What a true Conservative believes. Please dispute anything in this.

This is from Paul Gleiser. I agree with everything in it, and this explains why I am a Conservative.

Can anyone point out what in this would make anyone a “Nazi”, “racist”, or “misogynist “.

I believe in the genius of the Constitution of the United States and the express limitations that it imposes upon government. I believe that the men who crafted it, imperfect as they were, were men of exceptional vision.

I believe in the sanctity of private property, including the right to retain the lion’s share of what one lawfully earns. I believe in the right to dispose of that property as one sees fit, even from beyond the grave.

I believe in the sovereignty of the individual. Therefore I believe in personal responsibility. I believe in the duty of self help and in the freedom that flows from self-reliance.

I believe that people can be trusted with their own lives. I believe in the positive forces attendant to free individuals ordering their affairs and expending their energies without interference and in such a way as they themselves determine to be best.

I believe in the duty of charity toward those, who through no fault of their own, cannot adequately provide for themselves or mitigate their own suffering. I believe that a good and decent society looks after those who cannot look after themselves.

I believe in the dignity of labor and in the soul-robbing ignominy of idleness.

I believe in failure. I believe that the lessons learned in failure contribute indispensably to eventual success. I believe that the freedom to fail is inseparable from the freedom to succeed.

I believe in thrift – particularly as it pertains to the use of money taken by taxation.

I believe in the sanctity of human life and the profound responsibility that falls upon those who bring a new child into the world. I believe in mothers and fathers. I believe in the duty incumbent upon them to sacrifice of themselves, to the best of their ability, toward the goal of turning the child they created into a self-sufficient adult.

I believe in enterprise and in the creative forces for good that enterprise unleashes. Toward its advancement, I believe in fair, predictable regulation that is only so limiting as is necessary to impartially protect the interests of businesses, citizens, taxpayers and consumers.

I believe that humankind will always live in a world beset by strife, tragedy, illness, suffering, poverty, mayhem and malfeasance. I believe that while attempts to mitigate such dark forces are appropriate wherever they may be effectively applied, sweeping, ill-considered efforts born of hubris to eradicate such forces altogether will always fail.

I believe in risk. I believe that to avoid risk too vigorously is to foreclose the possibility of living life to its fullest.

I believe in the power of dispersed knowledge. I believe that innovation and the solutions to problems are much more likely to come from the bottom up than the top down.

I believe in economic freedom. I believe that for all of the admitted faults of free-market capitalism, it has nevertheless done more to lift humankind out of poverty than any other economic system ever devised.

I believe that government is at once necessary and dangerous. I believe that governments are constituted of humans and that humans can never be trusted not to abuse power over other humans. Thus I believe in the smallest government possible consistent with defending the peace and enabling the free conduct of commerce.

Most of all, I believe that this is the day the Lord has made, and that so far as our human limitations will allow, we should rejoice, and be glad in it.

That’s what I believe. What about you?
So union workers are laborers. They are great people.
I won't vote democrat. Too far out there. When the gop stands with unions, praises social security and Medicare I will vote for them. Until then nope.
ORANGE MAN BAD is the best ya got?

What a loser.
Too easy. Point #1.

I believe in the genius of the Constitution of the United States and the express limitations that it imposes upon government. I believe that the men who crafted it, imperfect as they were, were men of exceptional vision.

I saw no Conservatives condemn the Supreme Court granting the president near unlimited power with their ruling on immunity for nearly anything a president does.
So you think a President should be locked up for doing his "official duties"?
This is from Paul Gleiser. I agree with everything in it, and this explains why I am a Conservative.

Can anyone point out what in this would make anyone a “Nazi”, “racist”, or “misogynist “.

I believe in the genius of the Constitution of the United States and the express limitations that it imposes upon government. I believe that the men who crafted it, imperfect as they were, were men of exceptional vision.

I believe in the sanctity of private property, including the right to retain the lion’s share of what one lawfully earns. I believe in the right to dispose of that property as one sees fit, even from beyond the grave.

I believe in the sovereignty of the individual. Therefore I believe in personal responsibility. I believe in the duty of self help and in the freedom that flows from self-reliance.

I believe that people can be trusted with their own lives. I believe in the positive forces attendant to free individuals ordering their affairs and expending their energies without interference and in such a way as they themselves determine to be best.

I believe in the duty of charity toward those, who through no fault of their own, cannot adequately provide for themselves or mitigate their own suffering. I believe that a good and decent society looks after those who cannot look after themselves.

I believe in the dignity of labor and in the soul-robbing ignominy of idleness.

I believe in failure. I believe that the lessons learned in failure contribute indispensably to eventual success. I believe that the freedom to fail is inseparable from the freedom to succeed.

I believe in thrift – particularly as it pertains to the use of money taken by taxation.

I believe in the sanctity of human life and the profound responsibility that falls upon those who bring a new child into the world. I believe in mothers and fathers. I believe in the duty incumbent upon them to sacrifice of themselves, to the best of their ability, toward the goal of turning the child they created into a self-sufficient adult.

I believe in enterprise and in the creative forces for good that enterprise unleashes. Toward its advancement, I believe in fair, predictable regulation that is only so limiting as is necessary to impartially protect the interests of businesses, citizens, taxpayers and consumers.

I believe that humankind will always live in a world beset by strife, tragedy, illness, suffering, poverty, mayhem and malfeasance. I believe that while attempts to mitigate such dark forces are appropriate wherever they may be effectively applied, sweeping, ill-considered efforts born of hubris to eradicate such forces altogether will always fail.

I believe in risk. I believe that to avoid risk too vigorously is to foreclose the possibility of living life to its fullest.

I believe in the power of dispersed knowledge. I believe that innovation and the solutions to problems are much more likely to come from the bottom up than the top down.

I believe in economic freedom. I believe that for all of the admitted faults of free-market capitalism, it has nevertheless done more to lift humankind out of poverty than any other economic system ever devised.

I believe that government is at once necessary and dangerous. I believe that governments are constituted of humans and that humans can never be trusted not to abuse power over other humans. Thus I believe in the smallest government possible consistent with defending the peace and enabling the free conduct of commerce.

Most of all, I believe that this is the day the Lord has made, and that so far as our human limitations will allow, we should rejoice, and be glad in it.

That’s what I believe. What about you?
this is great to read.
I like it.

its nice to know there is no problems with our refugee handling of immigrants.
We could do our part to address climate as well, without trouble.

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