UK to suspend all weapons to Israel

The Jews who were tortured to death by the Muslim savages were innocent, were they not?
Nobody was tortured or raped, I already showed you how the Israelis even REFUSE to allow UN forensic investigators in to make case studies and gather evidence for the ICC, I suggest you read the story if you need the URL again just ask.
And I’ve said before that about 20% of Palestinians are innocent. The rest were in full support of hunting down Jews and torturing them to death.
All people are innocent until proven guilty, at least in the civilized world but sadly it wasn't the case in the Third Reich nor is it the case in today's Israel.
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(Zionist is the code word the antisemites use in order to freely crap over Jews.)

Not according to my sources:

First Antisemitism


Next, Zionism


The late Hajo Meyer is a man I respect, a Jew, who grew up in Nazi Germany, knows far better than you do what Nazi society is like, what a racial supremacist state is like, you should stop your silly babbling and start listening to competent Jews, not racist fanatics or fake Jews.


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A biased ruling from an ignorant biased body isn’t “authority” for any thinking person
This is ludicrous, totally irrational and worrying that people like you exist and can vote. To insinuate that the whole world is antisemitic, biased against Jews and that Israel is an upstanding, egalitarian, cultured society suffering at the hands of primitive Muslim barbarians who want to see all Jews killed - is beyond far fetched, it is utterly delusional, conspiracy fantasy.

It is a huge insult to the memories of those killed in the Holocaust and a huge insult to principled Jews like Hajo Meyer and many others who have shared their sentiments and tried all their lives, to expose the nature of militant Zionism and its terrible impact on Jews and non-Jews in the Levant.
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This is ludicrous, totally irrational and worrying that people like you exist and can vote. To insinuate that the whole world is antisemitic, biased against Jews and that Israel is an upstanding, egalitarian, cultured society suffering at the hands of primitive Muslim barbarians who want to see all Jews killed - is beyond far fetched, it is utterly delusional, conspiracy fantasy.
Go play in traffic. You’re a pointless and utterly unoriginal bore, you troll.

The real problem for our society is that abysmal twat rashes like you get to essentially negate the votes of honest Americans.
Go play in traffic. You’re a pointless and utterly unoriginal bore, you troll.

The real problem for our society is that abysmal twat rashes like you get to essentially negate the votes of honest Americans.

And what do you think of Hajo Meyer's views and opinions? are you also condemning him in the same way you condemn me?

She can't. The Zionist lobby and special interest groups are deeply inserted into US politics and society, the US is not in control of Israel, Israel is in control of the United States, that recent circus in congress demonstrates this, with obedient congressman standing, clapping and worshipping Netanyahu the war criminal soon to have an arrest warrant approved.

So you rather Hamas and Hiz wins !!
You sound like a degenerate POS leftist
I don’t have to agree with him or you. Your appeal to “authority” is an obvious fallacy.

You're shit scared, scared to condemn a Holocaust surviving Jew because it will make you look like the racist that you clearly are.

Here's another survivor, this time being interviewed in London quite recently:

See? Jews who actually experienced the Nazis, lived under their rule, experienced the horrors that the Nazis produced, actually AGREE WITH ME, they do NOT agree with you, why is that?
You're shit scared, scared to condemn a Holocaust surviving Jew because it will make you look like the tosspot racist that you clearly are.

Not scared at all. He is entitled to make his erroneous claims. That absolutely doesn’t make me a “racist” at all. Your lies simply don’t work, troll.

Here's another survivor, this time being interviewed in London quite recently:

A fallacious appeal to authority.

Dismissed, you troll.
Not scared at all. He is entitled to make his erroneous claims. That absolutely doesn’t make me a “racist” at all. Your lies simply don’t work, troll.
What erroneous claims did he make?
A fallacious appeal to authority.
It is an appeal to authority, but hardly fallacious, I mean can you think of people better placed to discuss the Nazis and Israel than holocaust survivors? I'm certainly not going to pay much attention to the Zionists.

Dismissed, you troll.

Troll? we were in fact having a discussion, disagreeing yes but still discussing. If you don't want me to reply to you then don't reply to me, if you don't want people to challenge your ridiculous grasp of the facts, then don't post.
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Go play in traffic. You’re a pointless and utterly unoriginal bore, you troll.

The real problem for our society is that abysmal twat rashes like you get to essentially negate the votes of honest Americans.

He’s putting on quite a show.

I don’t believe one word he says. And neither does he.

It’s all an act. :twirl: :blues:
What erroneous claim did he make?

Sont be so obviously and rhetorically obtuse, you troll. The point for which you cite him. Don’t you know why you did that?

It’s not the first time you’ve posted that shit. Again, citing his beliefs as a basis for your claims is an appeal to authority and thus a fallacy.
It is an appeal to authority, but hardly fallacious,

Of course it is.

Your claim: The Sun is a bright blue, cold cube in the sky.

Your claim gets denied.

You: yes it is. I cite astronomer Astro J. Mutt who said exactly what i said!

Get it yet you retard? Citing someone with some credentials of any kind doesn’t make what the authority claimed true nor does it actually support your claim.

All you’re truly saying is that “I’m not alone in saying this.”

Well, good for you. But you’re still wrong.
Sont be so obviously and rhetorically obtuse, you troll. The point for which you cite him. Don’t you know why you did that?

It’s not the first time you’ve posted that shit. Again, citing his beliefs as a basis for your claims is an appeal to authority and thus a fallacy.
Did he or did he not make a erroneous claim? if he did then what was that claim?
Of course it is.

Your claim: The Sun is a bright blue, cold cube in the sky.

Your claim gets denied.
How would we get that denial? an appeal to authority perhaps?
You: yes it is. I cite astronomer Astro J. Mutt who said exactly what i said!

Get it yet you retard? Citing someone with some credentials of any kind doesn’t make what the authority claimed true nor does it actually support your claim.
In the literal sense I accept that, but we're not dealing with pure logic here or mathematics. We're dealing with history and all historic sources are an appeal to authority, unavoidable in this kind of discussion.
All you’re truly saying is that “I’m not alone in saying this.”

Well, good for you. But you’re still wrong.
Wrong about WHAT?
And the incompetent DEI pick for president has announced to the world that she sides with them. Just as Obama told her too. And boom! He endorses her.

If she wins, we are so screwed. Especially the Jews.
Not if she chooses Josh Shapiro or Mark Kelly as her running mate.

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