Former NASCAR driver, son arrested on Jan. 6 charges

Bullshit, show me anyone still in prison from BLM for 'assaulting an officer'? Or the more recent campus protests?
Many BLM, antifa, and J6rs are still in jail for assaulting officers.

You have to show they are not, and you can't.

You write the silliest stuff.
Not true, I believe an illegal immigrant assaulted multiple officers in NY, and didn't 'find out' anything. But please do keep displaying your corrupt partisanship, people are finally starting to wake up.
You sound like a whiny little bitch. If you don’t want to do the time don’t commit the crime. Being released on a no bail policy awaiting trial is not the same as not being punished
Always with the ridiculous false comparisons. When any of these groups run up into the US capital, assaulting hundreds on the way--then you might have a valid got nothing, as usual.

As an aside, to the MAGA bunch---don't you guys ever get tired portraying yourselves as the victim?

Assault on a police officer is assault on a police officer, no matter where and when it occurred. If there's something 'special' about 1/6, then you better find another crime to use, or shove your 'invalid comparison' bullshit up your ass. I'm sure it will be hard to fit with your head up there as well,
Most of those Jan 6th rioters got to take their asses home too. They were apprehended after a year's long extensive FBI manhunt.

You have zero credibility and will continue to have none while you cheer on your appointed corrupt party abusing the system to go after their opponents. Pay back is a bitch.
You have zero credibility and will continue to have none while you cheer on your appointed corrupt party abusing the system to go after their opponents. Pay back is a bitch.
You know what has credibility? The Justice System. Even old grandma rioters on Jan 6th thought they could fuck around without finding out. How credible was that belief? :dunno: :laugh:
You sound like a whiny little bitch. If you don’t want to do the time don’t commit the crime. Being released on a no bail policy awaiting trial is not the same as not being punished

I would sound like that to a corrupt partisan asshole, who is incapable of any discernment whatsoever. 🤡

My point stands.
You know what has credibility? The Justice System. Even old grandma rioters on Jan 6th thought they could fuck around without finding out. How credible was that belief? :dunno: :laugh:

Yeah, stupid assholes like you love licking the boots, you're going to get kicked right in the face for your trouble someday. I'll be here cheering, just like you are now.
Yeah, stupid assholes like you love licking the boots, you're going to get kicked right in the face for your trouble someday. I'll be here cheering, just like you are now.
I'm not planning on any criminality like you fucktards who grow increasingly disgruntled by all the L's you're taking, legally and electorally. You're the ones being pushed towards desperation. :laugh:
Yeah, stupid assholes like you love licking the boots, you're going to get kicked right in the face for your trouble someday. I'll be here cheering, just like you are now.
Minorities have been getting kicked in the teeth this whole time, Moron. Nothing new here. It's only because you were grown soft why this is a surprise to you now that the tables have been turned. And why shouldn't we celebrate? :dunno: When your pale, old, white asses have to face the criminal justice system same as everyone else maybe more of you will come around to some progressive criminal justice reforms. :laugh:
Old Flames and Lord-Hummungus and those cretins just don't deserve to live in America.

American for Americans and patriots. Really true on a day like today, June 6.
You have zero credibility and will continue to have none while you cheer on your appointed corrupt party abusing the system to go after their opponents. Pay back is a bitch.
I've been waiting to see that payback for a long time now. Is it fixin' to happen soon?
Now you are gaslighting, once again.
No I didn't, you did. Guess you're aptly named, slow.

John Edgar Slow Horses said:
Many BLM, antifa, and J6rs are still in jail for assaulting officers.

You have to show they are not, and you can't.

You write the silliest stuff.
He cannot prove that the offenders are not in jail; it was his allegation, but he can't defend it.

LM Leader John Sullivan Who Sought to “Incite Violence” on Capitol Hill Is Sentenced to Six Years in Prison for His Actions on Jan. 6 –

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