The New Silent Majority

“Those of you of a certain age will recall the phrase “the Silent Majority,” made popular by Richard Nixon…

No candidate on the broad left has ever, to my knowledge, invoked the phrase. It’s high time that changed….

……As Aaron Blake pointed out in The Washington Post, there have been six special congressional elections this cycle and the Democrat has outperformed in four of them, the Republican in just one. In the sixth race, Blake notes, the results (the Democrat won) closely mirrored the 2020 results, but “Democrats swung the results by double digits from the 2022 race for the same seat and flipped the seat blue.”

…..So, a theory for you: Maybe, just maybe, there is an army of Americans out there who may not call themselves liberal or progressive but who are anywhere from sort of turned off to massively repulsed by MAGA. And while Trump and Fox News and Steve Bannon and Marjorie Taylor Greene and all the rest of them spend their days fulminating about America dying and hyping the authoritarian tsunami coming—talk that the mainstream media picks up and that dominates our discourse—there are in fact millions of Americans sitting quietly at home who detest these histrionic harbingers of hatemongering (a Safire-esque turn of phrase for you, since I mentioned Agnew).

They are out there. And they, I submit, are your new Silent Majority…..

…….They’re not all liberal. But they definitely support abortion rights. They’re not rushing to join trans rights groups. But they want people to be treated with empathy and tolerance. They’re not reading gender-bending young adult fiction. But they recoil against censorship. They’re not socialists. But they want the government to do more for working- and middle-class people. They’re not Earth Firsters. But they believe climate change is real. They may still tell pollsters they’re wary of “big government.” But new interstates and bridges, and airport expansions, and new light-rail tracks, and expanded broadband access? They’re great with all that.

And most of all: They, just like Nixon’s old Silent Majority, seek normalcy, law and order, and someone to save the country from extremism. But in Nixon’s time, the extremism came from the left, while today it comes from the right. It’s the Trump right that attacks normalcy, on a daily and sometimes hourly basis. It’s the Trump right that is lawless, as evidenced most obviously by the fact that all these Republicans are tripping over themselves to support a convicted felon to be the president of the United States. And it’s the Trump right that is extremist on just about every issue, from health care to foreign policy.

So they sit at home, probably not watching much cable news, not marching in any marches, but just waiting until Election Day to register their opposition to MAGA. …..”


I found the article in the New Republic very interesting. As everyone knows who have been around MAGAs, they are loud and brash. They make no bones that they are for Trump. They carry flags and shout down all who take issue with them, and as can be seen on forums like this are very aggressive in their support of Trump. Calling for “Civil War” if they lose or their opponents “commies” are just causing growing numbers to get tired of this stupidity and histrionics.

I have been at dinner with MAGAs and they are all over my social media feed. Always spouting about Trump and those of us whether sitting around the table or on social media know not to argue with them but let them spout on and on. If you call them out they just go off the deep end. Better to be silent.

So, the silent majority waits and come November we will go the polls and our voices will be heard.
The trumpers are not conservative either, just trumpian, and partial to demagogues, and autocrats.
“Those of you of a certain age will recall the phrase “the Silent Majority,” made popular by Richard Nixon…

No candidate on the broad left has ever, to my knowledge, invoked the phrase. It’s high time that changed….

……As Aaron Blake pointed out in The Washington Post, there have been six special congressional elections this cycle and the Democrat has outperformed in four of them, the Republican in just one. In the sixth race, Blake notes, the results (the Democrat won) closely mirrored the 2020 results, but “Democrats swung the results by double digits from the 2022 race for the same seat and flipped the seat blue.”

…..So, a theory for you: Maybe, just maybe, there is an army of Americans out there who may not call themselves liberal or progressive but who are anywhere from sort of turned off to massively repulsed by MAGA. And while Trump and Fox News and Steve Bannon and Marjorie Taylor Greene and all the rest of them spend their days fulminating about America dying and hyping the authoritarian tsunami coming—talk that the mainstream media picks up and that dominates our discourse—there are in fact millions of Americans sitting quietly at home who detest these histrionic harbingers of hatemongering (a Safire-esque turn of phrase for you, since I mentioned Agnew).

They are out there. And they, I submit, are your new Silent Majority…..

…….They’re not all liberal. But they definitely support abortion rights. They’re not rushing to join trans rights groups. But they want people to be treated with empathy and tolerance. They’re not reading gender-bending young adult fiction. But they recoil against censorship. They’re not socialists. But they want the government to do more for working- and middle-class people. They’re not Earth Firsters. But they believe climate change is real. They may still tell pollsters they’re wary of “big government.” But new interstates and bridges, and airport expansions, and new light-rail tracks, and expanded broadband access? They’re great with all that.

And most of all: They, just like Nixon’s old Silent Majority, seek normalcy, law and order, and someone to save the country from extremism. But in Nixon’s time, the extremism came from the left, while today it comes from the right. It’s the Trump right that attacks normalcy, on a daily and sometimes hourly basis. It’s the Trump right that is lawless, as evidenced most obviously by the fact that all these Republicans are tripping over themselves to support a convicted felon to be the president of the United States. And it’s the Trump right that is extremist on just about every issue, from health care to foreign policy.

So they sit at home, probably not watching much cable news, not marching in any marches, but just waiting until Election Day to register their opposition to MAGA. …..”


I found the article in the New Republic very interesting. As everyone knows who have been around MAGAs, they are loud and brash. They make no bones that they are for Trump. They carry flags and shout down all who take issue with them, and as can be seen on forums like this are very aggressive in their support of Trump. Calling for “Civil War” if they lose or their opponents “commies” are just causing growing numbers to get tired of this stupidity and histrionics.

I have been at dinner with MAGAs and they are all over my social media feed. Always spouting about Trump and those of us whether sitting around the table or on social media know not to argue with them but let them spout on and on. If you call them out they just go off the deep end. Better to be silent.

So, the silent majority waits and come November we will go the polls and our voices will be heard.
You libtards aren’t silent. And you’re not in the majority.

Good luck with your wicked verbosely posted wishes.
Not a "Trumpist", moonbat...And you freaks are still an incomprehensibly loud and violent minority.

So eat a bag of dicks, shitweasel.
You are every bit a Trumpist as you repeat every lie of their’s like a parrot; or if you are not a Trumpist as you protest, you are definitely on their list of useful idiots.

I’m “incomprehensible!” You’re the bozo posting Dems are the most violent minority in human history. I mean that is super stupidity.
You are every bit a Trumpist as you repeat every lie of their’s like a parrot; or if you are not a Trumpist as you protest, you are definitely on their list of useful idiots.

I’m “incomprehensible!” You’re the bozo posting Dems are the most violent minority in human history. I mean that is super stupidity.
Your ignorance, arrogance and stupidity are on perfect display.
You are every bit a Trumpist as you repeat every lie of their’s like a parrot; or if you are not a Trumpist as you protest, you are definitely on their list of useful idiots.

I’m “incomprehensible!” You’re the bozo sating Dems are tnis most violent minority in human history. I mean that is super stupidity.
I'm so far to the right of "Trumpists" that it'd blow your puny unprepossessing mind.

We all saw how "peaceful" you assholes are in the summer of '20...There's no putting that toothpaste back in the tube, moonbat.
Your ignorance, arrogance and stupidity are in perfect display.
As usual, Bluto, your posts are not worth the electrons you use, Nothing but personal attacks from another low IQ Trumpist. Of course that is all your pea brain is capable of.
I'm so far to the right of "Trumpists" that it'd blow your puny unprepossessing mind.

We all saw how "peaceful" you assholes are in the summer of '20...There's no putting that toothpaste back in the tube, moonbat.
So 2020 protests makes these protesters the most violent in human history? Are you really that stupid?

BTW you are not conservative you’re more of a nihilist.
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As usual, Bluto, your posts are not worth the electrons you use, Nothing but personal attacks from another low IQ Trumpist.
Stop your endless crying, troll sock bitch.

You’re the idiot who called Oddball a Trumpist.

You are a moron, you’re ignorant, you’re dishonest, you talk out of your ass and you’re a troll. 👍
Stop your endless crying, troll sock bitch.

You’re the idiot who called Oddball a Trumpist.

You are a moron, you’re ignorant, you’re dishonest, you talk out of your ass and you’re a troll. 👍
Look at you go off the deep end. Calling someone a Trumpist is a dirty word in your book?

Coming from a Trumpist that is hilarious.

Think before you post, You’re making an ass of yourself.
Look at you go off the deep end. Calling someone a Trumpist is a dirty word in your book?

As used incorrectly by an asshole like you, it’s simply a matter of correcting your propensity to be ignorant and dishonest and a hack bitch troll. Stop crying, you pussy.
Coming from a Trumpist that is hilarious.
Oh no! Asshole ^ Potato pud sucker called me a “Trumpist.” 😂🤣
Think before you post,
Between the two of us, I’m the only one who does. 👍
You’re making an ass of yourself.

Nah i am just exposing you as the asshole you are.

Granted. You are very helpful in that process. You can’t help being an asshole. But why you insist on proving it is bit of a mystery. 😎
As used incorrectly by an asshole like you, it’s simply a matter of correcting your propensity to be ignorant and dishonest and a hack bitch troll. Stop crying, you pussy.

Oh no! Asshole ^ Potato pud sucker called me a “Trumpist.” 😂🤣

Between the two of us, I’m the only one who does. 👍

Nah i am just exposing you as the asshole you are.

Granted. You are very helpful in that process. You can’t help being an asshole. But why you insist on proving it is bit of a mystery. 😎 usual you can’t come up with a single constructive comment on the OP. You come across like an hysterical child throwing a tantrum. Tell you what, kid, go back to your play pen and when you are ready to post a comment have your husband review it for civility and thoughtfulness. You are obviously incapable of it.
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Reactions: IM2 usual you can’t come up with a single constructive comment on the OP. You come across like an hysterical child throwing a tantrum. Tell you what, kid, go back to your play pen and when you are ready to post a comment have your mommy review it for civility and thoughtfulness. You are obviously incapable of it.
Is there ever an end to your crying?

The OP is and was retarded.
Is there ever an end to your crying?

The OP is and was retarded.
Wow, the only one crying is you.

“The OP is retarded?” Is that all you got?

That is about the level of discussion you are capable of.

Thanks for proving my point about you.
  • Thanks
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Wow, the only one crying is you.

Your absolute reliance on lying is revealing. 👍
“The OP is retarded?” Is that all you got?
I explained it earlier. Try to follow along, troll sock.
That is about the level of discussion you are capable of.

Selective reading ^ from a troll sock isn’t persuasive. :itsok:
Thanks for proving my point about you.
Actually, you’ve only assisted me in proving you are the dishonest troll sock you are.

“Those of you of a certain age will recall the phrase “the Silent Majority,” made popular by Richard Nixon…

No candidate on the broad left has ever, to my knowledge, invoked the phrase. It’s high time that changed….

……As Aaron Blake pointed out in The Washington Post, there have been six special congressional elections this cycle and the Democrat has outperformed in four of them, the Republican in just one. In the sixth race, Blake notes, the results (the Democrat won) closely mirrored the 2020 results, but “Democrats swung the results by double digits from the 2022 race for the same seat and flipped the seat blue.”

…..So, a theory for you: Maybe, just maybe, there is an army of Americans out there who may not call themselves liberal or progressive but who are anywhere from sort of turned off to massively repulsed by MAGA. And while Trump and Fox News and Steve Bannon and Marjorie Taylor Greene and all the rest of them spend their days fulminating about America dying and hyping the authoritarian tsunami coming—talk that the mainstream media picks up and that dominates our discourse—there are in fact millions of Americans sitting quietly at home who detest these histrionic harbingers of hatemongering (a Safire-esque turn of phrase for you, since I mentioned Agnew).

They are out there. And they, I submit, are your new Silent Majority…..

…….They’re not all liberal. But they definitely support abortion rights. They’re not rushing to join trans rights groups. But they want people to be treated with empathy and tolerance. They’re not reading gender-bending young adult fiction. But they recoil against censorship. They’re not socialists. But they want the government to do more for working- and middle-class people. They’re not Earth Firsters. But they believe climate change is real. They may still tell pollsters they’re wary of “big government.” But new interstates and bridges, and airport expansions, and new light-rail tracks, and expanded broadband access? They’re great with all that.

And most of all: They, just like Nixon’s old Silent Majority, seek normalcy, law and order, and someone to save the country from extremism. But in Nixon’s time, the extremism came from the left, while today it comes from the right. It’s the Trump right that attacks normalcy, on a daily and sometimes hourly basis. It’s the Trump right that is lawless, as evidenced most obviously by the fact that all these Republicans are tripping over themselves to support a convicted felon to be the president of the United States. And it’s the Trump right that is extremist on just about every issue, from health care to foreign policy.

So they sit at home, probably not watching much cable news, not marching in any marches, but just waiting until Election Day to register their opposition to MAGA. …..”


I found the article in the New Republic very interesting. As everyone knows who have been around MAGAs, they are loud and brash. They make no bones that they are for Trump. They carry flags and shout down all who take issue with them, and as can be seen on forums like this are very aggressive in their support of Trump. Calling for “Civil War” if they lose or their opponents “commies” are just causing growing numbers to get tired of this stupidity and histrionics.

I have been at dinner with MAGAs and they are all over my social media feed. Always spouting about Trump and those of us whether sitting around the table or on social media know not to argue with them but let them spout on and on. If you call them out they just go off the deep end. Better to be silent.

So, the silent majority waits and come November we will go the polls and our voices will be heard.
Extra long OP post that could be summed up in one sentence.
"I hate Trump and the people that voted for him and will again". ... :cuckoo:
The OP is right. Watch what happens on election night. 93 percent of the summer 2020 potests were peaceful. And they protested about something that actually hapened. Trump slobs had a violent insurrection about nothing.
The OP is right. Watch what happens on election night. 93 percent of the summer 2020 potests were peaceful. And they protested about something that actually hapened. Trump slobs had a violent insurrection about nothing.
You’re wrong and lying the summer of hate was very violent. And their violent protests were not justified nor were they justifiable.

There was no insurrection.

You assholes keep overlooking that when you make your false claim.
Republicans have been on a losing streak for the.past six years. I expect it to continue with Trump at the top of the ticket.

Republican lost some elections due to the GOP/RNC withholding funds for TRUMP supported candidates, along with other elected republicans publicly opposing them.

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