Trump is lionizing Jan. 6 rioters as 'warriors.' Could the dog whistle be any louder?

It's amazing how quickly the Law-and-Order party turned against the Law.
Most Republican voters are not Law and Order. They are of common sense. Law and Order though is the infection in our party. It is a wrong agenda to push. In this insane situation we live in today, progressive socialist anarchy rules. We know now that Antifa, and BLM is still legitimate. They are Prog approved. Police give them carte blanche. The Prog approved anti-Jewish agenda was legitimized and now it is not from the Prog politician elites. So Islamic anti-Israel protests/riots/insurrections are not the same as Antifa/BLM in Prog areas. The other two groups could burn down the city and the Prog politicians/elites said yes. And the anti-Israel contingent from the same party is not. So, is that a sign of some massive power? All the left-wing Jewish politicians have to do is say they support Israel and from a line drawn in the sand. And they will not.
The rioters who assaulted police officers are criminals---the rest of them are not
Dems don’t make that distinction. If you were there, you deserve to rot in prison…that’s their mindset. Don’t matter if all you were doing was walking around, you deserve to be in prison for life

This.. from the party of compassion…lol
‘Donald Trump says the rioters who assaulted police officers in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot are “warriors.” That’s not just wrong; it’s dangerous.
For months, Trump has called defendants like them “hostages” and “political prisoners,” as if they were being held unfairly by a repressive regime — a grotesque lie meant to attack the judicial system Trump wants to destroy.

But recently he gave the Jan. 6 attackers a more heroic title.

“Those J6 warriors — they were warriors,” the former president said at a rally in Las Vegas. “But they were really, more than anything else, they’re victims of what happened. All they were doing is protesting a rigged election.”

That’s quite a promotion. “Warriors” is a word Americans generally apply to members of the armed forces, not militants who attack police officers with bear spray.’

The judicial system Trump wants to destroy, indeed.
They are being held for YEARS without a trial. They are warriors. I pray the tables turn on the Democrats after November. NO MERCY
As to glass smashing at the piggy wiggly-----same crime

The Capitol is the People's House where our democratic representative government makes the laws that guide and protect the nation..... versus..... the Piggly Wiggly where you go to buy your HoHo's and Bud Lite.

That distinction that makes the difference. Vandalizing the Capitol should and must carry with it greater consequences than pushing over the cupcake display at your Piggly Wiggly.

That seems common sense. One act damages private commercial property iin one community....the other diminishes the sense that America is not to be trifled with. Or suggests that one can....another nation even?....can do so with little consequence.

If you were there, you deserve to rot in prison…that’s their mindset. Don’t matter if all you were doing was walking around, you deserve to be in prison for life
"in prison for life"??
Histrionic much?
Name one attacker....or even one 'walker around' who got such a sentence.

To say such is hyperbolic nonsense.
And signals an unserious contributor to responsible adult discussion.

They are being held for YEARS without a trial. They are warriors. I pray the tables turn on the Democrats after November. NO MERCY
"being held for years without trial"??
  • Like who is?
  • How many?
  • And why would any be in that class?
Could it be for their violence in jail?
There continuing threats against fellow inmates, guards, witnesses, our society?
Or is it for their own defense counsel's delaying tactics?

Regardless, of the reason, inform the forum on all who are in this category? And explain the reasons, it would be public record, via the courts.

Batter up,
The Capitol is the People's House where our democratic representative government makes the laws that guide and protect the nation..... versus..... the Piggly Wiggly where you go to buy your HoHo's and Bud Lite.

That distinction that makes the difference. Vandalizing the Capitol should and must carry with it greater consequences than pushing over the cupcake display at your Piggly Wiggly.

That seems common sense. One act damages private commercial property iin one community....the other diminishes the sense that America is not to be trifled with. Or suggests that one can....another nation even?....can do so with little consequence.


"in prison for life"??
Histrionic much?
Name one attacker....or even one 'walker around' who got such a sentence.

To say such is hyperbolic nonsense.
And signals an unserious contributor to responsible adult discussion.


"being held for years without trial"??
  • Like who is?
  • How many?
  • And why would any be in that class?
Could it be for their violence in jail?
There continuing threats against fellow inmates, guards, witnesses, our society?
Or is it for their own defense counsel's delaying tactics?

Regardless, of the reason, inform the forum on all who are in this category? And explain the reasons, it would be public record, via the courts.

Batter up,
for the record----for the owner of a PIGGEDLY WIGGLY---the smashing of the windows thereof is a serious crime. For the record ---I do not drink Bud or eat Hohos or smash anyone's
windows. I have lived thru riots---in which lots of windows got
smashed -----no one paid in any way
"I expect Trump to reiterate at the debates that he will pardon all of the January 6 protestors"

Well, that seems problematic to my sensibilities. Meaning, Trump's opponents need only run the images of the most egregious attacks on uniformed police; or go over the most damning testimonies of the Proud Boys and Oathkeeper trials.

That would be a gift to the Biden campaign it seems to me.

For example:



‘Donald Trump says the rioters who assaulted police officers in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot are “warriors.” That’s not just wrong; it’s dangerous.
For months, Trump has called defendants like them “hostages” and “political prisoners,” as if they were being held unfairly by a repressive regime — a grotesque lie meant to attack the judicial system Trump wants to destroy.

But recently he gave the Jan. 6 attackers a more heroic title.

“Those J6 warriors — they were warriors,” the former president said at a rally in Las Vegas. “But they were really, more than anything else, they’re victims of what happened. All they were doing is protesting a rigged election.”

That’s quite a promotion. “Warriors” is a word Americans generally apply to members of the armed forces, not militants who attack police officers with bear spray.’

The judicial system Trump wants to destroy, indeed.

I know this will escape you but here goes.

Many of my fellow conservatives bang the "election fraud! Cheating!" over and over for various reasons. Maybe they're personally offended by the injustice of it (understandable) or maybe they think it's a winning strategy (less understandable). Either way, it's a losing proposition for us, politically. People have made up their mind. No one is changing it. It's either:

1. Election fraud is real and I'm furious about it
2. Election fraud is real but there's nothing we can do now
3. Conservatives are nuts, there's no election fraud.

No one is changing lanes here.

Same with J6. You all bang on and on about it but everyone's in their lane and no one is budging. Meanwhile, since this was over three years ago, there are different things you could pursue. Well....maybe not since Biden in such a flop, but my point stands. No one is changing their minds on J6.
"So how can they be trespassing on their own property?"

Would they be 'tresspassing' if they broke into the taxpayer funded Smithsonian Jewel Room?

Would they be 'tresspassing' if they broke into taxpayer funded Fort Knox?

Or the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station?
Or cia headquarters?

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