Black dude furious at the Kamala SPIN. Says young dudes of ALL races do not like Kamala. ...

She's half-black by way of Jamaica.

But last I checked, that ain't African.

Which means the Dems are the very cultural appropriating bigots they warned us all about.

Who knew?
That’s how democrat women operate. A Jamaican claiming to be black, a white woman claiming to be Indian, and a black man claiming to have been First Lady.
The ugly rajin Cajun asshole even knows

Carville may be a left-wing Democrat, but he's been a straight shooter for a long time now. When others were rallying behind Biden, he was calling him out for his weakness. Today, he clearly sounds unconvinced that Kamala is the Democrats' savior in this election. The current surge of fundraising and enthusiasm is a mirage that won't last
The ugly rajin Cajun asshole even knows

Carville may be a left-wing Democrat, but he's been a straight shooter for a long time now. When others were rallying behind Biden, he was calling him out for his weakness. Today, he clearly sounds unconvinced that Kamala is the Democrats' savior in this election. The current surge of fundraising and enthusiasm is a mirage that won't last
Carville will be proven wrong.
They aren’t African black. But her family did own a few.
They are African black. Africans got dropped off in the Carribean, South America and what is now America. Harris relatives were slaves, who had children by a slavemaster. Slave masters forced slave women to have sex with them. So your second sentence is disingenuous and quite franky, a lie.
They are African black. Africans got dropped off in the Carribean, South America and what is now America. Harris relatives were slaves, who had children by a slavemaster. Slave masters forced slave women to have sex with them. So your second sentence is disingenuous and quite franky, a lie.
Her family is Indian. Not the US kind. And her family actually owned the slaves. They weren’t slaves, they were the slave owners.

I would suggest you do a bit more research.
Trump is going to lose.
I fully support Trump but I kind of hope you are right. 4 years of you fags prancing around like a mocha latte is too much to face.

I trust too much in the Democrat’s ability to rig the election to waste my time worrying about Trump getting elected.
Her family is Indian. Not the US kind. And her family actually owned the slaves. They weren’t slaves, they were the slave owners.

I would suggest you do a bit more research.

Its apparent that it is you who haven't done the research. This is standard operating procedure for you idiots. It's real easy to say that Harris' family owned slaves, but when you do a deep dive, you find that once again, Stormfront is being purposefully inaccurate in what they tell you.

Her family is Jamaican and Indian. Her ancestors did not own slaves. Her family was owned and was given the slavemasters name. They were owned by Hamiton Brown, a white man.

"Finally, it is worth noting that, even if it is true that the Harris family are descendants of the Antrim slave owner Hamilton Brown, they are also quite likely to be descendants of slaves. It is well-documented that British and Irish slave owners in the Caribbean (and their counterparts in the American colonies) routinely raped and engaged in illicit sex with female slaves, resulting in many "illegitimate" children of mixed racial heritage."

Dude is shaking his head at what he sees with FAKE Kamala. The whole thing has been a game with the Democrats, who would replace Biden. Many races don't want her. Taylor Swift this, Beyonce that....using the young people to get votes...

Would you look at it. What has happened to America? The countries become incredibly weak feminized beyond belief.

How many stay at home dads do we have? They’re probably going to vote for Harris.

The strong men of this country black and white will not support Harris. We need a better Democrat to run for president president

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