The next presidential election and possible civil war.

Well he is being indicted in 4 different state and federal courts for dozens of felonies ranging from falsifying business records to mishandling classified documents to interfering in an election.

I’m surprised you don’t know about this. It’s rather big news. We shall see how it all shakes out.
What are the details? You can prosecute people for jay walking.
You sound very behind the curve on this one. I’d suggest looking up the filings for each case and reading the charges so you can get the details and get up to speed.
I have looked at them. I don't see any laws broken. Which law do you think he broke and how?
I have looked at them. I don't see any laws broken. Which law do you think he broke and how?
Every charge lists a law and statute that he is being prosecuted for breaking. You must have been looking at the wrong documents. Would you like me to find a link for you? It’s not hard to search and find but I’m happy to hold your hand and get you there if you’d like
Is dragging a US president through the courts a good idea? We know that third world countries and totalitarian societies try to criminalize people in front of controlled populations to demonstrate the goodness and neccessity of authoritarian government. Ocasionally a politician will arise that goes against the corruption of established leadership and exposes it as rotten. In closed societies this is often met with imprisonment, assassination, and even execution. Up until this election cycle the US was able to operate above this kind of ignorant barbarism. But when Donald Trump was the suprise winner of the presidency in 2016 all that changed.

When Trump got elected all the actors that were beneficieries of crooked government went into panic mode. Education and media in the US that had become public relations for the corruption of bad leadership realized that the jig could be up. Their gravy train was close to derailmant. The only option left to the hacks was to promulgate a mass psychosis onto the population and portray Trump as a kind of AntiChrist figure. Under reaonable circumstances this would be laughed off by free people in a free society especially considering the moronic, neurologically disabled, offering that the US government put up as an alternative.

But it is human nature that those who were fooled in the first place would never admit to being fooled. The government minions were so thoroughly brainwashed that there could no turning back. The useful idiots will never just give up and walk away. In order to save face and preserve a sense of self respect they will vote against the person that exposed them as centrally-planned dunces. So the next election will feature a skull-empty puppet of the government against an unlikely representative of the people's rejection of longstanding bad administrations on both sides of the aisle. Many will vote for puppet but it will probably not be enough. Even vote cheating will be much harder this time because too many eyes will be on the cheaters.

Assassination is not out of the picture and it could be used to keep Trump from taking power back if it is seen that what worked last time will not work this time. Let us hope that the ridiculous lawfare that is hamstringing Trump will end and that no assassination takes place because a second Civl War cannot be ruled out.
was electing a criminal president such a good idea? only if you believe his bull shit.

trump may be assassinated, and no doubt it will be blamed on a "lone assassin" and the 4 channers will find some cute pictures of the assassin in drag or something . i won't even call it a tragic death.
Is dragging a US president through the courts a good idea? We know that third world countries and totalitarian societies try to criminalize people in front of controlled populations to demonstrate the goodness and neccessity of authoritarian government. Ocasionally a politician will arise that goes against the corruption of established leadership and exposes it as rotten. In closed societies this is often met with imprisonment, assassination, and even execution. Up until this election cycle the US was able to operate above this kind of ignorant barbarism. But when Donald Trump was the suprise winner of the presidency in 2016 all that changed.

When Trump got elected all the actors that were beneficieries of crooked government went into panic mode. Education and media in the US that had become public relations for the corruption of bad leadership realized that the jig could be up. Their gravy train was close to derailmant. The only option left to the hacks was to promulgate a mass psychosis onto the population and portray Trump as a kind of AntiChrist figure. Under reaonable circumstances this would be laughed off by free people in a free society especially considering the moronic, neurologically disabled, offering that the US government put up as an alternative.

But it is human nature that those who were fooled in the first place would never admit to being fooled. The government minions were so thoroughly brainwashed that there could no turning back. The useful idiots will never just give up and walk away. In order to save face and preserve a sense of self respect they will vote against the person that exposed them as centrally-planned dunces. So the next election will feature a skull-empty puppet of the government against an unlikely representative of the people's rejection of longstanding bad administrations on both sides of the aisle. Many will vote for puppet but it will probably not be enough. Even vote cheating will be much harder this time because too many eyes will be on the cheaters.

Assassination is not out of the picture and it could be used to keep Trump from taking power back if it is seen that what worked last time will not work this time. Let us hope that the ridiculous lawfare that is hamstringing Trump will end and that no assassination takes place because a second Civl War cannot be ruled out.
True. The Dems are playing this for keeps. If they lose ,they WILL try a JFK. Remember this. JFK Did stir the "Establishment" up.
Is dragging a US president through the courts a good idea? We know that third world countries and totalitarian societies try to criminalize people in front of controlled populations to demonstrate the goodness and neccessity of authoritarian government. Ocasionally a politician will arise that goes against the corruption of established leadership and exposes it as rotten. In closed societies this is often met with imprisonment, assassination, and even execution. Up until this election cycle the US was able to operate above this kind of ignorant barbarism. But when Donald Trump was the suprise winner of the presidency in 2016 all that changed.

When Trump got elected all the actors that were beneficieries of crooked government went into panic mode. Education and media in the US that had become public relations for the corruption of bad leadership realized that the jig could be up. Their gravy train was close to derailmant. The only option left to the hacks was to promulgate a mass psychosis onto the population and portray Trump as a kind of AntiChrist figure. Under reaonable circumstances this would be laughed off by free people in a free society especially considering the moronic, neurologically disabled, offering that the US government put up as an alternative.

But it is human nature that those who were fooled in the first place would never admit to being fooled. The government minions were so thoroughly brainwashed that there could no turning back. The useful idiots will never just give up and walk away. In order to save face and preserve a sense of self respect they will vote against the person that exposed them as centrally-planned dunces. So the next election will feature a skull-empty puppet of the government against an unlikely representative of the people's rejection of longstanding bad administrations on both sides of the aisle. Many will vote for puppet but it will probably not be enough. Even vote cheating will be much harder this time because too many eyes will be on the cheaters.

Assassination is not out of the picture and it could be used to keep Trump from taking power back if it is seen that what worked last time will not work this time. Let us hope that the ridiculous lawfare that is hamstringing Trump will end and that no assassination takes place because a second Civl War cannot be ruled out.
The Secret Police may well minimize any chance of killing a former President by sending the shooter to the grave if they catch him in the act of cooking his gun within range of his target. Bye, evil shooter.

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