This is not sustainable.

Attorney General Merrick Garland fires back at House GOP contempt threat: ‘I will not be intimidated’

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Tuesday hit back at House Republicans threatening to hold him in contempt, calling their efforts part of a wave of “unprecedented and unfounded” attacks against the Department of Justice.

“I will not be intimidated,” Garland said in his testimony at the start of a hearing before the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee.

“The Justice Department will not be intimidated,” he said. “We will continue to do our jobs free from political influence. And we will not back down from defending our democracy.”

He also pushed back on the swell of conspiracy theories surrounding Thursday’s historic criminal conviction of former President Donald Trump, including the false claim that the guilty verdict by a New York state jury “was somehow controlled by the Justice Department.”

“That conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself,” Garland said.

The "this" I'm referring to in the thread title is exemplified by the contentious hearing Casper Milktoast, otherwise known as Merrick, testified at. By that I do not mean having contentious hearings is not sustainable. Rather, I refer to the polar opposite perceptions of reality each side brings to the table. House Repubs like Gym Jordan and Dems like Garland metaphorically represent the divergent perceptions of reality that exists more broadly among Trump Repubs and Dems.

Effective governance requires building a consensus between two philosophically opposed parties. A difficult task that is proving to be more and more difficult in this era of political polarization. But consensus is virtually impossible when the two parties can not agree on what is real and what is not.

Many of you reading this already know where I stand on divergent perceptions of reality like the integrity of the 2020 election result. The affect man is having on the climate. The credibility of the grand jury's decision to indict Trump in the NY election fraud case and the jury's decision to convict him. I do not wish for this thread to devolve in to a back and forth on those matters. The point of the thread is to make clear my opinion that the country simply can not survive, can not effectively govern itself, if when gazing upon an image one side sees a tree and the other a balloon.

We all have opinions as to what lead us to this point. How we got here does matter because as with governance we need to agree on what the problem is before we can solve it. The answers are vexing, nuanced, complex, and not easily reconciled. If we fail to agree on what they are, and then act to fix them, the republic will fall.
Garland said he wouldn’t be intimidated as he displayed the fact that he was intimidated.
Just imagine, Democrats wanted to put this treasonous asshole on the Supreme Court.
I see you've decided to double down on the kind of detachment from reality that caused Garland to be called to testify in the first place.
He got hammered. He labeled it as An attempt to intimidate. It wasn’t. But that’s the way he felt. So he was denying it as he was experiencing it.

Like you, Garland lacks credibility.

Thank God he didn’t make it to the SCOTUS.
Obfuscation is tacit admission of guilt. Sorry mate.
Actually, in this case it's calling bullshit on Repub's continued efforts to discredit our system of justice because of the verdict rendered on your Dear Leader.
He got hammered. He labeled it as An attempt to intimidate. It wasn’t.
He got hammered? Nothing of the sort happened. He exposed Gym Jordan for the craven Trump acolyte that he is. The basis of the questioning, that the DoJ corrupted the trial, is an evidence free accusation made to perpetuate the myths created to enable Trump.

Attorney General Merrick Garland fires back at House GOP contempt threat: ‘I will not be intimidated’

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Tuesday hit back at House Republicans threatening to hold him in contempt, calling their efforts part of a wave of “unprecedented and unfounded” attacks against the Department of Justice.

“I will not be intimidated,” Garland said in his testimony at the start of a hearing before the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee.

“The Justice Department will not be intimidated,” he said. “We will continue to do our jobs free from political influence. And we will not back down from defending our democracy.”

He also pushed back on the swell of conspiracy theories surrounding Thursday’s historic criminal conviction of former President Donald Trump, including the false claim that the guilty verdict by a New York state jury “was somehow controlled by the Justice Department.”

“That conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself,” Garland said.

The "this" I'm referring to in the thread title is exemplified by the contentious hearing Casper Milktoast, otherwise known as Merrick, testified at. By that I do not mean having contentious hearings is not sustainable. Rather, I refer to the polar opposite perceptions of reality each side brings to the table. House Repubs like Gym Jordan and Dems like Garland metaphorically represent the divergent perceptions of reality that exists more broadly among Trump Repubs and Dems.

Effective governance requires building a consensus between two philosophically opposed parties. A difficult task that is proving to be more and more difficult in this era of political polarization. But consensus is virtually impossible when the two parties can not agree on what is real and what is not.

Many of you reading this already know where I stand on divergent perceptions of reality like the integrity of the 2020 election result. The affect man is having on the climate. The credibility of the grand jury's decision to indict Trump in the NY election fraud case and the jury's decision to convict him. I do not wish for this thread to devolve in to a back and forth on those matters. The point of the thread is to make clear my opinion that the country simply can not survive, can not effectively govern itself, if when gazing upon an image one side sees a tree and the other a balloon.

We all have opinions as to what lead us to this point. How we got here does matter because as with governance we need to agree on what the problem is before we can solve it. The answers are vexing, nuanced, complex, and not easily reconciled. If we fail to agree on what they are, and then act to fix them, the republic will fall.
Garland is traitorous fucking scum....Should be one of the first on the one-way helicopter ride.
He got hammered? Nothing of the sort happened. He exposed Gym Jordan for the craven Trump acolyte that he is. The basis of the questioning, that the DoJ corrupted the trial, is an evidence free accusation made to perpetuate the myths created to enable Trump.
No no. He got hammered by the questioning about releasing the communications between the DOJ and Letitia, Bragg and Fani.

And we all saw it.

Face reality, someday, and you’ll see it too.
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Actually, in this case it's calling bullshit on Repub's continued efforts to discredit our system of justice because of the verdict rendered on your Dear Leader.
You only admire our system of justice because it nailed an innocent man to the wall on 34 jacked up charges, of whom you hate with a singular passion.

I don't care for liars or fake admiration. You people, admiring a function of our government when it suits your political purposes.
“Many Americans believe there’s now a double standard in our justice system,” Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said at the start of the hearing. “They believe that because there is.”

He's right. Trump was given far too much deference.
“Many Americans believe there’s now a double standard in our justice system,” Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said at the start of the hearing. “They believe that because there is.”

He's right. Trump was given far too much deference.
He is right for very different reasons. Trump has been given zero deference.

The now tarnished image of our justice system is exclusively the fault of the bias shown against him by persecutors and judges alike.

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