" Being in Command { charge } means


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
disappointing someone. " -- C.Powell.
Can't fight over that truism.However in today's lollygagging
yet too often mean tempered political climate ... Nothing means
anything.Because anything goes often from morning till dark.
There are no more Greats like Winston Churchill or even
Generals who knew how to deal with the public.
Churchill dealt with the masses by using wisdom and
common sense in short bursts of clarity.Ronald Reagan
in likewise fashion.
Bush 43 went right out and declared hisself the War President.
Nixon relied heavily on his yes men who had fancy educations
and cocktail party experience.Nevertheless he managed to stop
the Vietnam war once and for all and won the biggest electoral
Presidential victory to date.Shockingly for nought.
Because of some Tapes.That's it folks.Not his bribing his way
into office or profitting exclusively on his office whether a Senator
or Congressman.
So what " commands " attention these days.Making sure to elect a
person from the big valuable state of pennsylvania who can arguably not
string two cogent sentences together.Who wears Hoodies to official
business.Campaigns in hoodies.
Gee I wonder what those at big wig georgetown cocktail parties woulda
thunk.Especially the motor mouth better half like Martha Mitchell.
No I doesn't.I gots a real good idea'r.
Drink and stay drunk.Forget the bidness about Power.
We're talking being human.
Staying human.
" Be Selfish.Nothing else makes the human race
Seldom does one get old and crafty and wise by accident.!

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