Benghazi – It Just Won't go Away!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Where Was Barry? :eusa_whistle:
Where Was Hillary? :eusa_whistle:

Power Line by John Hinderaker

As I wrote here, one of the striking features of the White House’s latest email production is the complete absence of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton from the communications on the evening of September 11, 2012. Their names appear only later, when staffers write heartfelt statements about the deaths of four Americans to be released over their names.

Neither felt it important enough to be in the place where such emergency events are targeted.

Sigh, Read more @ Where Was Barry? Where Was Hillary? | Power Line and watch the Obama/Billary supporters go on their usual defensive rant, attacking the messenger, then trying to divert to something about President Bush.
If there was anything there Darrell Issa would have found it way before now. So here's the deal: This happened over a year an a half ago. Are the Republicans that incompetent in uncovering a truth?
Finally, after puttering around with stories and videos and lies after the attacks, Congress is beginning to get at the real scandal in Benghazi. Will the new Select Committee, headed by Trey Gowdy, get past the Democrat lies and stonewalling any better than the old one did?

What happened after the attacks, and who lied to whom and how, is less important than why security there was left to deteriorate for months, even while attacks were going on, bombs were blowing 12-foot holes in the consulate walls, and Amb. Stevens was pleading for months for more security.

That summer, Obama was crowing over "Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive!". He was desperately trying to fool American voters into thinking he had defeated Al Qaeda and they were "on the run". And the increasing attacks by Al Qaeda were not fitting into the glossy image he was trying to project.

Sending MORE security into areas like Benghazi, Cairo etc. would have done even more harm to his story... so he simply didn't do it. Instead he reduced security, pulled out American agents, and in some cases substituted Libyan personnel for the American security troops. He was hoping this would look good to American voters who weren't paying much attention.

By the first week in September 2012, there were exactly three American security personnel at the consulate in Benghazi. The gate guards and patrols had been replaced by Libyans... and they were unarmed, with nothing but whistles and batons. And so, when the major attack came on Sept. 11, 2012, the people in the consulate didn't have much chance.

Basically, the lives of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans, were sacrificed so that Obama could get more votes three weeks later in the November, 2012 election.

And that is the real scandal of Benghazi. Obama hopes fervently that people will keep complaining about Susan Rice and lies about a video afterward... because then they aren't complaining about what killed Amb. Stevens and three other Americans: Months of fatal, flagrant neglect of consulate security for the purpose of gaining votes.


CBS News - Breaking News, U.S., World, Business, Entertainment & Video

The Obama administration -- and the State Department in particular -- has been accused by Republican lawmakers and some former U.S. officials who worked in Libya of ignoring warning signs and even rejecting pleas for increased security around American offices in the country ahead of the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi, which left U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others dead.

The House Oversight Committee will begin questioning three senior State Department staff on Capitol Hill Wednesday over claims that dozens of U.S. security personnel were removed from Libya in the six months leading up to the attack, in spite of alleged requests to increase personnel levels from American officials on the ground.

According to one of the key witnesses expected to testify before the committee this week, even Ambassador Stevens himself had repeatedly requested more security personnel, but was turned down.

Lt. Col. Andy Wood, the former head of a U.S. Special Forces "Site Security Team" in Libya, has told CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson that he and many other senior staff at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, "felt we needed more, not less" security personnel in the country, but were told "to do with less."

"For what reasons, I don't know."

This begins to get at the real scandal in Benghazi.
That's the question I want to see answered.
Finally, after puttering around with stories and videos and lies after the attacks, Congress is beginning to get at the real scandal in Benghazi. Will the new Select Committee, headed by Trey Gowdy, get past the Democrat lies and stonewalling any better than the old one did?

What happened after the attacks, and who lied to whom and how, is less important than why security there was left to deteriorate for months, even while attacks were going on, bombs were blowing 12-foot holes in the consulate walls, and Amb. Stevens was pleading for months for more security.

That summer, Obama was crowing over "Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive!". He was desperately trying to fool American voters into thinking he had defeated Al Qaeda and they were "on the run". And the increasing attacks by Al Qaeda were not fitting into the glossy image he was trying to project.

Sending MORE security into areas like Benghazi, Cairo etc. would have done even more harm to his story... so he simply didn't do it. Instead he reduced security, pulled out American agents, and in some cases substituted Libyan personnel for the American security troops. He was hoping this would look good to American voters who weren't paying much attention.

By the first week in September 2012, there were exactly three American security personnel at the consulate in Benghazi. The gate guards and patrols had been replaced by Libyans... and they were unarmed, with nothing but whistles and batons. And so, when the major attack came on Sept. 11, 2012, the people in the consulate didn't have much chance.

Basically, the lives of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans, were sacrificed so that Obama could get more votes three weeks later in the November, 2012 election.

And that is the real scandal of Benghazi. Obama hopes fervently that people will keep complaining about Susan Rice and lies about a video afterward... because then they aren't complaining about what killed Amb. Stevens and three other Americans: Months of fatal, flagrant neglect of consulate security for the purpose of gaining votes.


CBS News - Breaking News, U.S., World, Business, Entertainment & Video

The Obama administration -- and the State Department in particular -- has been accused by Republican lawmakers and some former U.S. officials who worked in Libya of ignoring warning signs and even rejecting pleas for increased security around American offices in the country ahead of the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi, which left U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others dead.

The House Oversight Committee will begin questioning three senior State Department staff on Capitol Hill Wednesday over claims that dozens of U.S. security personnel were removed from Libya in the six months leading up to the attack, in spite of alleged requests to increase personnel levels from American officials on the ground.

According to one of the key witnesses expected to testify before the committee this week, even Ambassador Stevens himself had repeatedly requested more security personnel, but was turned down.

Lt. Col. Andy Wood, the former head of a U.S. Special Forces "Site Security Team" in Libya, has told CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson that he and many other senior staff at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, "felt we needed more, not less" security personnel in the country, but were told "to do with less."

"For what reasons, I don't know."

This begins to get at the real scandal in Benghazi.
The 12 year old "dude" that went on FOXNews yesterday spilled the beans about Obama not being in the situation room.

When liars get off script, they say the wrong his ass will be meeting the special committee in a few months so he can explain his comments.
Republicans have nothing to offer the middle class.

Republicans reduced security funding ($350 million) to embassy's so the CIA had to provide it.
Rep. "I hate black people" Issa has Rep. "tea party 2010" Gowdy doing an investigation? What's the matter, no respectable Republican will touch it? Oh, wait...

The fact that four people died does not make Obama, Hillary or anyone else automatically guilty of something...

Never said it did but there were previous attacks at consulate before the 9-11 one Ambassador Stevens expressed concern over security before the 9-11 attack all of which seemingly were not addressed. This attack was never a out of control protest despite what the administration repeatedly claimed and they knew this right away. Did anyone commit a crime not that I know of was there a cover up, incompetence, and corruption involved sure seems to be. At the very least Benghazi deserves the same amount of attention as Christie's bridgegate which got more coverage, scrutiny, and investigating in two weeks than Benghazi has in almost two years.
If Behghazi brings down the Obama regime they will not have died in vain. They'll go into history has saviors of our nation.

Republicans are going to flame out on this one this time. Putin overplayed his hand and Republicans just overplayed theirs.
That's the question I want to see answered.
Finally, after puttering around with stories and videos and lies after the attacks, Congress is beginning to get at the real scandal in Benghazi. Will the new Select Committee, headed by Trey Gowdy, get past the Democrat lies and stonewalling any better than the old one did?

What happened after the attacks, and who lied to whom and how, is less important than why security there was left to deteriorate for months, even while attacks were going on, bombs were blowing 12-foot holes in the consulate walls, and Amb. Stevens was pleading for months for more security.

That summer, Obama was crowing over "Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive!". He was desperately trying to fool American voters into thinking he had defeated Al Qaeda and they were "on the run". And the increasing attacks by Al Qaeda were not fitting into the glossy image he was trying to project.

Sending MORE security into areas like Benghazi, Cairo etc. would have done even more harm to his story... so he simply didn't do it. Instead he reduced security, pulled out American agents, and in some cases substituted Libyan personnel for the American security troops. He was hoping this would look good to American voters who weren't paying much attention.

By the first week in September 2012, there were exactly three American security personnel at the consulate in Benghazi. The gate guards and patrols had been replaced by Libyans... and they were unarmed, with nothing but whistles and batons. And so, when the major attack came on Sept. 11, 2012, the people in the consulate didn't have much chance.

Basically, the lives of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans, were sacrificed so that Obama could get more votes three weeks later in the November, 2012 election.

And that is the real scandal of Benghazi. Obama hopes fervently that people will keep complaining about Susan Rice and lies about a video afterward... because then they aren't complaining about what killed Amb. Stevens and three other Americans: Months of fatal, flagrant neglect of consulate security for the purpose of gaining votes.


CBS News - Breaking News, U.S., World, Business, Entertainment & Video

The Obama administration -- and the State Department in particular -- has been accused by Republican lawmakers and some former U.S. officials who worked in Libya of ignoring warning signs and even rejecting pleas for increased security around American offices in the country ahead of the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi, which left U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others dead.

The House Oversight Committee will begin questioning three senior State Department staff on Capitol Hill Wednesday over claims that dozens of U.S. security personnel were removed from Libya in the six months leading up to the attack, in spite of alleged requests to increase personnel levels from American officials on the ground.

According to one of the key witnesses expected to testify before the committee this week, even Ambassador Stevens himself had repeatedly requested more security personnel, but was turned down.

Lt. Col. Andy Wood, the former head of a U.S. Special Forces "Site Security Team" in Libya, has told CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson that he and many other senior staff at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, "felt we needed more, not less" security personnel in the country, but were told "to do with less."

"For what reasons, I don't know."

This begins to get at the real scandal in Benghazi.

A magician feeds you the questions that you then ask him and guess what? He has the answer, or not as need be. Ask an unexpected question and the magician will revel himself.

The fact that four people died does not make Obama, Hillary or anyone else automatically guilty of something...

Never said it did but there were previous attacks at consulate before the 9-11 one Ambassador Stevens expressed concern over security before the 9-11 attack all of which seemingly were not addressed. This attack was never a out of control protest despite what the administration repeatedly claimed and they knew this right away. Did anyone commit a crime not that I know of was there a cover up, incompetence, and corruption involved sure seems to be. At the very least Benghazi deserves the same amount of attention as Christie's bridgegate which got more coverage, scrutiny, and investigating in two weeks than Benghazi has in almost two years.

Those who need to know the answers do. Not everything can be declassified. Republicans know this which is why they think they can get away with this little game for the next 50 years or so. Not going to happen.

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