UK to suspend all weapons to Israel

Here's more proof that Israel controls the United States, it's will, it's goals supersedes anything Americans might want to do.


Biden can't tell them to do anything, Harris won't be able to and Trump won't be able to, we've allowed the regime to gain a tight grip on the nation and its government and media and press.

As it says, “The best way to ensure a regional war does not erupt is for the UN Security Council to pass a binding ceasefire directive in Gaza immediately,” but that won't happen because Israel has a veto at the UN, the United States does as Israel tells it including how to vote on resolutions.

We're watching an emasculated, impotent United States bleating like a goat and being pushed around by the Zionists, embarrassing to watch, little pissant third world throwback "Israel" dictating our foreign policy and we can't even bring two astronauts home who've been stick in a space station for weeks on end despite only going for a one week mission and please, don't even mention the "pier"...
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Turkey is talking about invading Israel

İf Erdogan would have meant invading İsrael He would have used Syria, İraq, Somalia as an example where Turkish troops are deployed in combat missions.
İnstaed he used Libya, Karabakh examples where Turkish Army ran or is running train&equip program to assist the governments there.

Turks recognize Palestine, the USA doesn't.
Therefore one side (USA) will interpret coming actions against İsrael and the other side in favour of the Palestinian state/authority.
Jewish and Arab Israelis detained, fired from jobs and even attacked for expressing sentiments interpreted as pro-Hamas

“A lot of people are being laid off from work because of different political views or just their identity,” Green said. “Every day we get hundreds of phone calls to our hotline specifically from people who are losing their jobs. A few dozen of them could be said to have expressed support for Hamas, but the overwhelming majority have posted calls to stop the war, or saying things like: there are also children in Gaza.

“It’s a disgrace because we need these doctors, psychologists, members of arts faculty, who are part of our society and suffering from trauma,” he added. “It’s also dangerous because it can lead to a new front inside with the danger of intercommunal violence.”
The "context" was fully evaluated and considered during the ICJ and ICC legal analysis, in each court the Israelis were exposed as liars and criminals and murderers, so that's some context for you to chew on.

You're not following very well. Look me up when you find the 80 year history of Jewish terrorist attacks on Germany leading up to the Final Solution.

See you in never.
Here's more proof that Israel controls the United States, it's will, it's goals supersedes anything Americans might want to do.

View attachment 987006

Biden can't tell them to do anything, Harris won't be able to and Trump won't be able to, we've allowed the regime to gain a tight grip on the nation and its government and media and press.

As it says, “The best way to ensure a regional war does not erupt is for the UN Security Council to pass a binding ceasefire directive in Gaza immediately,” but that won't happen because Israel has a veto at the UN, the United States does as Israel tells it including how to vote on resolutions.

We're watching an emasculated, impotent United States bleating like a goat and being pushed around by the Zionists, embarrassing to watch, little pissant third world throwback "Israel" dictating our foreign policy and we can't even bring two astronauts home who've been stick in a space station for weeks on end despite only going for a one week mission and please, don't even mention the "pier"...
Bloviation, hyperbole, the kind of batshittery one used to have to keep to themselves.

Then Trump took our standards and pissed on them.
As it says, “The best way to ensure a regional war does not erupt is for the UN Security Council to pass a binding ceasefire directive in Gaza immediately,”
Nah, the best way to ensure a regional war does not erupt is to put pressure on States to work together to dismantle extremist Islamist terror organizations and to pressure Iran to stop funding them. This is in everyone's best interests.
Nah, the best way to ensure a regional war does not erupt is to put pressure on States to work together to dismantle extremist Islamist terror organizations and to pressure Iran to stop funding them. This is in everyone's best interests.
Perhaps, it was the West led by the US that nurtured, assembled and sponsored Islamist terror groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda, so perhaps they can dismantle it all, but I fear the genie is now out of the bottle...
Perhaps, it was the West led by the US that nurtured, assembled and sponsored Islamist terror groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda, so perhaps they can dismantle it all, but I fear the genie is now out of the bottle...
The genie is out of the bottle as in ... there is no way to dismantle or defeat them, so we should just submit to their extreme Islamist terror?

That would be a, "Hell, no!" from me.
The genie is out of the bottle as in ... there is no way to dismantle or defeat them, so we should just submit to their extreme Islamist terror?
Well the US has struggled to fight against all of the forces and movements it has unleashed in the middle east, during the "War on Terror" (another bogey man).

So its not possible, the United States cannot do anything, that's why it ran away from Afghanistan.

In its geopolitical greed and stupidity it has created forces that are far more opposed to Israel than there was in years agone by. That's the reason the WTC was attacked - the US pissing around in someone else's backyard.

What was once Arab nationalism, attempts to self govern and live alongside Israel, is now fanatical extremist Islam, and those people see Israel as an enemy of Islam, not just the persecutor and ethnic cleanser but it is now seen as a dire enemy of Islam - IDF soldiers are on film pissing inside mosques and playing synagogue music in mosques, basically insulting the entire religion of Islam.

That attitude, zero respect for a culture that has been in the region for 1,600 years and was largely benevolent to Jews, is the death sentence for Israel, they have created a foe far more dangerous than they faced before,
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Well the US has struggled to fight against all of the forces and movements it has unleashed in the middle east, during the "War on Terror" (another bogey man).

So its not possible, the United States cannot do anything, that's why it ran away from Afghanistan.

In its geopolitical greed and stupidity it has created forces that are far more opposed to Israel than there was in years agone by. That's the reason the WTC was attacked - the US pissing around in someone else's backyard.
I'm not talking about the US. I'm talking about international community of states, most especially the states IN the Middle East, to put pressure on everyone to dismantle and cut funding to extremist Islamist terror groups in the Middle East.

Which countries BENEFIT from having extremist Islamist terror groups in their midst?
Not if she chooses Josh Shapiro or Mark Kelly as her running mate.
She won’t choose Shapiro because she knows she has a large, antisemitic Muslim base who would throw a fit if she picked a Jew.

Mark Kelly…..don’t know anything about him. Is he Jewish, as well?
I'm not talking about the US. I'm talking about international community of states, most especially the states IN the Middle East, to put pressure on everyone to dismantle and cut funding to extremist Islamist terror groups in the Middle East.

Which countries BENEFIT from having extremist Islamist terror groups in their midst?
We have the UN it tried to act but the US vetoed as it always does.

Understand all states in the Middle East are UN members, they ARE the international community.

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