Been away two weeks so What are still the problems


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
and wondering if anything has changed
Did Trump really still lose the election because the Russians meddled? Is he still insane? Has Hillary still done nothing illegal? Are productive white people still the problem and illegals and criminal minorities really the persons of virtue? Does Black Jive Matter still?
Please fill me in
The answers are:

1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. No

You're welcome.
and wondering if anything has changed
Did Trump really still lose the election because the Russians meddled? Is he still insane? Has Hillary still done nothing illegal? Are productive white people still the problem and illegals and criminal minorities really the persons of virtue? Does Black Jive Matter still?
Please fill me in
Trump is still orange.
Jughead is still the greatest.
Clinton still won the popular vote.
Trump will be locked up any day now.
Trump is still cutting taxes for all the rich people.
Trump is a racist because he wants to keep illegals out.
Oprah is the manchurian candidate.
Liberals lie so much and are so stupid they cannot see how they are hurting themselves.
I am still an uneducated fly over country rube that can't figure out anything that has words with more than two syllables.
Alinsky still rules the democrat party's pathetic agenda even though he has been dead for several decades. The DOW is up 150 points on a typical day, unemployment is at a 17 year low, illegal immigration is down 80% and President Trump negotiated talks between NK and SK. but democrats are still clinically insane
No, but Democrats are still a bunch of rich people telling poor people to vote for them so they can stay rich while Republicans ask rich people to vote for them so they can stay rich. Such choices are all we have.
What are still the problems?

Trump still hasnt built that Wall....AROUND WASHINGTON DC TO LOCK THEM ALL IN!

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