Kamala is our next President!

Dude, there are not that many racists in this country that will put Trump over the top. And every other demographic hates his guts!

Billo, have to wonder why you are spouting your stupid analysis on this board. Most of us suspect you are an idiot. Each time you post, you remove more doubt.

You wet dreams do not constitute facts.

He is leading her and her honeymoon (you guys kicked her to the curb in the primaries and all of sudden she walks on water ?) isn't getting her in the lead.

In the months to come, reality will set in and you find your (Joe Biden described) DEI token is going to crash and burn like the Hindenburg.

So, keep spasming over this.

If you are so sure, why don't you do what about 20 of your ilk won't do ? Take me up on my wager. I am so confident Trump will win, I am willing to leave the board for a year if he loses. Are you so confident that Harris will win that you'll take me up on my wager. The other loud mouths that share the same trailer park with you all shut up when I ask them. You going to be a man and be different ?
Here you go...

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You didn't even read your own article. This will stand as one of your biggest "moron moments" (and you've got a lot of them so that is saying something).

From your article:

To be sure, illegal immigration soared after Biden took office, as the chart shows even without cherry-picking the pandemic low. According to our latest update to “Biden’s Numbers” in late January, apprehensions for the 12 months ending in November were 296% higher than during Trump’s last year in office.

The writing is on the wall. Kamala Harris will be our next President. The enthusiasm is through the roof!: She is already ahead if Trump in the polls and it will just get worse for Republicans from here.
She may be your President. She may end up being President of the United States. She will NEVER be MY President.

Even if I could look past her gender and the fact that neither of her parents were born in the USA, her political, social, cultural and financial ideologies are diametrically opposed to everything I believe in.

Until last week I intended to write my own name in for POTUS. Now I have to support and vote for Trump.

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