TRUMP IS GUILTY!/ Why Can’t I afford groceries?

Good, because this economy is great. Record jobs. Record wages. Record growth. Record stock market. Consumer confidence high. Record number of people traveled over holiday weekend. Record energy production.

And with inflation at 3.4%. That’s only one percentage point higher than where it was when Trump left office at 2.4%.

Just big of a fucking loser are you?

Spews, most Americans do not agree with you, but you can keep trying to convince them.

"The economy slowing down comes at a time when a majority of Americans believe that the U.S. is in a recession and blame Biden for their perceived financial challenges. Nearly 60 percent of voters say Biden is responsible for what they believe is a bad economy."

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What's Trump's proposal to bring down groceries OP?

Can you describe what it is?
Reduce the price of energy, for which the price of nearly everything depends.

Also, cancel Biden's zero-emissions semi-Truck plan...

(Biden wants poor people to starve in favor of ineffective Climate mandates.)

Also, stop letting in millions of migrants which increase demand and also drive up prices with needs for "free" food paid for by the taxpayer.
From C-SPAN this morning at around the 1 hour and 25 minute mark of the following video

View attachment 954827

That smug smirk the face of Biden supporters or radical leftists that are celebrating today bc they “got Trump” while huge swaths of working-class Americans cannot afford the cost of living.

This is the one thing that could still get Trump elected. Just as the caller from C-SPAN brought up most of the working people are struggling to pay for the cost of living. Gas was two dollars a gallon in his area when Trump was in office and it has exploded in price since then. Millions of illegal immigrants who have come to America and have received benefit money while poor black and white Americans are struggling every day in this country.
You better believe I've got a smirk on my face when I cross paths with a red hat all decked out in trump gear. Saw one today but decided not to live troll him out of the kindness of my heart since he was in a chair and missing his legs. There is always tomorrow though!
What the hell are they invested in?

The stock market had gotten me crazy

You’re getting hosed by your money managers… or you’re lying your ass off
You really should have told the jury that before their ruling. They were considering a whole nuther set of laws.

Trump's hush money trial: What charges did he face?​

NEW YORK, May 30 (Reuters) - A jury on Thursday convicted Donald Trump of falsifying business records to conceal hush money paid to porn star Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election.

Here is an explanation of the charges Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg brought against Trump, the Republican candidate challenging Democratic President Joe Biden in the Nov. 5 U.S. election.


Bragg's office last year charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up a $130,000 payment that Trump's former personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen made to Stormy Daniels, whose given name is Stephanie Clifford. The payment was made in the waning days of the 2016 campaign in exchange for her silence about a sexual encounter she says she had with Trump a decade earlier, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors have alleged that was part of a broader "catch-and-kill" scheme to suppress negative news stories about Trump before the 2016 election in which Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton.


According to prosecutors, Trump disguised his 2017 reimbursement checks to Cohen for the Daniels payment as retainer fees for legal services in records maintained by his New York-based family real estate company, the Trump Organization.

Each of the 34 counts stem from a check, ledger entry or invoice from Trump's payments to Cohen.

It is against New York state law to make a false entry
, opens new tab in a company's records. While falsification of business records on its own is a misdemeanor, it is considered a felony punishable by up to four years in prison if it is done to conceal or further other crimes.

In this case, Bragg said that other crime was a violation of a New York state law making it a misdemeanor to conspire to promote a candidacy by "unlawful means." Prosecutors say Trump, Cohen, and former American Media chief executive David Pecker conspired to pay off people with potentially negative stories about Trump - including Daniels - to remain quiet before the 2016 election. They say those payments were effectively campaign contributions that exceeded the $2,700 cap on individual donations in 2016.

Tempest in a teapot!

Trump's hush money trial: What charges did he face?​

NEW YORK, May 30 (Reuters) - A jury on Thursday convicted Donald Trump of falsifying business records to conceal hush money paid to porn star Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election.

Here is an explanation of the charges Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg brought against Trump, the Republican candidate challenging Democratic President Joe Biden in the Nov. 5 U.S. election.


Bragg's office last year charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up a $130,000 payment that Trump's former personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen made to Stormy Daniels, whose given name is Stephanie Clifford. The payment was made in the waning days of the 2016 campaign in exchange for her silence about a sexual encounter she says she had with Trump a decade earlier, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors have alleged that was part of a broader "catch-and-kill" scheme to suppress negative news stories about Trump before the 2016 election in which Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton.


According to prosecutors, Trump disguised his 2017 reimbursement checks to Cohen for the Daniels payment as retainer fees for legal services in records maintained by his New York-based family real estate company, the Trump Organization.

Each of the 34 counts stem from a check, ledger entry or invoice from Trump's payments to Cohen.

It is against New York state law to make a false entry
, opens new tab in a company's records. While falsification of business records on its own is a misdemeanor, it is considered a felony punishable by up to four years in prison if it is done to conceal or further other crimes.

In this case, Bragg said that other crime was a violation of a New York state law making it a misdemeanor to conspire to promote a candidacy by "unlawful means." Prosecutors say Trump, Cohen, and former American Media chief executive David Pecker conspired to pay off people with potentially negative stories about Trump - including Daniels - to remain quiet before the 2016 election. They say those payments were effectively campaign contributions that exceeded the $2,700 cap on individual donations in 2016.

Tempest in a teapot!
AND ...

ANALYSIS: Trump’s NY Criminal Trial Exposes Role of ‘Weaponized’ DAs, Says Legal Expert​

ANALYSIS: Trump’s NY Criminal Trial Exposes Role of ‘Weaponized’ DAs, Says Legal Expert


Yet a prosecution conceived and led by avowed political enemies of the GOP’s 2024 front-runner may well prove a double-edged sword, as it presents to millions of voters the reality of a “weaponized” district attorney with serious political ambitions of his own.

That’s the view of Harvey Kushner, chair of the criminal justice department at Long Island University in Brookville, New York, who sees the efforts of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to bring down President Trump as the culmination of a process underway for decades, in which a role traditionally associated with ostensibly objective law enforcement grows increasingly partisan.

“This has now come to a head, because what you’re seeing play out now is well within the political sphere in terms of its impact on a campaign of a candidate for president,” Mr. Kushner told The Epoch Times.
During and since the March 25 hearing at which Judge Juan Merchan set the April 15 start date, Trump’s defense team has argued that it needed more time to review the voluminous documents related to the “hush money” allegations at the heart of the case.
“Team Trump felt that they were getting slow-rolled, as roughly 100,000 documents were turned over very late in the game by federal prosecutors. The documents should have been turned over sooner, but they weren’t. Therefore, calling for a delay was a very practical move to make,” Mr. Leitner said.

Mr. Leitner saw far-reaching consequences to Judge Merchan’s decision on April 2 to expand the gag order imposed on President Trump, which disallows his commenting publicly on the proceedings.

In Mr. Leitner’s view, it is no coincidence that the expanded gag order bars President Trump from commenting on the judge’s daughter, Loren Merchan, who happens to be the head of Authentic Campaigns, a powerful Democrat-leaning political consultancy in Chicago.

“Judge Merchan has not only not delayed the trial, he has imposed a gag order against Trump so he wouldn’t make statements about potential witnesses, court staff, and counsel that could have an impact on the outcome,” Mr. Leitner said.

“The Trump-hating judge even took it a step further, saying Trump couldn’t comment on family members, all while knowing his daughter works for a pro-Democrat firm that has supported Team Biden in the past. Talk about putting a thumb on the scale,” he added.

Trump's hush money trial: What charges did he face?​

Mr. Leitner saw far-reaching consequences to Judge Merchan’s decision on April 2 to expand the gag order imposed on President Trump, which disallows his commenting publicly on the proceedings.

In Mr. Leitner’s view, it is no coincidence that the expanded gag order bars President Trump from commenting on the judge’s daughter, Loren Merchan, who happens to be the head of Authentic Campaigns, a powerful Democrat-leaning political consultancy in Chicago.

“Judge Merchan has not only not delayed the trial, he has imposed a gag order against Trump so he wouldn’t make statements about potential witnesses, court staff, and counsel that could have an impact on the outcome,” Mr. Leitner said.

“The Trump-hating judge even took it a step further, saying Trump couldn’t comment on family members, all while knowing his daughter works for a pro-Democrat firm that has supported Team Biden in the past. Talk about putting a thumb on the scale,” he added.
Good, because this economy is great. Record jobs. Record wages. Record growth. Record stock market. Consumer confidence high. Record number of people traveled over holiday weekend. Record energy production.

And with inflation at 3.4%. That’s only one percentage point higher than where it was when Trump left office at 2.4%.

Just big of a fucking loser are you?
The economy is a wreck for the working class man. Articles and facts have been posted in numerous threads. A great majority of working class Americans site a lack of income and high prices as their top concerns. What solutions do you have these issues?

Just because there is a low unemployment rate doesn’t mean things are great. Again understand what that term lack of income means. Understand that most working class Americans don’t have stocks. Understand that the S&P 500 is carried by a few companies. A lot of people who invest in stocks sometimes invest in the wrong companies and lose money. The stock stats are skewed by billionaires some of whom might have inside information or simply have knowledge on what companies to invest in. So their are success is weighed against the common man.

Many Republicans had said they would be against Joe Biden being tried in a court in a deep red area of the country. This is yet another thing that apparently bloodthirsty Lefties don’t understand or care about. The left wing is wrong about the Trump issue.

“Getting Trump “ it’s not a top concern for working class Americans. This is evident in the picture from the original post almost none of the country cares about that except for the Hollywood elite, msm and far left-wing radicals in big cities like Chicago and New York City. But across the country on Main Street the working man cares about the high prices.
People who support African American communities are getting their patience tested. If African Americans vote again in November, the same it is time to disconnect. It is tiresome watching the criminal element doing the same thing in all communities and expanding. Please stop this. Stop this.
Whats tiring is reading bullshit from ignorant ass white racists. You haven't been connected to us, so why shoud we change? Whites commit the most crime son. Whites are the criminal element. And now you want to elect a convict to lead this country.

I apologize to the non racist whites in this thread. But sometimes you just have to talk to the ignorant using ignorantese.
Most working class Americans are more concerned with high prices compared to “getting trump” as evidenced by the map in the op…they know the cost of living was much better under Trump.

the current potus has not been effective wrt setting forth pro middle class policies.
Trump is not going to lower prices. And prices were not lower because of Trump. He inherited the growing economy from Obama. You guys seem to forget how he mishandled the only real work he had to fdo, and 1 million people died because of it. Companies are not going to lower prices just because Trump is elected.

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