Kamala Harris Gets Boost From Independents as Donald Trump Struggles

another crock of shit....she was running against trump last time....a real independent is an independent because they dont like either party or the people running and that includes harris...
But, you have to choose. It is not like Trump said, if you go to the polls, and vote this time, you won't have to vote again, he told the "Christian"(if you can call them that), but normal Americans, Independents included, just do not favor a top down autocratic government in this country. I guess they will have to immigrate to Russia, or somewhere, where elections are meaningless, or not held, to show their proper support for authoritarian subjugation. Independents just want to remain independent to tilt the balance and keep our rights to decide, our laws (applying to everyone, including Trump) and continue voting out or against whoever is against the vision of the founding fathers, as we were taught in grade school and college. A better idea, is for Republicans to choose country over party or chosen demagog. At least now with what trump has said at rallies, it is more definitive, he does not support democracy, as our representative republic was built on. If you do not support the principles of the founding fathers, you are no patriot, as you would see it changed to something unrecognizable, where even applying for a job in your government would depend on how you registered to vote, not qualifications or experience, but mindless devotion to an Orange God. Independents welcome the chance for a viable alternative for 4 more years. It is not too late. You could get rid of your very old man felon, and offer an actual conservative, ready to stand in defense of the principles that made us great and kept us great, instead of somebody running on vengeance and self interests of himself (to stay out of jail and rule as king) and the uber-rich. Give up your dreams of funding the government on the backs of the working class, by trade war tariffs.
But, you have to choose. It is not like Trump said, if you go to the polls, and vote this time, you won't have to vote again, he told the "Christian"(if you can call them that), but normal Americans, Independents included, just do not favor a top down autocratic government in this country. I guess they will have to immigrate to Russia, or somewhere, where elections are meaningless, or not held, to show their proper support for authoritarian subjugation. Independents just want to remain independent to tilt the balance and keep our rights to decide, our laws (applying to everyone, including Trump) and continue voting out or against whoever is against the vision of the founding fathers, as we were taught in grade school and college. A better idea, is for Republicans to choose country over party or chosen demagog. At least now with what trump has said at rallies, it is more definitive, he does not support democracy, as our representative republic was built on. If you do not support the principles of the founding fathers, you are no patriot, as you would see it changed to something unrecognizable, where even applying for a job in your government would depend on how you registered to vote, not qualifications or experience, but mindless devotion to an Orange God. Independents welcome the chance for a viable alternative for 4 more years. It is not too late. You could get rid of your very old man felon, and offer an actual conservative, ready to stand in defense of the principles that made us great and kept us great, instead of somebody running on vengeance and self interests of himself (to stay out of jail and rule as king) and the uber-rich. Give up your dreams of funding the government on the backs of the working class, by trade war tariffs.
principles of the founding fathers?.....aint they the guys whose statues you take down?.....pictures you longer hang in govt buildings lobbies.....the ones who were being labeled as slave owners.....those guys?....
principles of the founding fathers?.....aint they the guys whose statues you take down?.....pictures you longer hang in govt buildings lobbies.....the ones who were being labeled as slave owners.....those guys?....

Kamala Harris Gets Boost From Independents as Donald Trump Struggles

It would appear trump is quickly losing support among Independent voters. His “youth” (at 77yo) compared with the elderly Biden (at 82yo) is no longer an issue MAGA-ites can exploit.

When it comes to years in public service, trump’s single-term debacle cannot compare to the successful experience of Kamala Harris, which Independent voters realize.

Yes, trump’s support from his cult members and their wives is thought to be unshakable, but that is a shrinking number as trump’s mental health declines.

His advisers understand the severity of this mental decline and are warning trump not to debate Harris, after all, trump’s standard nonsense only impresses his loyal followers. That tired sales pitch is not the “debate winner” it was in 2016.

Given the momentum the Harris campaign has generated in just the one week since Biden withdrew, how soon will trump throw-in-the-towel and leave the race? His ego couldn’t bear losing the election to a woman, and a black woman at that.


Is Harris your nominee?

I didn't see anything official...
You really believe all that leftard bullshit?
I believe in the principles upon which this country was founded and our method of representative democracy, where elections count, and losing candidates do not try to overthrow the results by hook or crook, or outright attack on the Capital of our country. Trump and his weak anti-female VP choice, do not. I support the rights of women, to choose, and do not hold ill will against women that choose not to get pregnant, to avoid being characterized as "Childless Catladies" by the Trump/Vance campaign. How in the world could you people choose somebody that hates women, simply because they chose to conservatively build a life, not predicated on their value as mothers, even insulting the pets they choose. What did single women who do not choose to become pregnant do to you, or women barren of whatever medical reason, or those that want to have children, but missed their window? So, you do not get to have women under your thumb. It looks like you will lose any dreams of having the Federal Government step in to prevent women from going out of state to seek healthcare, too, your big government hopes, dashed.
principles of the founding fathers?.....aint they the guys whose statues you take down?.....pictures you longer hang in govt buildings lobbies.....the ones who were being labeled as slave owners.....those guys?....
Not me. I could give a good home to one of the statues, overlooking my pool, where it would be cared for, for it's historical value and art value, especially if on horseback, leading a charge. Behind my fences, it would not be a reminder of the ills of a young society to anyone.
But, you have to choose. It is not like Trump said, if you go to the polls, and vote this time, you won't have to vote again, he told the "Christian"(if you can call them that), but normal Americans, Independents included, just do not favor a top down autocratic government in this country. I guess they will have to immigrate to Russia, or somewhere, where elections are meaningless, or not held, to show their proper support for authoritarian subjugation. Independents just want to remain independent to tilt the balance and keep our rights to decide, our laws (applying to everyone, including Trump) and continue voting out or against whoever is against the vision of the founding fathers, as we were taught in grade school and college. A better idea, is for Republicans to choose country over party or chosen demagog. At least now with what trump has said at rallies, it is more definitive, he does not support democracy, as our representative republic was built on. If you do not support the principles of the founding fathers, you are no patriot, as you would see it changed to something unrecognizable, where even applying for a job in your government would depend on how you registered to vote, not qualifications or experience, but mindless devotion to an Orange God. Independents welcome the chance for a viable alternative for 4 more years. It is not too late. You could get rid of your very old man felon, and offer an actual conservative, ready to stand in defense of the principles that made us great and kept us great, instead of somebody running on vengeance and self interests of himself (to stay out of jail and rule as king) and the uber-rich. Give up your dreams of funding the government on the backs of the working class, by trade war tariffs.
LOL SO you're willing to support your party, the one that literally threw 14,000,000 votes in the trash in order to remain in power.

Got it. Wonderful principles you have there.
LOL SO you're willing to support your party, the one that literally threw 14,000,000 votes in the trash in order to remain in power.

Got is. Wonderful principles you have there.
You wanted him out, pointing to aging problems, so he is out. The Democrats look like they heard your wishes. Now you are upset, you are stuck with an old crazy felon and cannot run against age. The representatives of the Democrat Party, will vote, now that you proved your point.
You could have gotten rid of your ancient, crazed, felon, if you cared about the country, instead of just winning. Now you are stuck with him.
You wanted him out, pointing to aging problems, so he is out. The Democrats look like they heard your wishes. Now you are upset, you are stuck with an old crazy felon and cannot run against age. The representatives of the Democrat Party, will vote, now that you proved your point.
You could have gotten rid of your ancient, crazed, felon, if you cared about the country, instead of just winning. Now you are stuck with him.
Psssst. we're happy AF. Radical left wing loon Kamala is easily as beatable as your demented cult leader.

But back to your screed, it's your party that have rendered "elections meaningless" And you support that 100%. So stop with your sanctimonious bullshit.

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