Being a prowler now carries an immediate death sentence


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Fear the police...

Texas deputy sheriff shoots, kills deputy constable

Sienna Plantation (WBAP/KLIF) – A deputy constable was shot and killed early Friday morning in Fort Bend County’s Sierra Plantation subdivision, south of Houston. Fort Bend Sheriff Troy Nehls says the constable was shot by a deputy while the two of them, and two other deputies were checking the security inside an unlocked, vacant house. Sheriff Nehls says the deputy thought the constable was a prowler. Sheriff Nehls says the Texas Rangers have been brought in to lead the investigation, but early indications are there was no prowler; the back door of the house was just unlocked.

Fear the police...

Texas deputy sheriff shoots, kills deputy constable

Sienna Plantation (WBAP/KLIF) – A deputy constable was shot and killed early Friday morning in Fort Bend County’s Sierra Plantation subdivision, south of Houston. Fort Bend Sheriff Troy Nehls says the constable was shot by a deputy while the two of them, and two other deputies were checking the security inside an unlocked, vacant house. Sheriff Nehls says the deputy thought the constable was a prowler. Sheriff Nehls says the Texas Rangers have been brought in to lead the investigation, but early indications are there was no prowler; the back door of the house was just unlocked.

1. Know what you're shooting at. Fear the police, if you're the police.
My first thought on this is how sorry I am to hear about it. Friendly Fire and Fratricide has been a problem since man first started fighting each other.

I hope that the investigation finds what happened, and any way we can reduce the chances of something like this happening again. cops are shooting each other. You know, when I was part of the Security Force in Newport RI, we were trained to not only make sure of your target, but to also assess the damage if you missed and it went past them. We were taught by a Gunny, that if you didn't know exactly what you were pointing a gun at, make sure it's someone or something that needs to be shot before squeezing the trigger.

But then again, I guess the military is more accountable and disciplined than the police. cops are shooting each other. You know, when I was part of the Security Force in Newport RI, we were trained to not only make sure of your target, but to also assess the damage if you missed and it went past them. We were taught by a Gunny, that if you didn't know exactly what you were pointing a gun at, make sure it's someone or something that needs to be shot before squeezing the trigger.

But then again, I guess the military is more accountable and disciplined than the police.


I was stationed at Quonset back in the early ‘70s.

Small world.

I was stationed at Quonset back in the early ‘70s.

Small world.

Yep. Was stationed in Newport RI from 94 to 97. Probably one of the best tours of duty that I ever had. Worked in the student side PSD for 1 year, then was transferred to staff. The last 2 years I was there, they asked for volunteers to be on Security Force. Well, since I was never one to go by the NAVY acronym (Never Again Volunteer Yourself), I volunteered and ended up being a squad leader by the time I was done.

I was stationed at Quonset back in the early ‘70s.

Small world.

Yep. Was stationed in Newport RI from 94 to 97. Probably one of the best tours of duty that I ever had. Worked in the student side PSD for 1 year, then was transferred to staff. The last 2 years I was there, they asked for volunteers to be on Security Force. Well, since I was never one to go by the NAVY acronym (Never Again Volunteer Yourself), I volunteered and ended up being a squad leader by the time I was done.

You’re a young guy!

I was there back in the early ‘70s with VXE-6 out of Quonsett.

Looking back, they were fun times.
My first thought on this is how sorry I am to hear about it. Friendly Fire and Fratricide has been a problem since man first started fighting each other.

I hope that the investigation finds what happened, and any way we can reduce the chances of something like this happening again.
you are would do everything right
humans are not perfect--except SavanahMan
...they will always make mistakes
and it's not because the other person might be a different color!!!! cops are shooting each other. You know, when I was part of the Security Force in Newport RI, we were trained to not only make sure of your target, but to also assess the damage if you missed and it went past them. We were taught by a Gunny, that if you didn't know exactly what you were pointing a gun at, make sure it's someone or something that needs to be shot before squeezing the trigger.

But then again, I guess the military is more accountable and disciplined than the police.

Honestly, I think it is the training today. The standardized training. Check out videos of people shooting to “FBI Qualification Standard” at the range. There are enough. It is about the quick draw, reload, and rapid fire.

It is important to learn lessons when cops get killed. We need to learn what happened, and what if anything we can do to prevent it in the future. Sort of like what happens in Aircraft accident investigations. What happened, and why.

Of course, that has been the rule for ever. The problem is that often we learn the wrong lessons. I am afraid this incident was a result of those lessons.
I would like to be able to know, that if somebody breaks into your home, that you can kill them without any kind of legal repurcussions.
My first thought on this is how sorry I am to hear about it. Friendly Fire and Fratricide has been a problem since man first started fighting each other.

I hope that the investigation finds what happened, and any way we can reduce the chances of something like this happening again.
you are would do everything right

Ah this nonsense again. Tell me something. Help me out. If we can reduce the chances of this happening again, how wrong is that to want it?

Take airplane investigations. The plane crashes, and investigators spend months figuring out what happened, the sequence of events. Sometimes it is mechanical like the 737 Max issues. Sometimes it is unforeseen complications from weather. The microburst phenomenon that we did not know about until after it had downed several planes.

Take Microbursts. We had no idea what happened. It took a long time to figure it out, and planes were crashing. All of a sudden on approach the plane would go really fast. The pilot trying to land would reduce power. Trying to slow down. Then the plane would be pushed down, the pilot would pull back on the controls in an effort to get back on the glide path, and then the plane would be going too slow, a stall, the plane crashes. People die, on the plane, and sometimes on the ground.

Once we learned, we installed sensors around airports to watch for these phenomenon. We trained the pilots. Not because we expect them to be perfect, but because we learned, and we should apply that knowledge. Now, the pilot knows when the speed up comes, he should power out of the approach and climb away. It is called a Go Around. The pilots are trained to call it out as TOGO. TOGO stands for a power setting on the aircraft. Take off Go Around. Planes even had buttons or switches on the controls to trigger an automatic power increase and climb setting.

None of us are perfect. But we can learn, and improve. We will never be perfect, but we can reduce the losses.

Every field does this. Medicine. During World War One, Two, Korea. And about halfway through Vietnam. We used to give morphine shots right away when a guy was injured. We wanted to help our fellow in pain. Now, we don’t. We restricted the access to Morphine. We learned. We were killing our troops by giving them a drug that sent them into shock. We had to stabilize the patient first, before we treated pain, to prevent the onset of Shock.

I can find no fault with anyone who did give morphine before we understood what it was doing. I don’t blame people who don’t know, and I understand they were trying to help.

We learn as individuals, and we learn as a species. We apply that knowledge, both as individuals, and as species. That isn’t perfect, that is nothing more than the way our civilization has gotten here. We learned. We improved. We applied the knowledge, and learned more.
I would like to be able to know, that if somebody breaks into your home, that you can kill them without any kind of legal repurcussions.

It would depend. Your actions determine if it is justified. Did you lay a trail of Blueray players to an open door where you waited to ambush the individual? If so, it probably won’t be justified.

Now, if you are minding your own business and someone breaks in, most probably yes, depending on the laws of the State you are in, you would be Justified. You would be in Georgia. There are usually classes offered by the NRA or other gun groups that cover use of force law and examples for your area, and the State you are in. However, even if you believe that it is absolutely without a doubt justified, do not talk to the police without a lawyer present. It will take more time, it will drag out for hours and perhaps days, but in the end, you are less likely to be charged with any crimes.

An old rule I learned from my Dad. When you are sick, seek the expertise of a Doctor. When your car is acting up, and you have no idea why, talk to a Mechanic. When you are dealing with the law, for the love of God, get a lawyer.

I was stationed at Quonset back in the early ‘70s.

Small world.

Yep. Was stationed in Newport RI from 94 to 97. Probably one of the best tours of duty that I ever had. Worked in the student side PSD for 1 year, then was transferred to staff. The last 2 years I was there, they asked for volunteers to be on Security Force. Well, since I was never one to go by the NAVY acronym (Never Again Volunteer Yourself), I volunteered and ended up being a squad leader by the time I was done.

You’re a young guy!

I was there back in the early ‘70s with VXE-6 out of Quonsett.

Looking back, they were fun times.

Yeah, I liked being stationed there. One thing that bummed me out though, was about a month before I transferred, they opened up the new barracks for E-6's, and they were NICE!!!! Instead of just a room, you got a whole apartment. There was a small living room, a small kitchen, and a bathroom and a bedroom. Probably only 450 sq ft, but still, it nice as hell, and you didn't have to share with ANYONE. And, room inspections were only once a month. Not only were they nice, but they put them right next to the bay, and you had a gorgeous view of the War College and that little bay next to it.

I also miss being able to go to Fall River and visiting the little mom and pop eateries over there. One thing I really miss that I could only find up there were bratwursts that had cheese and really good spices in them. Served on a torpedo, and you chose the toppings.

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