

As for the "debate" you speak of. It's more like a car crash. Shogun curb stomped you and Eagle completely. It's not often you get Del, KK, Mani, Ravi, and Shogun to all agree on something. However, you being a complete fool is one thing. So congratulations on bringing people together. :clap2:
I don't blame Beck, Graham is the epitome of a neo-con and everything wrong with the Republican Party today.

Graham is? Not Sarah Palin or any of the other wingnuts in the party but Lindsey Graham? :lol:
I don't blame Beck, Graham is the epitome of a neo-con and everything wrong with the Republican Party today.

Graham is? Not Sarah Palin or any of the other wingnuts in the party but Lindsey Graham? :lol:

Yes. The big government, pro-war wing of the Republican Party that John McCain and Lindsey Graham represent are the problems with the Republican Party. I'd throw Sarah Palin in that wing as well, but I think she's for more limited government than McCain or Graham.
Yes. The big government, pro-war wing of the Republican Party that John McCain and Lindsey Graham represent are the problems with the Republican Party. I'd throw Sarah Palin in that wing as well, but I think she's for more limited government than McCain or Graham.

I think the Big-Government/Pro-War/Religious Nutjob wing is what is wrong with the Republican party today. There have been Big Government and Pro-War Republicans going back to Reagan.
Huh. 'Smackdown' - that's a 'professional wrestling' term. I am getting a better idea of your intellectual tastes. Regardless, I haven't seen you in any thread where Shogun and I have exchanged. Why don't you go there and participate? It would be my pleasure to debate with you on the three topics where I have encountered Shogun. ;)

:lol: I use to watch it when I was a kid. Haven't watched wrestling in a very long time. However, now you're being a strawman once again and going off-topic. ....
As your OP is a story of Think Progress discussing what another in the media has said, my bringing up the media discussing each other is hardly off-topic or even close to a strawman. Read up on it.

.... As for the "debate" you speak of. It's more like a car crash. Shogun curb stomped you and Eagle completely. It's not often you get Del, KK, Mani, Ravi, and Shogun to all agree on something. However, you being a complete fool is one thing. So congratulations on bringing people together. :clap2:
So, go there and participate - or are you a coward and going to keep on discussing it here? Off-topic in your own thread. Tsk, tsk.
So, go there and participate - or are you a coward and going to keep on discussing it here? Off-topic in your own thread. Tsk, tsk.

It's my thread, I can do whatever the fuck I want in it as long as I'm not breaking a rule. What are you? The Thread Regulator? :lol:

Besides, coward? I think it would be wrong of me to go and kick someone when they just got curb stomped. It'd be certainly fun, but I'd feel bad about picking on the stupid. :D
Yes. The big government, pro-war wing of the Republican Party that John McCain and Lindsey Graham represent are the problems with the Republican Party. I'd throw Sarah Palin in that wing as well, but I think she's for more limited government than McCain or Graham.

I think the Big-Government/Pro-War/Religious Nutjob wing is what is wrong with the Republican party today. There have been Big Government and Pro-War Republicans going back to Reagan.

I'd agree for the most part. I would say Lindsey Graham is definitely a part of that.
I don't blame Beck, Graham is the epitome of a neo-con and everything wrong with the Republican Party today.

Graham is? Not Sarah Palin or any of the other wingnuts in the party but Lindsey Graham? :lol:
Yes, Lindsey "Sir Cavesalot" Graham.

The real wingnuts in that fool party are the squish jobs like Graham and McQueeg.
He's nearly a neo-con Democrat.

The fact that he always caves in to the Democrats...if you like them so much, why don't ya go join them?

That would pretty much eliminate any argument that the Democrats should be able to push any sort of bill through due to the Blue Dog Democrats. :eusa_eh:
Think Progress hyperventilating about Beck - what a surprise. :rolleyes: Just a bunch of gossipy little girls. "Did you hear what he said!!??!!"

Unfortunately (for you) it's the 'TOP STORY' on this website:

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - 'Republicans' coming after Glenn
What part of "I rarely give a shit about what Beck ever says, and even moreso with what Think Progress says" was confusing to you?

How idiotic this obsession the media has for what each other says. Keep the demand up :thup: - you keep the inanity in business.

Well, strangely, your profound lack of interest in this story inspired you to have the second highest number of posts in the thread.
I don't blame Beck, Graham is the epitome of a neo-con and everything wrong with the Republican Party today.

Graham is? Not Sarah Palin or any of the other wingnuts in the party but Lindsey Graham? :lol:

Yes. The big government, pro-war wing of the Republican Party that John McCain and Lindsey Graham represent are the problems with the Republican Party. I'd throw Sarah Palin in that wing as well, but I think she's for more limited government than McCain or Graham.

When has she any demonstrated any inclination towards that? Her single biggest accomplishment as governor of Alaska was allying herself with the Democrats to impose a windfall profits tax on AK oil. She may be trying to reinvent herself to pander to her rightwing fan club, but she has no history of staunch conservatism other than her fundie-ism.
Graham is? Not Sarah Palin or any of the other wingnuts in the party but Lindsey Graham? :lol:

Yes. The big government, pro-war wing of the Republican Party that John McCain and Lindsey Graham represent are the problems with the Republican Party. I'd throw Sarah Palin in that wing as well, but I think she's for more limited government than McCain or Graham.

When has she any demonstrated any inclination towards that? Her single biggest accomplishment as governor of Alaska was allying herself with the Democrats to impose a windfall profits tax on AK oil. She may be trying to reinvent herself to pander to her rightwing fan club, but she has no history of staunch conservatism other than her fundie-ism.

I said she's for more limited government than McCain or Graham, but you'll notice I put her in the same category as them. I didn't say that she's for a strictly limited government.
If we're judging him by Lindsey Graham being his enemy, then he is definitely a whacko Republican. :lol:

So let me see if i understand it:

If someone who is not a Republican has an enemy who is a moderate, poor excuse for a Republican, that original person who was not a Republican to begin with has then become a whacko Republican because a Republican opposes him?

If you truely believe that I have some pristine swampland to sell you on the Mississippi.
Unfortunately (for you) it's the 'TOP STORY' on this website:

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - 'Republicans' coming after Glenn
What part of "I rarely give a shit about what Beck ever says, and even moreso with what Think Progress says" was confusing to you?

How idiotic this obsession the media has for what each other says. Keep the demand up :thup: - you keep the inanity in business.

Well, strangely, your profound lack of interest in this story inspired you to have the second highest number of posts in the thread.
Cool. I can mock you, too. Amazing how your lack of comprehension is so pronounced. Let's try this again: I don't give a shit about media gossiping about media and I mock those who do. And now I'll mock you because you don't understand the meaning of 'and'. :lol:
What part of "I rarely give a shit about what Beck ever says, and even moreso with what Think Progress says" was confusing to you?

How idiotic this obsession the media has for what each other says. Keep the demand up :thup: - you keep the inanity in business.

Well, strangely, your profound lack of interest in this story inspired you to have the second highest number of posts in the thread.
Cool. I can mock you, too. Amazing how your lack of comprehension is so pronounced. Let's try this again: I don't give a shit about media gossiping about media and I mock those who do. And now I'll mock you because you don't understand the meaning of 'and'. :lol:

As I pointed out and you tried to brush off, the story was more than that. Glenn Beck had it on his own site as the top story. He wasn't gossiping about himself.
The left attacks all those they fear. Straight out of Alinsky's playbook.

RULE 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

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