Harris Wipes Out Trump's Lead in the Swing States

I imagine we'll hear shortly about how the polls are "fake" again. This is the second one released like this today. A Morning Consult poll reported similar results that momentum in this race has definitively shifted towards Harris.

Have to wait until late Aug - early Sept before the polls will mean anything. Harris hasn’t been in the race long enough yet, get through the convention bump, settle down and see where we are. Harris should be excited by the enthusiasm numbers more than anything.
No, she isn't, but the Trump campaign is an absolute clown car and that's why she will probably win.

No, he's not. I don't like Trump either for a variety of reasons and will not vote for him, but you guys need to stop being stupid with this "he's dangerous" "democracy is going to end if he gets elected" crap.
I used to say that as well until I saw what happened on Jan 6 and how seriously large groups of people take his lies. I thought he was transparent and people were smart enough to know when he was exaggerating and lying to protect his ego or push his agenda, but people take his BS to heart and act on it.

Trump has no problem tearing apart people and institutions that get in his way and he will lie and manipulate to get what he wants. That is very dangerous IMO. Especially somebody that has as much power and influence as Donald Trump.
I imagine we'll hear shortly about how the polls are "fake" again. This is the second one released like this today. A Morning Consult poll reported similar results that momentum in this race has definitively shifted towards Harris.

The article below tells you why this happening and the useful idiot that posted this thread knows it.

The article below tells you why this happening and the useful idiot that posted this thread knows it.

No no it's a devine miracle such an unpopular person is leading in national polls
Polls at this time are meaningless

What will matter is who gets out the vote or for Republicans, how many voters they can suppress

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