The New Silent Majority

Thank you CNN.
You mean, even CNN knows it? How bout that? Have they been reporting on the Silent Majority, too? Maybe it is the Independents and people leaving the Republican Party to become independents, simply too conservative to make asses of themselves for that party and direction it went, and wants to take the country.
You mean, even CNN knows it? How bout that? Have they been reporting on the Silent Majority, too? Maybe it is the Independents and people leaving the Republican Party to become independents, simply too conservative to make asses of themselves for that party and direction it went, and wants to take the country.
You are scared of what they would do before they do it? That is what elections are for. And what you have is fearmongering and projection.
You are scared of what they would do before they do it? That is what elections are for. And what you have is fearmongering and projection.
No. I just don't approve of his plans, his character or the criminality of the convict who would be king.
No. I just don't approve of his plans, his character or the criminality of the convict who would be king.
You have to know that trial was a joke. And do not talk about character while that asshole pervert Biden is in the WH.
You have to know that trial was a joke. And do not talk about character while that asshole pervert Biden is in the WH.
The jurors did not think it a joke, nor the prosecutors or judge. Trump taking it that way before sentancing is foolish and self-destructive. Good lawyer would advise against it, but his lawyer are Republican lawyers, so sound legal advice is whatever trump thinks it should be, not what normal lawyers would ever advise. Plus he has idiots out there on the internet, talking up his (trial is a joke thing), encouraging, the showoff megalomaniac to illicit more of his stupid performance art, to antagonize the judge. I think, many of you, only have a loose association with reality and cannot sort out the difference between political show and a live criminal court case, where he was found guilty 34 straight felony verdicts and is due for sentencing.
The jurors did not think it a joke, nor the prosecutors or judge. Trump taking it that way before sentancing is foolish and self-destructive. Good lawyer would advise against it, but his lawyer are Republican lawyers, so sound legal advice is whatever trump thinks it should be, not what normal lawyers would ever advise. Plus he has idiots out there on the internet, talking up his (trial is a joke thing), encouraging, the showoff megalomaniac to illicit more of his stupid performance art, to antagonize the judge. I think, many of you, only have a loose association with reality and cannot sort out the difference between political show and a live criminal court case, where he was found guilty 34 straight felony verdicts and is due for sentencing.
Everyone else did.
Everyone else did.
There is your reality gap.
“Those of you of a certain age will recall the phrase “the Silent Majority,” made popular by Richard Nixon…

No candidate on the broad left has ever, to my knowledge, invoked the phrase. It’s high time that changed….

……As Aaron Blake pointed out in The Washington Post, there have been six special congressional elections this cycle and the Democrat has outperformed in four of them, the Republican in just one. In the sixth race, Blake notes, the results (the Democrat won) closely mirrored the 2020 results, but “Democrats swung the results by double digits from the 2022 race for the same seat and flipped the seat blue.”

…..So, a theory for you: Maybe, just maybe, there is an army of Americans out there who may not call themselves liberal or progressive but who are anywhere from sort of turned off to massively repulsed by MAGA. And while Trump and Fox News and Steve Bannon and Marjorie Taylor Greene and all the rest of them spend their days fulminating about America dying and hyping the authoritarian tsunami coming—talk that the mainstream media picks up and that dominates our discourse—there are in fact millions of Americans sitting quietly at home who detest these histrionic harbingers of hatemongering (a Safire-esque turn of phrase for you, since I mentioned Agnew).

They are out there. And they, I submit, are your new Silent Majority…..

…….They’re not all liberal. But they definitely support abortion rights. They’re not rushing to join trans rights groups. But they want people to be treated with empathy and tolerance. They’re not reading gender-bending young adult fiction. But they recoil against censorship. They’re not socialists. But they want the government to do more for working- and middle-class people. They’re not Earth Firsters. But they believe climate change is real. They may still tell pollsters they’re wary of “big government.” But new interstates and bridges, and airport expansions, and new light-rail tracks, and expanded broadband access? They’re great with all that.

And most of all: They, just like Nixon’s old Silent Majority, seek normalcy, law and order, and someone to save the country from extremism. But in Nixon’s time, the extremism came from the left, while today it comes from the right. It’s the Trump right that attacks normalcy, on a daily and sometimes hourly basis. It’s the Trump right that is lawless, as evidenced most obviously by the fact that all these Republicans are tripping over themselves to support a convicted felon to be the president of the United States. And it’s the Trump right that is extremist on just about every issue, from health care to foreign policy.

So they sit at home, probably not watching much cable news, not marching in any marches, but just waiting until Election Day to register their opposition to MAGA. …..”


I found the article in the New Republic very interesting. As everyone knows who have been around MAGAs, they are loud and brash. They make no bones that they are for Trump. They carry flags and shout down all who take issue with them, and as can be seen on forums like this are very aggressive in their support of Trump. Calling for “Civil War” if they lose or their opponents “commies” are just causing growing numbers to get tired of this stupidity and histrionics.

I have been at dinner with MAGAs and they are all over my social media feed. Always spouting about Trump and those of us whether sitting around the table or on social media know not to argue with them but let them spout on and on. If you call them out they just go off the deep end. Better to be silent.

So, the silent majority waits and come November we will go the polls and our voices will be heard.
You think the silent majority is backing Biden? What the hell do you base that wild theory on?
Much like the right-wing silent majority in the '60s, you only get to become one, when the opposition is loud, rowdy, and truly unhinged at all times.
You dipshits, in order to be a majority you need to have more people voting for you and that hasn't happened since 2004. Maybe you're a silent minority, though Trump doesn't seem all that silent to me, whatever, but objectively you're not a majority. Not nationally. And not for some time now. :lmao:
Many people I know won’t discuss politics with Trumpers. I do it on this forum but that’s it.
Hell no they don't they don't discuss politics, they don't like getting laughed at for supporting Biden, and your party platform of sexual deviancy, baby killing, covetousness, and open borders.

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