Zone1 Very few people want to know the Truth

If the Catholic church were the one true church it would bear the name "The Church of God" or "The Church of Christ", not the "Roman Catholic Church".
Says who?

That's like saying that if Christian parents really wanted Christian children, they would name them Peter, James, John... only the names of the 12 Apostles or maybe Mary

Get real

Catholic just means Universal.. as in Universal Church, as in: the Church for all Christians, that gives us Universal (objective) Truth
I'd wager far more what they're told to believe Fork

Their beliefs are their faith , and if they're proven wrong or otherwise degraded , it challenges their faith

I've had my faith challenged so many times, by events in my life. I mean, you trust God and then all hell breaks loose while you are trying to serve Him the best way you can.. been angry with Him many times. I'm sure you have also? Most people get to that point.. the point of

Yeah, but you're religious. You keep a closed mind.
That is ridiculous. It's ironic how unscientific the "proof is required for religious belief" people are. It's just amazingly ironic.

Walk in my shoes and you will u/stand Catholicism. You likely can't begin to do that. The next best thing is to


study what Catholics believe (NOT speaking of the garbage that comes out of the Vatican, taken over 65 years ago by unChristian people).

Few people study TRUE Catholicism as I have

Few people make it to Heaven also

(says Jesus.. Mt 7.. Lk 13, etc)
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"The truth" requires a search for "the truth", which is the most important. Most people on this forum couldn't care less.
can't change anyone but yourself, and you can't even change yourself most of the time because of all the resistance you get.. from within, from without.. Following Truth is often very painful
and guess what?

Humans reject pain, even if they believe it may pan out for them in the end to endure it.. Understandable.. but Jesus said that the Way is narrow.

Jesus knew what to do about this human tendency to avoid pain and seek comfort. That is why he set up His Church as He did. That is why it is so different from non-Catholic "churches" so called------(There is only ONE Church)
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Says who?

That's like saying that if Christian parents really wanted Christian children, they would name them Peter, James, John... only the names of the 12 Apostles or maybe Mary

Get real

Catholic just means Universal.. as in Universal Church, as in: the Church for all Christians, that gives us Universal (objective) Truth
But it's not the "universal" church for all Christians regardless of its name. In fact, those who 'protest' the RCC are increasing.
So no faith w/out trust, and no trust w/out truth, and no truth w/out proof Ding?

I found a lot of truth but it did not give me TRUST in God. I struggle with that & likely will for the rest of my stay on the lovely planet Earth (not lovely at all).

Well, actually, the Truth in the Bible did give me trust, but I have to confess, I haven't been reading it (I mean: re-reading it) a lot these days. I have a very strange story.. most people would not understand it unless I wrote a Bible-sized book, which I've started to do a few times but.. I guess you could say the devil and/or God interfered and I never got anywhere finishing it.. maybe bc I'm still living the damn thing
But it's not the "universal" church for all Christians regardless of its name. In fact, those who 'protest' the RCC are increasing.
Jesus said most people end up in Hell (paraphrase, but an accurate one)

so yeh.. So much for paying attention to what the majority does..

St Leonard of Port Maurice reports (long story how he knew this but anyhow) that only one in about 100,000 people went straight to Heaven at death (this was at the time he was speaking anyway, which was quite awhile ago), 2 (or 3) went to Purgatory, which means they will eventually end up in Heaven and all the rest went to Hell.
not mine
your reality probably sucks at times.. I know life is not easy for anyone, although some people have it harder than others.

In any case, liberals like Frigid.. are always doing this: stating an opinion as though it were fact..

It's like they really do believe their own bs.. no matter how illogical it is.
Partly true. I draw the line at certain things. For example, although I have guzzled my share of booze, I have never used drugs of any kind. As I get older I get more conservative, not more liberal. However, I get less judgmental of others, for example if someone wants to kill themselves with drugs or other dumb behaviors, I'm ok with that, and I won't interfere by trying to stop them. Live and let live (or die) I say.
Jesus would not approve of that. Remember the story of the good Samaritan?

I know.. you'll say that guy was just minding his own business & got attacked by thugs.. wasn't using illegal substances

but, well, for one thing: How do we know that? Jesus does not say. The guy could have been overcome by thugs because he wasn't paying attention bc he was drinking heavily. Jesus doesn't say

Then there is the psg about Jesus saying that those who did not give Him what he needed (by giving one of his followers what he or she needed) would go to "eternal punishment." Then he addressed the group that did take care of Him by taking care of others and even THEY did not know, at the time they gave this care to someone in need, that it was really Jesus they were helping. So neither group, the givers or the non-givers knew they were helping Jesus.. and yet one "ignorant" group went to Hell and the other to Heaven.. Mt 25:31-46
Still doing your best to send people to hell, I see.

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