Zone1 There's A New Silent Majority Out There - And It's Not Conservative

Because they want to WIN Republican.

WTF don't you understand about that?

Democrats don't have to love and genufleck to the President like you Republicans do.

because they want to win REPUBLICAN? that right marc?...and marc believe me i aint like you are....i cant stand neither one of these assholes.....if they both dropped during the debate then everyones problems are yea marc....snap out of it....
Maybe, just maybe, there is an army of Americans out there who may not call themselves liberal or progressive but who are anywhere from sort of turned off to massively repulsed by MAGA.

They are out there. And they, I submit, are your new Silent Majority.

They’re not all liberal. But they definitely support abortion rights. They’re not rushing to join trans rights groups. But they want people to be treated with empathy and tolerance. They’re not reading gender-bending young adult fiction. But they recoil against censorship. They’re not socialists. But they want the government to do more for working- and middle-class people. They’re not Earth Firsters. But they believe climate change is real. They may still tell pollsters they’re wary of “big government.” But new interstates and bridges, and airport expansions, and new light-rail tracks, and expanded broadband access? They’re great with all that.

Not your fathers Archie Bunker?
They have to chose between voting to maintain the country that gives them their comfy lifestyle (the democrat model is unsustainable) and their own personal social issues.

They can vote for all their leftist Social issues, but then likely continue to be gutted financially and be put in more danger for them and/or their family, which Democrat policies in inner cities and at the border produces… more crime, more murders, and the increased handcuffing of police.

I guess we’ll see If they cut their nose off to spite their face.
Yet, you enjoy all the modern amenities and health care not available then
I enjoy some of them. I utilize more of them.

My lifespan in the era would have been listed in minutes. I’m well aware of that and would actually have preferred it to the half century I’ve endured in this lifetime. That would have been fine with me.
It wouldn’t even have been that many minutes. My birthmark would have been seen as a curse and I’d have been killed immediately. Likely my mother as well.
i know what you are talking about....then why do you want to go back and be killed along with your mom?...
because they want to win REPUBLICAN? that right marc?...and marc believe me i aint like you are....i cant stand neither one of these assholes.....if they both dropped during the debate then everyones problems are yea marc....snap out of it....
I don't believe you Republican. Have a nice day.

i know what you are talking about....then why do you want to go back and be killed along with your mom?...
I believe it was a better time. Simpler. Less complex. Right and Wrong were the rule of the day. It was t perfect but it was far better than what we have today.
I believe it was a better time. Simpler. Less complex. Right and Wrong were the rule of the day. It was t perfect but it was far better than what we have today.
even though they would have put you to death and your poor mother just for having a birth mark? you are alive.....
even though they would have put you to death and your poor mother just for having a birth mark? you are alive.....
Yes I’m alive. In another month we will commemorate (not celebrate) my 50th birthday. Half a century of misery and despair that I’d rather forget.

I learned early on in life what being different meant in our society… physically, mentally, emotionally, socially. Then add the extended medical conditions and the side effects of the medications I was prescribed.

Ever hace a woman tell you she’d rather **** her dog than go on a date with you?

Death at the time of birth would have been a mercy.

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