Being Gay Punishable by Death, According to "Moderate Muslims"


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
A lot of Muslim countries routinely punish gays and women accused of crimes by brutally murdering them. Gay men were being pushed off a roof 100 feet above ground. Women still stoned to death.

Recently, a convention was held in Texas and attended by "moderate Muslims." The media reported that the purpose of the convention was to fight Islamophobia. Of course, reporters were carefully vetted before being allowed in to ensure that the real purpose was not reported on.

In an exchange outside the convention, a young Muslim male admitted that adultery and being gay are punishable by death and did not disagree with the practice. He mentioned that it is in the Koran to deal with gays and adultery that way. So, people supposedly wanting to show us how peaceful they are have no problem admitting to archaic and brutal means of dealing with things they don't believe in. That guest speaker for this convention once admitted that the purpose of Muslims coming here is to replace our Constitution with sharia law.

Despite more and more Muslims admitting this, the left still defends them coming here and they even go along with their ruse and try to force people to accept them and not speak out. We are supposed to ignore the great insults from them, yet dare not offend them because there is a high price to pay for that.

From the links:

A masked IS fighter announces into a microphone that the two prisoners have ‘engaged in homosexual activities’ and must be punished in accordance with Islamic, Sharia law. In the square about 100 feet below, a large, all-male mob has gathered.

Then the grisly carnival proceeds as, one by one, the men are thrown from the roof. A still shows one victim in a sitting position, mid-flight. In another, both lie on the ground motionless, presumably dead.

Then there is a video sequence which, if possible, is more shocking. A woman shrouded in a black burka is dragged across a sandy area, pulled by a white cord tied round her waist. Her voice, punctuated by terrified, breathless gasps, can be heard pleading with her captors.

Then, in a grove of dusty trees, the fighters hurl large rocks at her. The final image shows her body covered by a tarpaulin. Her supposed ‘crime’ is said to have been adultery.

... Homosexuality is a capital crime in Islamic countries including Iran, Northern Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan. Capital punishment can be applied for adultery in Afghanistan, Iran, Northern Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and the UAE.

- See more at:

This past weekend in Garland, Texas, Muslim leaders affiliated with a radical, terror-linked group held a "Stand with the Prophet" rally. Their stated purpose? To "combat Islamophobia" and stand up for their "prophet" Muhammad.

Their keynote speaker was a radical imam Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator of the 1993 world trade center bombing.

Wahhaj once said "It is my duty and our duty as Muslims to replace the U.S. Constitution with the Quran."

An exchange with one of the "peaceful Muslims" who was at the convention that supposedly was held to end peoples' fear of Muslims. Gotta say, this didn't help.

WATTERS: "Why are stonings and beheadings tolerated?"

MUSLIM MAN: "Because that’s what we believe, it says in the Qur’an"

Chilling. And that was from a well-dressed, geeky-looking Muslim.

But don’t worry, Obama says there is no such thing as "radical Islam."
The Muslims who follow the whole of the law
will understand that Mohammad taught followers to receive and respect
ALL sent by God.

So by receiving God's truth given in Christianity
and Christ Jesus as Restorative Justice,
and God's natural laws as taught both by
Mohammad and by Constitutional principles of democracy,
then these practices of "bypassing due process"
and acting as judge/jury/executioner will cease.

This is happening in countries that don't
teach due process and equal defense
and equal protection of religions, but
are not following the whole of God's laws as Mohammad even instructed.

Christianity teaches the proper way to rebuke and redress grievances
and trespasses in Matthew 18:15-20 which is part of God's laws
that Muslims are supposed to follow.

Constitutionalism based on natural laws given by God
also teaches due process, and the spirit of the laws
based on "consent of the governed" and "equal protection of the laws."

So if these laws given by God were followed in full,
then these wrongs would be prevented.

The problem is that in order to rebuke by the spirit of the laws,
the witnesses have to be united in the spirit of Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice.

As more Christians Muslims and Constitutionalists unite
instead of being divided against one another,
then more will have authority to police these wrongs by enforcing laws together.
Not even the usual hit and run post from a liberal?

The Muslims at the convention in Texas are supposed to be all about peace and love and dispelling peoples' fears about Islam. So the first thing they do is ban anyone with a Jewish-sounding name from attending. Watters purchased a ticket, but they told him he would be refunded since they refused to let him in.

When he spoke with the so-called peaceful Muslims outside the convention, a nerdy guy said they had no problem with the slaughter of gays and women since it's in the Koran. This goes along with numerous polls from Muslims worldwide that show the majority of them are okay with honor killings, sharia law, genital mutilation and other nasty things that most of us can't stomach.

If these are the peaceful Muslims that we are supposed to embrace, no thanks. Killing in the name of religion seems commonplace in Muslim countries. Women are abused, as are children. In Saudi Arabia, one of our allies, a woman was beheaded in the streets as cops watched. She was accused of killing her child and was given an instant death sentence by her husband. I doubt she even got a trial. Even if a Muslim woman does get a trial, the courts do not take the word of women seriously. Come on, libs, these are the people you keep asking the world to sympathize with. I've seen liberals protest the execution of confessed serial killers, yet the same people remain silent when a woman is beheaded for merely being accused of something. Why is the left so scared about criticizing the Muslims in any way? What is it about them that makes you guys so afraid to speak out? How many of you were outraged a while back when a prisoner survived the execution attempt and thought it was inhumane? What do you call Muslim women begging for their lives as husbands or fathers stone or behead them for shaming the family?

Not one damn liberal has the guts to outright condemn this. All we get is the usual bullshit that most Muslims aren't like that. Never a condemnation of the evil ones that kill every day, just defense of others. That tells me that the left is scared to death to offend any Muslim. Maybe they believe that their messiah will successfully turn us into the largest Muslim nation in the world and they are hoping they will be spared once the new king starts ruling us.

The speaker at the convention that is asking for more love for Muslims stated in the past that their goal is to replace our constitution with sharia law. Never any objection from the left. I know many on the left hate the constitution, but are you guys really willing to trade it for sharia law? I can't imagine the female liberal actors in Hollywood wearing burkas and obeying men like some subservient little minions.

All we get is radical statements time after time from Muslims. Many approved of the Charlie Hebdo office killings. We saw tons of footage of Muslims dancing in the streets after 9/11. Obama continues to be kind to radicals that have no qualms about expressing their hatred for America. We keep getting told that if we are offended by the constant bullshit, we are the ones with a problem.
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A lot of Muslim countries routinely punish gays and women accused of crimes by brutally murdering them. Gay men were being pushed off a roof 100 feet above ground. Women still stoned to death.

Recently, a convention was held in Texas and attended by "moderate Muslims." The media reported that the purpose of the convention was to fight Islamophobia. Of course, reporters were carefully vetted before being allowed in to ensure that the real purpose was not reported on.

In an exchange outside the convention, a young Muslim male admitted that adultery and being gay are punishable by death and did not disagree with the practice. He mentioned that it is in the Koran to deal with gays and adultery that way

It pains me to appear to be defending Islam- because I find much about Islam to disagree with.

But I have seen Christians here post pointing out that the Old Testament says that adultery and homosexuality are crimes punishable by death.

And you provide what you say one Muslim American male said- without a quote.

Where are all of these Muslim Americans killing women and homosexuals? Where are they? I have never met a Muslim in the United States that advocates killing homosexuals or adulterers. Never.

Target radical Islam. Target Islamic extremists. Target anyone who uses Islam as an excuse for violence.

But don't target all Muslim Americans just because they are Muslim.
A lot of Muslim countries routinely punish gays and women accused of crimes by brutally murdering them. Gay men were being pushed off a roof 100 feet above ground. Women still stoned to death.

Recently, a convention was held in Texas and attended by "moderate Muslims." The media reported that the purpose of the convention was to fight Islamophobia. Of course, reporters were carefully vetted before being allowed in to ensure that the real purpose was not reported on.

In an exchange outside the convention, a young Muslim male admitted that adultery and being gay are punishable by death and did not disagree with the practice. He mentioned that it is in the Koran to deal with gays and adultery that way

It pains me to appear to be defending Islam- because I find much about Islam to disagree with.

But I have seen Christians here post pointing out that the Old Testament says that adultery and homosexuality are crimes punishable by death.

And you provide what you say one Muslim American male said- without a quote.

Where are all of these Muslim Americans killing women and homosexuals? Where are they? I have never met a Muslim in the United States that advocates killing homosexuals or adulterers. Never.

Target radical Islam. Target Islamic extremists. Target anyone who uses Islam as an excuse for violence.

But don't target all Muslim Americans just because they are Muslim.

Muslims are actually killing gays for being gay. It's not some ancient quote in the Koran. It's something they actually practice.

They also kill infidels. Anyone who insults them gets death threats and those threats get carried out. ISIS has taken over many cities. They aren't some small minority. They have a lot of power and are extremely well-funded. Stop with the crap that the radicals are only a small percent because there have been too many groups and too many attacks on a large scale.

Maybe the Muslims you know don't tell you things. I doubt you have ever asked. Watters did ask some of them attending a convention in Texas and he got answers. Yes, they believe in killing in the name of Islam. Now, go out and ask some Christians that and then get back to us with how many actually carried out threats. How about we go back 20 years and compare the number of killings by radical Muslims with the number of killings by radicals in all other religions combined?
Not even the usual hit and run post from a liberal?

The Muslims at the convention in Texas are supposed to be all about peace and love and dispelling peoples' fears about Islam. So the first thing they do is ban anyone with a Jewish-sounding name from attending. Watters purchased a ticket, but they told him he would be refunded since they refused to let him in.

When he spoke with the so-called peaceful Muslims outside the convention, a nerdy guy said they had no problem with the slaughter of gays and women since it's in the Koran. This goes along with numerous polls from Muslims worldwide that show the majority of them are okay with honor killings, sharia law, genital mutilation and other nasty things that most of us can't stomach.

If these are the peaceful Muslims that we are supposed to embrace, no thanks. Killing in the name of religion seems commonplace in Muslim countries. Women are abused, as are children. In Saudi Arabia, one of our allies, a woman was beheaded in the streets as cops watched. She was accused of killing her child and was given an instant death sentence by her husband. I doubt she even got a trial. Even if a Muslim woman does get a trial, the courts do not take the word of women seriously. Come on, libs, these are the people you keep asking the world to sympathize with. I've seen liberals protest the execution of confessed serial killers, yet the same people remain silent when a woman is beheaded for merely being accused of something. Why is the left so scared about criticizing the Muslims in any way? What is it about them that makes you guys so afraid to speak out? How many of you were outraged a while back when a prisoner survived the execution attempt and thought it was inhumane? What do you call Muslim women begging for their lives as husbands or fathers stone or behead them for shaming the family?

Not one damn liberal has the guts to outright condemn this. All we get is the usual bullshit that most Muslims aren't like that. Never a condemnation of the evil ones that kill every day, just defense of others. That tells me that the left is scared to death to offend any Muslim. Maybe they believe that their messiah will successfully turn us into the largest Muslim nation in the world and they are hoping they will be spared once the new king starts ruling us.

The speaker at the convention that is asking for more love for Muslims stated in the past that their goal is to replace our constitution with sharia law. Never any objection from the left. I know many on the left hate the constitution, but are you guys really willing to trade it for sharia law? I can't imagine the female liberal actors in Hollywood wearing burkas and obeying men like some subservient little minions.

All we get is radical statements time after time from Muslims. Many approved of the Charlie Hebdo office killings. We saw tons of footage of Muslims dancing in the streets after 9/11. Obama continues to be kind to radicals that have no qualms about expressing their hatred for America. We keep getting told that if we are offended by the constant bullshit, we are the ones with a problem.

OK so the proper way to rebuke is to present the grievances
one on one with the wrongdoer responsible, and seek to resolve
grievances to restore good faith relationships.

I believe you have done your part to spell out some of those grievances.

The next step is to present these peaceably to the people in charge
and ask for corrections.

When the Muslims met with Hermann Cain to redress grievances,
he corrected himself on points they brought up.

So the same can work here.

I just wish to God these Muslim groups would think to do this IN ADVANCE
and not wait until AFTERwards to have to face the same grievances with anger and distrust attached.

the hearings over the mosque memorial near the 9/11 site
should also have been conducted well in advance not after the fact after people already felt insulted.

I know that Mustafaa Caroll of CAIR has always sought dialogue in advance,
so it would be good to have a regular process set up instead of this same
type of conflict coming up over and over afterwards, after emotions and insults have already escalated.

I agree that grievances should be addressed on all sides.
Than k you for listing some of those.
I'm sure there are more and this is just a sampling.
A lot of Muslim countries routinely punish gays and women accused of crimes by brutally murdering them. Gay men were being pushed off a roof 100 feet above ground. Women still stoned to death.

Recently, a convention was held in Texas and attended by "moderate Muslims." The media reported that the purpose of the convention was to fight Islamophobia. Of course, reporters were carefully vetted before being allowed in to ensure that the real purpose was not reported on.

In an exchange outside the convention, a young Muslim male admitted that adultery and being gay are punishable by death and did not disagree with the practice. He mentioned that it is in the Koran to deal with gays and adultery that way

It pains me to appear to be defending Islam- because I find much about Islam to disagree with.

But I have seen Christians here post pointing out that the Old Testament says that adultery and homosexuality are crimes punishable by death.

And you provide what you say one Muslim American male said- without a quote.

Where are all of these Muslim Americans killing women and homosexuals? Where are they? I have never met a Muslim in the United States that advocates killing homosexuals or adulterers. Never.

Target radical Islam. Target Islamic extremists. Target anyone who uses Islam as an excuse for violence.

But don't target all Muslim Americans just because they are Muslim.

Muslims are actually killing gays for being gay. It's not some ancient quote in the Koran. It's something they actually practice.

All Muslims- or some Muslims?

Again- show me the examples from the United States. There are some 2 million muslims in the United States- where are the thousands and thousands of homosexuals being executed for being gay?

Like I said before- the Koran and the Old Testament both call for the death penalty for adultery and homosexuality(male)- the only difference is that there are Muslims in many parts of the world that still live by Old Testament rules.

A lot of Muslim countries routinely punish gays and women accused of crimes by brutally murdering them. Gay men were being pushed off a roof 100 feet above ground. Women still stoned to death.

Recently, a convention was held in Texas and attended by "moderate Muslims." The media reported that the purpose of the convention was to fight Islamophobia. Of course, reporters were carefully vetted before being allowed in to ensure that the real purpose was not reported on.

In an exchange outside the convention, a young Muslim male admitted that adultery and being gay are punishable by death and did not disagree with the practice. He mentioned that it is in the Koran to deal with gays and adultery that way

It pains me to appear to be defending Islam- because I find much about Islam to disagree with.

But I have seen Christians here post pointing out that the Old Testament says that adultery and homosexuality are crimes punishable by death.

And you provide what you say one Muslim American male said- without a quote.

Where are all of these Muslim Americans killing women and homosexuals? Where are they? I have never met a Muslim in the United States that advocates killing homosexuals or adulterers. Never.

Target radical Islam. Target Islamic extremists. Target anyone who uses Islam as an excuse for violence.

But don't target all Muslim Americans just because they are Muslim.

Muslims are actually killing gays for being gay. It's not some ancient quote in the Koran. It's something they actually practice.

They also kill infidels. Anyone who insults them gets death threats and those threats get carried out. ISIS has taken over many cities. They aren't some small minority. They have a lot of power and are extremely well-funded. Stop with the crap that the radicals are only a small percent because there have been too many groups and too many attacks on a large scale.

Maybe the Muslims you know don't tell you things. I doubt you have ever asked. Watters did ask some of them attending a convention in Texas and he got answers. Yes, they believe in killing in the name of Islam. Now, go out and ask some Christians that and then get back to us with how many actually carried out threats.

The Muslims I know have also been complaining of these same Jihadist types that take over govts
and start imposing this "judge jury and executioner" strong armed approach to militant govt.

I guess this is like the Vietnamese complaining of Communists taking over their govt.
They are victims, too!

I have only met two Muslims online who seemed not to know the dangers of sympathizing
or supporting Jihadist types who don't separate their religion from the govt.

When I addressed them using Constitutional laws of respecting the govt and not imposing religion,
they seemed to understand and back off.

So it's mainly because America has traditions of respecting Christian laws
and Constitutional laws that we have a check against such abuses.

But if we demean and diminish the Christian and Constitutional base,
then this opens the door to abuses instead of using these systems to check each other.

The Muslims I meet who are naturally respectful of others
either naturally have the same sense of civil respect for democratic principles that the Constitutionalists have,
or naturally have the same spiritual conviction to God that Christians do,
or naturally have the same sense of peace for all people that Buddhists do.

That's because I live in America and don't run into these Jihadists and terrorist taking over foreign
countries that don't have the same strong Christian and Constitutional base that America has.

But in countries that don't have these enforced, then the Jihadists can take over
and run amok.

Someone else pointed out that most of the victims of these terrorists are Muslim people.
So more of them are the victims and not the supporters.

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