Before and after pictures that demonstrate what the GOP and Democrats endless wars bring.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Again and again America interferes when a foreign country has a good, strong leader and a prosperous economy. There was Batista in Cuba, the Shah of Iran, Assad in Syria, Chavez in Venezuela, Qhadaffi in Libya, etc. The American military goes in, obliterates the entire country, and tries to prop up some anti-Western, often Marxist, dictator and the country turns to shit. In particular, Democrats can't handle seeing too much peace and prosperity. Everything to them is about conflict and re-distribution. This is not surprising when you look at leftist doctrines in academia.

Iran before and after the Carter administration ousted the Shah of Iran.

Syria before and after American interference under Obama.

Libya before and after Obama ousted Qhaddafi.

Cuba 1950 before the Marxists in America decided to help liberate the country from Capitalism. Their GDP rivaled that of Italy. It is now less than 1/10 that of Italy.

After America helped install the Marxist Castro and Communism was implemented.


Venezuela before and after America helped install Marixsm.



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These actions are taken to enforce our socialist programs for the markets. We destroy their economies to boost our markets.
"Before and after pictures that demonstrate what the GOP and Democrats endless wars bring."

The end of the Republicon Party
The US didn't back these Socialists or takeovers in Venezuela, Cuba, or Iran. Would not be surprised if the CIA made Chavez "sick". We backed the Shah and Batista, so you have that backwards. Syria...maybe we shipped some arms to rebels there. Libya was a French led operation and about 10-12 other countries pitched in to screw that up.
When you create a secret police force called the CIA and give them all of these cool toys they will want to play with them.....Trump wanted to cut them off and they went to work to get rid of him....if Obama wasn't such a tool and really wanted to improve the lives of Americans they would have done the same to him....
I got an idea... We make a way to check to see if our vote is counted correctly or at all. A way that would allow third parties, to double check it.

The US didn't back these Socialists or takeovers in Venezuela, Cuba, or Iran. Would not be surprised if the CIA made Chavez "sick". We backed the Shah and Batista, so you have that backwards. Syria...maybe we shipped some arms to rebels there. Libya was a French led operation and about 10-12 other countries pitched in to screw that up.

I guarantee the US made Chavez sick.

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