Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

Go fuck yourself you moronic piece of shit. NEVER got Covid or your jab you stalking incel homo. Now go step in front of a moving train while Trump rolls to victory and you cry more.
The only thing Trump "rolls" is when his fat ass rolls out of bed at the crack of noon, triggered CLOWN.

The only way Trump will win is if his assbuddy Putin comes to his aid like he did in 2016, Comrade DimLantern.
Yeah....if Trump can hold onto his lead into October....it's over.

At this point if he did the same thing as Joe did (hide in a cellar until its over) he still would win. But he isn't going to do that.

At this point Trump is going for Biden's and Harris embarrassment with the margin of votes he wins by.....winning isn't the question as much as declaring a mandate of doing as he pleases and demonstrating nobody ever wanted Joe to be president after the results of Joe's presidency.
Joe's presidency was objectively very good, and history will show it as such.

Of.course, historians are well informed and understand correlation is not causation, unlike so many poorly educated American voters.

And Joe didn't hide anywhere. He showed class and empathy and maturity and did not hold rallies during a pandemic. Trump does not possess these things. Trump is going to continue to drum up votes for his opposition with his mouth and his actions.

Now it's just a matter of whether or not he drums up enough Democrat votes for him to lose, as he did last time.
WuFlu killed old people just like normal influenza does all the time, as well as some fatties with diabetes and other morbidity factors.
Fattie Trump was on his way out until an experimental antibody cocktail was administered which probably saved his sorry obese ass.
"...you can deny that Harris used sex as a means to advance her career...."

Notably, earnest poster Hollie cannot or will not 'prove' sex was the ticket-to-ride.

Rather ---and seemingly outside of Hollie's own experience ---it could have been Harris' engaging witty conversation, perceptive analysis, good humor, good at her job, attractive slim appearance, even good cooking......features are evidently outside of Hollie's world.

Instead, Hollie defaults to MAGA Misogyny to denigrate all women of accomplishment.

It's sad.
"Go fuck yourself you moronic piece of shit."
"Now go step in front of a moving train"

And there is the MAGA mindset that we all have seen time and time again. That we know is pure MAGA.

Encouragingly though, poster Lantern has successfully avoided in those posts the defining trait of MAGA Misogyny.

And there is the MAGA mindset that we all have seen time and time again. That we know is pure MAGA.

Encouragingly though, poster Lantern has successfully avoided in those posts the defining trait of MAGA Misogyny.
Their heads are exploding because Biden dropped out & they figured their orange knuckle dragger would have a cakewak to the W.H. So they raaaaaaaaaaaant & rave & that poster by definition is unhinged. & easily triggered.

What a shitshow.
Notably, earnest poster Hollie cannot or will not 'prove' sex was the ticket-to-ride.

Rather ---and seemingly outside of Hollie's own experience ---it could have been Harris' engaging witty conversation, perceptive analysis, good humor, good at her job, attractive slim appearance, even good cooking......features are evidently outside of Hollie's world.

Instead, Hollie defaults to MAGA Misogyny to denigrate all women of accomplishment.

It's sad.
instead , you default to Joy Reid Clown Show babbling about ''Harris' engaging witty conversation, perceptive analysis, good humor, good at her job, attractive slim appearance, even good cooking.

When did Harris ever come across as anything but a complete buffoon?

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Joe's presidency was objectively very good, and history will show it as such.

Of.course, historians are well informed and understand correlation is not causation, unlike so many poorly educated American voters.

And Joe didn't hide anywhere. He showed class and empathy and maturity and did not hold rallies during a pandemic. Trump does not possess these things. Trump is going to continue to drum up votes for his opposition with his mouth and his actions.

Now it's just a matter of whether or not he drums up enough Democrat votes for him to lose, as he did last time.
No it wasn't good.
Uncontrolled and unregulated borders with known terrorists entering the country at will....

Double digit inflation for years and disposable income for most families has evaporated.

The sexualization of children by exposure to pornography.

Now a recession following stagflation....with the government lying to everyone about the state of the economy and unemployment.

Several wars broke out against American allies.

So....no...it was not a good presidency.
Because I'm right, duh.
That's the height of of reason we expect from you.

You simply know less than nothing about any of this. You think that, because Biden was president, everything you don't like was his fault. Nothing more.

Then you Google for articles you never read about topics you know nothing about, and try to pretend the info you never saw led you to a reasoned conclusion.

Intellectual fraud, on parade.
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