Democrat Election Strategy

Just 2 of your more crazy predictions (of many).
Those aren't predictions, and even the scenarios mentioned are about future possibilities.

But here's a real one that even you might understand: Joe Biden will not serve another term in office.

P.S. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But unlike you, I will admit it.
This year, Democrats are dealing with an un-reelectable President whose only objective is to prevent Donald Trump from beating him in another election. One way to do this is to disqualify Trump from running by using "legal" machinations against him. If this is accomplished before the DNC Convention in August, Biden may announce that he is retiring from office and will not run again.

If Trump is not prevented from running (or from being on enough ballots to win the Electoral College), Biden may resign for health reasons and allow another nominee to be selected. That way, Biden could claim that Trump never beat him and the DNC could limit its downticket losses. If Biden refuses to leave office, the Democrats will be left with election interference/fraud as their only hope of staying in power.
That's nothing but conspiracy theory. Not going to happen. I don't really understand this mentality. I want it to be Trump against Biden. It gives Trump the best chance of winning. Why would anyone on the right promote someone else other than Biden? Let poopy pants potatohead run.
The DA prosecuted someone who broke the law. He happens to be, somehow, the GOP nominee for President.

^ Fuck you, Gringos! Alvin Bragg has my back

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