This is why I will not vote for democrats

The link below is to the Congressional Progressive Caucus Proposition Agenda Executive Summary that the Left wants to implement if they win the WH and majorities in Congress. It's mostly the usually progressive liberal stuff that is ridiculously expensive, but essentially they want to turn the US into a one-party system (theirs) by eliminating the Electoral College, abolish the filibuster, expand the Supreme court so they have a liberal majority and bring DC into the union as the 51st state. And they want to pass legislation that removes any barriers to voting such as a voter-id and allow online voting. Some of this stuff would've already happened if Manchin and Sinema has not refused to support it; the democrats came close in 2021, and I fear they'll get what they want the next time.

There's no turning back from this crap, once it gets enacted. Say what you want about Trump, MAGA, and the GOP, but they ain't going to do any of this crap, even if Trump wants to be a dictator for life and no doubt some MAGA people would like that. But it ain't happening and if you think that it's possible then you need to get a grip on reality. There's nothing Trump can do that the next president after him can't undo, as we've seen with Biden and there are too many repubs that won't go along with giving Trump free reign. But once the stuff above happens, it won't change back and this country will be forever worse off than we are now.

Read your sorce....

Ther is no mention of DC voting (but why shouldn't thay be allowed to vote for President), Peurto Rico as well (they are bigger than 11 states)....

Voting in the US is far harder than in other modern countries... I voted today in Ireland... It took longer to find a parking spot than voting... Voting with ID is not compulsory if have Voting Card. Loads ID are valid but you can get a Photo ID from your local Police station in Ireland for $11(10 euro). They are uniform through out the country, they are accepted everywhere as a form of ID legally...
There is also Voting by Mail but that is not used much as voting in person is made so easy..

The SC doesn't reflect the ideals of the people... They are far too conservative...
They've had the White House and Majorities and have done nothing. Even when they had as close to a filibuster proof majority as will ever happen they did nothing about this kind of stuff.

I'm against most of that stuff and I'm not going to vote (D) either but I also understand that both parties are full of empty talk to try and keep their power over the masses.

The last time they had close to a fillibuster proof Senate, the economy was completely crashed, and both the USA and the world economies were teetering on the fiscal brink. Democrats used their majority to pass the ACA to help the American people.

The Electoral College has twice inflicted Presidents that the American people did not vote for, in the past 20 years, and both were complete disasters as President. The system that was supposed to prevent a criminal like Donald Trump from ever capturing the White House, has proven to be his preferred method of getting and keeping power.

As for the Supreme Court, you have a Justice who accepted more than $4 million in "gifts" just last year. And a Court that has been packed with picks that the dark money behind the Federalist Society selected, based on their donors wishes to overturn liberal policy. Those "picks" were captured by Mitch McConnell, and pushed through by the corrupt criminal in the White House, which has completely corrupted the Court, and it's recent opinion.

It is time to undo the permanent damage that the election of the corrupt criminal President has undone, and to ensure that no one gets into office again on the basis of the EC.
The last time they had close to a fillibuster proof Senate, the economy was completely crashed, and both the USA and the world economies were teetering on the fiscal brink. Democrats used their majority to pass the ACA to help the American people.

The Electoral College has twice inflicted Presidents that the American people did not vote for, in the past 20 years, and both were complete disasters as President. The system that was supposed to prevent a criminal like Donald Trump from ever capturing the White House, has proven to be his preferred method of getting and keeping power.

As for the Supreme Court, you have a Justice who accepted more than $4 million in "gifts" just last year. And a Court that has been packed with picks that the dark money behind the Federalist Society selected, based on their donors wishes to overturn liberal policy. Those "picks" were captured by Mitch McConnell, and pushed through by the corrupt criminal in the White House, which has completely corrupted the Court, and it's recent opinion.

It is time to undo the permanent damage that the election of the corrupt criminal President has undone, and to ensure that no one gets into office again on the basis of the EC.

Stop ranting.
Stop ranting.

Why do so many of you call a well reasoned, fact support argument a "rant"?

This is like Donald Trump's claims that his prosecution is "something they do in banana republics". No Donald. Prosecuting a former President who has broken the law is something they do in a "mature democracy", like France or Italy, both of whom have prosecuted former Presidents.

Refusing to accept the will of the people and attempting to overthrow the duly elected government after you lose you bid for re-election is something that they do in banana republics. Just like what recently happened in Brazil.
Why do so many of you call a well reasoned, fact support argument a "rant"?

This is like Donald Trump's claims that his prosecution is "something they do in banana republics". No Donald. Prosecuting a former President who has broken the law is something they do in a "mature democracy", like France or Italy, both of whom have prosecuted former Presidents.

Refusing to accept the will of the people and attempting to overthrow the duly elected government after you lose you bid for re-election is something that they do in banana republics. Just like what recently happened in Brazil.

You go off on all sorts of stuff completely irrelevant to anything I've said. That's why I call it a rant.

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