Jan 6: In one day rioters injured more than one hundred police officers, caused more than 2.9 million dollars in losses. Septic Installer Sentenced

You’ve got to be friggen kidding me. Want to talk beating police and destroying public and private property? J6 was nothing compared to the George Floyd riots. Not even close.

Those riots were everywhere. Dozens of cities. But let’s compare shall we?

Let’s say the idiots in Portland were successful. They drove everyone out of the city. They essentially set Portland up as the post apocalyptic setting for a dozen movies. Ok. So what? Nobody outside of Portland would really care. Other than being an object lesson for others to adjust how they handle protests in the future, nothing would change in the nation.

Ok. Let’s say the even dumber jackasses at Jan 6 were successful in stopping the certification of an election. Let’s say they managed to get Trump selected with the use of violence. What then? The US dies on that day. We are no longer a constitutional republic.

I say they are dumber for a number of reasons. But let’s use police and arrests.

The dumbass fools in Portland are smart enough to ditch their phones and wear nondescript clothing. They cover their faces. So the prosecutor had to convince the jury that this fellow wearing all black and a mask is the one out of a hundred that threw a Molotov Cocktail.

Good luck with that. Even a fresh out of law school passed the BAR exam last week lawyer would be able to cast doubt on that.

The January 6 idiots photographed themselves. They live streamed. They didn’t cover their faces. They carried their own phones in. They wore distinctive clothing. Clothing that in pretty much all cases they didn’t get rid of.

That same fresh from law school lawyer acting as a prosecutor couldn’t help but get a conviction. The idiots did all the work for the cops.

They bragged on social media that they had been there. They posted the pictures online of them fighting for Trump.

They deserve the jail. Stupid criminals always get caught. They always whine when they are caught.
Those riots were everywhere. Dozens of cities. But let’s compare shall we?

Let’s say the idiots in Portland were successful. They drove everyone out of the city. They essentially set Portland up as the post apocalyptic setting for a dozen movies. Ok. So what? Nobody outside of Portland would really care. Other than being an object lesson for others to adjust how they handle protests in the future, nothing would change in the nation.

Ok. Let’s say the even dumber jackasses at Jan 6 were successful in stopping the certification of an election. Let’s say they managed to get Trump selected with the use of violence. What then? The US dies on that day. We are no longer a constitutional republic.

I say they are dumber for a number of reasons. But let’s use police and arrests.

The dumbass fools in Portland are smart enough to ditch their phones and wear nondescript clothing. They cover their faces. So the prosecutor had to convince the jury that this fellow wearing all black and a mask is the one out of a hundred that threw a Molotov Cocktail.

Good luck with that. Even a fresh out of law school passed the BAR exam last week lawyer would be able to cast doubt on that.

The January 6 idiots photographed themselves. They live streamed. They didn’t cover their faces. They carried their own phones in. They wore distinctive clothing. Clothing that in pretty much all cases they didn’t get rid of.

That same fresh from law school lawyer acting as a prosecutor couldn’t help but get a conviction. The idiots did all the work for the cops.

They bragged on social media that they had been there. They posted the pictures online of them fighting for Trump.

They deserve the jail. Stupid criminals always get caught. They always whine when they are caught.
That’s a whole lot of crap Drama Queen.
Good gawd you've strayed. Can't even follow a conversation. Is it a genetic thing?

Oh wait! you're the imbecile over at the Ben Shapiro gets taught a lesson thread. LOL

never mind

My apologies but your response to my statement didn’t make a bit of sense so I was trying to decipher what I thought you were trying to say…

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