Beliefs about...coming revolution underlie divide on gun control


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2012
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Democrats and Republicans continue to be divided over the need for new gun control laws, and the most recent national survey of registered voters from Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind finds that attitudes regarding the perceived likelihood of an armed revolution to protect liberties and the truth about the Sandy Hook shooting are helpful in explaining this partisan divide...

Overall, the poll finds that 29 percent of Americans think that an armed revolution in order to protect liberties might be necessary in the next few years.
Attitudes Behind the Divide on Gun Control


Rasmussen Reports June 03, 2012

Twenty-four percent (24%) of Adults nationwide now think states have the right to leave the United States and form an independent country.
24% Say States Have Right to Secede - Rasmussen Reports?


I cannot document this, but I am confident that there is a considerable overlap between those who think an armed revolution may be necessary, and those who think states have the right to secede. I also suspect that those for whom a violent revolution and secession are agreeable prospects want to restore white male supremacy.

What these people overlook is that the states with the highest percentage of reactionary whites are also the states with the highest black populations. I doubt that blacks will resubmit to second class citizenship the way they did when Reconstruction came to an end after 1876.

I do think that the breakup of the United States into two or more countries is possible. If it happens it will be quite a bit more violent than the breakup of the Soviet Union. There are too many guns in this country, and too many groups of Americans who despise each other.

Nevertheless, few people will benefit from such a breakup. White male supremacy will not be restored. There will be a precipitous decline in the average standard of living. Only a delusional fool could look forward to such a thing. :idea:
Don't make the mistake of thinking that that 29% is composed solely of republican gun owners. The majority might be liberals wanting to take the country back from the evil bankers and corporations.
The breakup of the United State is not only possilble, but unavoidable. Probably along the lines that Igor Panarin predicted.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that that 29% is composed solely of republican gun owners. The majority might be liberals wanting to take the country back from the evil bankers and corporations.

During the War in Vietnam new left radicals in and around college campuses had foolish fantasies about a revolution in the Untied States, but this kind of thinking on the left has pretty well disappeared.
Partisan divisions on gun control go deeper than the legislation being fought over in Congress. Supporters and opponents of gun control have very different fundamental beliefs about the role of guns in American society. Overall, the poll finds that 29 percent of Americans think that an armed revolution in order to protect liberties might be necessary in the next few years, with another five percent unsure. However, these beliefs are conditional on party. Just 18 percent of Democrats think an armed revolution may be necessary, as opposed to 44 percent of Republicans and 27 percent of independents.

Unfortunately the survey didn’t ask exactly what liberties need ‘protection’ through armed rebellion, or whom in the government citizens should ‘revolt’ against.
the whackos are coming out of the woodwork over the present Administration ... their form of Liberty is the true threat of Tyranny, based on the point of a barrel.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that that 29% is composed solely of republican gun owners. The majority might be liberals wanting to take the country back from the evil bankers and corporations.

During the War in Vietnam new left radicals in and around college campuses had foolish fantasies about a revolution in the Untied States, but this kind of thinking on the left has pretty well disappeared.

College campuses are still pretty radical. What surprised me at UCLA was finding out how many students there are who feel they are part of some underground Christian movement. They find secularism something that the old fogeys believe.
Funny how left wingers use the term "coming revolution" so easily while protecting former revolutionaries like Bill Ayers, Bernie Dohern and degenerate racist Kathy Boudin.
Same brainwashed ignorant conspiracy dupes who believe Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Marxist, ACORN stole the election, my sig pp3, mystery. Thanks greedy idiot Pubs...
How 'bout 12% believe Obama is the antichrist, 12% aren't sure lol..dying off at a pretty good rate
The revolution will be started by the NRA. They already are developing a flag with the outline of an AR-15 on it. They are going to carve Charleton Heston's image on a mountain in Idaho. Their capitol will be located in Topeka, Kansas or Des Moines, Iowa, and they are going to form a new government with Palin as President, and Michele Bachmann as Sec. of State. They will put together a well organized militia, which will include mandatory participation by everyone, with children's training militia's equipped with Crickett's My First Rifle, in either blue or hot pink plastic stock. John wayne movies will be shown 24/7 in every city of at least 10,000 population, and the national anthem will be "The Ballad of the Green Barrette. A new cabinet post will be created, the Sec. of Arms Distribution. (S.A.D). Pat Robinson will be named Sec. of Religion. Every citizen will have to make at least one pilgrimage to the Ronald Regean Presidental Library once in their lifetime. All of Norhtern California and most of Oregon and Washington state will be nuked.
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Rather than 12% who know that obama is the antichrist, the real figure is the almost 50% who just win't accept him as the chief executive. There is no revolution. The nation just becomes ungovernable.
Your 50% is actually the 29% mindless obstructionists and dupe loudmouths (50% racists) who've taken over the GOP, paid for by greedy idiot billionnaires. The inmates have taken over the asylum and are hanging themselves. Thanks Rush Beckity...
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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Democrats and Republicans continue to be divided over the need for new gun control laws, and the most recent national survey of registered voters from Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind finds that attitudes regarding the perceived likelihood of an armed revolution to protect liberties and the truth about the Sandy Hook shooting are helpful in explaining this partisan divide...

Overall, the poll finds that 29 percent of Americans think that an armed revolution in order to protect liberties might be necessary in the next few years.
Attitudes Behind the Divide on Gun Control


Rasmussen Reports June 03, 2012

Twenty-four percent (24%) of Adults nationwide now think states have the right to leave the United States and form an independent country.
24% Say States Have Right to Secede - Rasmussen Reports?


I cannot document this, but I am confident that there is a considerable overlap between those who think an armed revolution may be necessary, and those who think states have the right to secede. I also suspect that those for whom a violent revolution and secession are agreeable prospects want to restore white male supremacy.

What these people overlook is that the states with the highest percentage of reactionary whites are also the states with the highest black populations. I doubt that blacks will resubmit to second class citizenship the way they did when Reconstruction came to an end after 1876.

I do think that the breakup of the United States into two or more countries is possible. If it happens it will be quite a bit more violent than the breakup of the Soviet Union. There are too many guns in this country, and too many groups of Americans who despise each other.

Nevertheless, few people will benefit from such a breakup. White male supremacy will not be restored. There will be a precipitous decline in the average standard of living. Only a delusional fool could look forward to such a thing. :idea:

Didn't some nutwad already start a thread about this?
Partisan divisions on gun control go deeper than the legislation being fought over in Congress. Supporters and opponents of gun control have very different fundamental beliefs about the role of guns in American society. Overall, the poll finds that 29 percent of Americans think that an armed revolution in order to protect liberties might be necessary in the next few years, with another five percent unsure. However, these beliefs are conditional on party. Just 18 percent of Democrats think an armed revolution may be necessary, as opposed to 44 percent of Republicans and 27 percent of independents.
Unfortunately the survey didn’t ask exactly what liberties need ‘protection’ through armed rebellion, or whom in the government citizens should ‘revolt’ against.

The only thing that is unfortunate here is your inability to read combined with your compulsive need to lie about everything.

Tell me something, if a right wing nut got control and tried to impose a theocracy would you think a armed rebellion would be justified? If you do, you are part of the 25% of the population that thinks it might be necessary to take up arms to defend freedom.
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You say you want a revolution Well, you know We all want to change the world...
The 2nd American Revolution — Has it already begun?
May 30, 2013 > There has been increased talk recently of the potential for civil unrest, civil war, and revolution in the United States of America in response to what many consider to be an out of control government. But has the 2nd American Revolution already begun?
Adam Kokesh, an Iraq war veteran, talk show host, and Libertarian activist, recently made major headlines when he called for an armed march on Washington, D.C. His plan was to gather pro gun rights activists who would march through the streets of Washington, D.C. (an area in which guns are highly regulated and restricted) with loaded rifles strapped to their backs. Kokesh eventually changed his plans for the event after he was arrested at a Smoke Down Prohibition event in Philladelphia, Pennsylvania, now calling for a march on all 50 state capitals to "abolish the federal government." In fact, when asked by journalist Luke Rudkowski in a recent We Are Change interview about what he hoped to achieve with the July 4th event, he replied simply with "the abolition of the United States federal government." He want on to explain that the end of the federal government as we know it is inevitable, but it's up to the American people as to whether or not it's done "the hard way or the easy way." In this same interview, Luke also asked Kokesh if he was comfortable with saying that this is an armed revolution. When he replied with the affirmative, Luke asked him if an armed revolution could still be a peaceful one with which he replied, "absolutely."

But while Adam Kokesh has been very blatant about his desire to start a second American Revolution (whether it be peaceful and ideological or eventually violent) and has been the one making the most headlines lately, he is not the only one calling for a revolution nor is he the only reason why revolution could very easily be imminent in America. Most people who follow any news can probably recall the petitions that suddenly arose from all fifty states last year which called for peaceful secession from the union. The petitions got hundreds of thousands of signatures and gained the attention of most Americans; and while signing a petition might not be a reflection of one's willingness or desire to "spark a revolution" or "overthrow the government," it certainly got people talking and raised a discussion about state's rights, reminding everyone of a state's natural right to secede.

If a few petitions aren't enough to convince you of the growing tension in America, it's important to note that Kokesh was preceded in calling for a second American Revolution by Alex Jones, who called late last year for a revolution. Jones' plans were a little different from those of Adam Kokesh, however. While Adam is calling for massive civil disobedience and protest of the federal government, Jones was calling for a peaceful secession of all fifty states and a reconstruction of the entire nation. He event called for constitutional scholars and prominent liberty-minded individuals such as Ron Paul to help him in leading the fight. Another interesting fact is that, according to recent polls, nearly one third of all Americans believe that an armed revolution might be necessary sometime in the near future.

It's important to note that the first American Revolution was not sparked by two sides randomly deciding to shoot at each other. A long series of events including protests and civil disobedience led to the eventual violent war. The revolution and the war were not one in the same. The war was simply the last part of the revolution. t was Thomas Jefferson who said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Will this statement by one of the men who had a hand in founding this nation ring truer as the coming days, weeks, months, and years go by and what appears to be the second American Revolution progresses? Only time will tell.

Read more: Op-Ed: The 2nd American Revolution ? Has it already begun?
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