Who do you vote for when you are:

You guys think that there is this huge pool of people firmly in the middle that you all simply can't get organized.

In reality -

The people on the right who are not firmly behind President Trump want him to be MORE Conservative.
Stronger on the 2nd amendment, more fiscally responsible, stronger on social issues.

The people on the left who are not firmly behind Biden, other than his declining health, want him to be More Progressive.
Eliminate the 2nd amendment, more tax and spend, reimagine social issues as far less conservative.

So, you can see this is not a pool of voters that are going to agree on any issue.
I am saying if Repubs ever cut the budget Hell would Freeze over and God and Satan would kiss and make up...three things that will never happen
And the Progs will cut the budget you are saying. Near Two Trillion-dollar deficit this year. That is a lot of moolah.
First, this is not to turn into a debate about the individual thoughts below. The thoughts below are not exhaustive either.
The point here is that our country is squarely divided. For many of us, our political leanings are not squarely on one side. So who would you vote for?

  • Fiscally conservative
  • Believe in the constitution
  • Understand the concept of our Federal Republican
  • Limited Taxes
  • Small Gov't
  • Crony free Capitalism
  • Freedom of religion
  • Proper separation of religion and state
  • We are NOT a Christian nation
  • Personal freedoms as outlined by the Bill of Rights
  • Equity in opportunity
  • The individual can be as successful as they want to be and is dependent on their own personal choices.
  • Support the 2A
  • Sensible abortions; Rape (incest is the same as rape in my book) life of the mother and should be limited to first trimester
  • LGBTQ - Let them marry it's a civil union, not a spiritual union.
    • Let adults undergo Gender affirming care (GAC) as long as they fully understand the long term and permanent affects and IMO, is an elective procedure at the individual's cost.
    • GAC is not paid for by medicare/aid
    • Leave children alone
  • I do believe we can do better with Healthcare, this nation has too many resources that we can't come to a sensible solution. I don't know how it get's done as governments don't have a strong track record of providing Universal Healthcare.

No individual can be "as successful as they want to be" without a strong federal government providing them with the infrastructure, investment, and an educated work force, behind them and supporting them. NOBODY ever succeeds entirely on their own, based on their own decisions.

Without strong protections for both their chattels and their intellectual property, no one can succeed. This is why most inventors register their patents in the USA. You provide the strongest world wide intellectual property protection in the world.

Gay marriage is a right and a necessity. Leave gays alone.

Stop government from legislating medical treatments. These people have no education or experience in medicine and are banning treatments for religious reasons, not biological or medical reasons. Abortion, and gender affirming care should be left in the hands of medical professionals.

Governments have a much better record at providing health care than the "for profit sector". You have the most expensive health care in the world, and yet the USA is the only country in the first world where life expectancy is DECLINING. You're also the only country in the first world that doesn't have a universal government funded healthcare system.

Wash rinse and repeat for education. You have the most expensive education system in the world. And yet your test scores are declining. And you're allowing parents to control your education system, instead of employers.

The purpose of edcuation is to teach people the skills they will need to become economically productive adults. That means you need to teach tolerance, acceptance, and working together in groups - diversity, equity and inclusion. Because your nation is falling backwards into segregation, racism, and violence.
Maybe on the healthcare issue, is we just kicked out the 20 million illegals here in the US who get free medical everytime they show up in the hospital ERs, the prices might go down for the rest of US?

If you just kick out 20 million people, your GDP declines by 5% immediately, and inflation would rise drastically.

If illegals really were costing the US economy MORE than they're contributing, they would have been throw out years ago. There has to be a MASSIVE benefit to the US economy to let them stay or the Republican Party would have done something about illegal immigrants years ago.
No individual can be "as successful as they want to be" without a strong federal government providing them with the infrastructure, investment, and an educated work force, behind them and supporting them. NOBODY ever succeeds entirely on their own, based on their own decisions.

Without strong protections for both their chattels and their intellectual property, no one can succeed. This is why most inventors register their patents in the USA. You provide the strongest world wide intellectual property protection in the world.

Gay marriage is a right and a necessity. Leave gays alone.

Stop government from legislating medical treatments. These people have no education or experience in medicine and are banning treatments for religious reasons, not biological or medical reasons. Abortion, and gender affirming care should be left in the hands of medical professionals.

Governments have a much better record at providing health care than the "for profit sector". You have the most expensive health care in the world, and yet the USA is the only country in the first world where life expectancy is DECLINING. You're also the only country in the first world that doesn't have a universal government funded healthcare system.

Wash rinse and repeat for education. You have the most expensive education system in the world. And yet your test scores are declining. And you're allowing parents to control your education system, instead of employers.

The purpose of edcuation is to teach people the skills they will need to become economically productive adults. That means you need to teach tolerance, acceptance, and working together in groups - diversity, equity and inclusion. Because your nation is falling backwards into segregation, racism, and violence.
Point wasn't to debate the points... Ugh, comprehension.
I thought that the Kid's list was pretty good, and I agree with most of it. But, who should he vote for? I have no idea. I'm ridin' w/Biden. We stylin' in the Vette with our aviator shades on. To each their own.

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