Jan 6: In one day rioters injured more than one hundred police officers, caused more than 2.9 million dollars in losses. Septic Installer Sentenced

So you and your avatar believe that unarmed trespass in a public building is a capital crime punishable by summary execution with absolutely no due process, eh? Nice to know,

We do?
I didn't know that we thought that.
If I may, how did you come to the conclusion that unarmed trespass should be a capital crime?
You post such nonsense it's amazing.

The videos, the emails, the texts, the messages sent and received from many of the rioters made the case for many plea deals and convictions.
You constantly post nonsense. Have you tried to read trial transcripts of those convicted for Jan 6? Take the case of Enrique Tarrio. Put into prison for 22 years yet he could not even show up in DC that day. And was not there.
So beating police and destroying public property is a protest now?
Democrats whine that the police were pussies. Why don't Democrats mention that the cops wore armor? That they are trained how to handle crowds? Windows were busted and sure prosecute them over that. What do windows cost?
Protests are not tea parties
Things get broken
No different here except exercise in lib loon fake pearl clutching overreaction in the extreme
When BLM rioted in Seattle and Oregon, did not read any Democrat posting here about their rampant destruction. That was apparently normal to them then. Bust a window today and you go to prison for 22 years.
Democrats whine that the police were pussies. Why don't Democrats mention that the cops wore armor? That they are trained how to handle crowds? Windows were busted and sure prosecute them over that. What do windows cost?
In Ashlii Babbitt's case, her life. She must be the only unarmed trespasser in a public building who has ever been murdered for breaking a window.
When BLM rioted in Seattle and Oregon, did not read any Democrat posting here about their rampant destruction. That was apparently normal to them then. Bust a window today and you go to prison for 22 years.
80% Libbies here are paid or trolls with multiple screen name
This is mostly a site to advertise harm for Trump
With that shit -- you should be defending Charlie Manson
Manson was not at the place of the murder if that is your aim.
I have never defended this dude.

Say you were that day in Jan at Baltimore. Would that make you guilty as charged?

Mansons case was proven he put out the orders. Maybe a better lawyer would have kept him out of prison.
In Ashlii Babbitt's case, her life. She must be the only unarmed trespasser in a public building who has ever been murdered for breaking a window.
I’m not sure she broke it but just crawled thru it after it was broken and recently revealed she chastised the guy who broke it!
She may have crawled in to apologize. But the murderer was in a predetermined mission that he had already been told he would be exonerated for.
Here is the video proving she protected property yet the cop that murdered her is home safe as a bug in a rug.

And still you cannot justify why numerous law enforcement officers armed with M-16s immediately behind her when she was shot, did not feel lethal force was justified. The proof is in YOUR video.

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