I am of two minds on the coming election.....

Don't be silly. The Dems will not pull a MAGA j6 stupidity.
Do you remember 1/20/2017 or do you have the memory of a gnat??

They pulled something way worse than J6 on day 1 and that was just the beginning of the bullshit. :rolleyes-41:

They rioted on and off nonstop until about 5 mos before the 2020 election.
You are creepy like MAGA in anti-America values. There will be no violence from anti-MaGA.
After 3 2/3 years of it before? The resisters are going to meet real resistance to their bullshit this time. Fuck that shit!

Their funding is going to be seized, and people jailed that are involved with this bullshit.

What's the latest iteration? Oh yeah, "Palestinian Protests". :rolleyes-41:
Do you remember 1/20/2017 or do you have the memory of a gnat??

They pulled something way worse than J6 on day 1 and that was just the beginning of the bullshit. :rolleyes-41:

They rioted on and off nonstop until about 5 mos before the 2020 election.
Anti and blm were protesting the election on Jan 20, 2017. They were not violent jerks about it.

The Summer of 2020 was protesting cops killing blacks. A number of those cops went to prison, as well they should.

The last thing you ever want is anti-MAGA taking you guys on. You would not survive in the slightest.

You will lose, and you know better than riot.
Do you remember 1/20/2017 or do you have the memory of a gnat??

They pulled something way worse than J6 on day 1 and that was just the beginning of the bullshit. :rolleyes-41:

They rioted on and off nonstop until about 5 mos before the 2020 election.
Already answered and dismissed. Best answer you will ever get. You all are incel cucks. So don't.
In France, the left is already rioting in anticipation of the right wing party winning the next election there. thats what we can expect in November from the violent and looney left.
After the dismal performance from Joe Biden, I'm leaning more to the second theory I have about this election. I think that they are planning on losing this election and causing massive unrest. The democrats had to know that Biden would fail this debate. Some say that they did it on purpose (I agree) and that it's all a plan to replace him without angering the base. Maybe, but two things against that: 1. the base isn't going to vote for anyone but a democrat. It doesn't matter who it is. Biden could be a bed-ridden vegetable and they'd still vote for him. 2. They really don't have a candidate to replace him that would win in November. Big Mike Obama has already said no.

They let Biden get up there and fail because they are going with their plan of chaos and resistance. they also are sure that they have sufficiently ruined everything not just in the US but abroad to where they believe that even Trump can't fix it.

The other theory i had is still not off the table. They could still cheat again but it's going to be a lot tougher. i believe the "Let Trump win" scenario is what they are going with. they could still replace him with Newsome, or Hillary, and maybe save face, but those are losers and they know it.
That's my prediction as well. The two party shitshow has created such an amplified state of fear and intolerance that neither party can sanely accept defeat. Whichever "side" loses will go into full blown, psychological, denial.
Imo really it's still about Hillary and how, and why, she lost to Trump. We need the Clintons, the Trumps, the Bidens to all .... die off, naturally.

I'm not sure what POLICY Trump really succeeded at ... besides closing the borders and making imported goods somewhat more expensive, although the money goes to the deficits, and even the gop is muttering about "revenue." That's not a bitch. I'm a pretty reliable gop voter, lol.

The DNC and WJC actually succeeded in making people think the dems were good at the econ, and they were. But aside from some photogenic progressives .... I don't see what they have today.

But as to the problem of two parties .... did you ever think the gop would shut the border? I mean they tried to get rid of fruit pickers, and the chamber of commerce said .... NYET. LOL
I am for what ever goes further to discredit the national government in the minds of the American people. So these two geezers are a win win.
Some left wing nut organization sent me a questionnaire and asked for a donation, they included a free bumper sticker with a donkey on it and it said "RESIST!". I think if Trump wins, they are planning to raise hell.
Suddenly, insurrection will become all trendy and stuff.
The important point in my original post was that the two scenarios I described answer questions. well, we now have another question:

Why did the Democrat Party allow this debate to happen?

They knew that Biden is senile, has been since the 2020 race. They had him holed up at Camp David practicing for this debate and they had to know how it was going to end. Yet they allowed it to go on.

The two scenarios I mentioned in the OP answer this question too. They are either going to cheat even more than in 2020 or they are letting it go and allowing Trump to win and them planning massive unrest under the guise of "Resistance". There is no other scenario that answers all questions.

IMO, I believe that they know they have screwed everything up so badly that they believe even Trump won't be able to fix it.
The great majority of the nation knows 2020 was not a great steal.

Regardless of the winner for the Presidency, Congress, House and Senate, must wrest power from the President and muzzle him.

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