Benghazi – It Just Won't go Away!

It needs to be put to rest; it would be the best thing, and the only way it will be, is after an exhaustive investigation at this point! :badgrin:
The fact that four people died does not make Obama, Hillary or anyone else automatically guilty of something...

Never said it did but there were previous attacks at consulate before the 9-11 one Ambassador Stevens expressed concern over security before the 9-11 attack all of which seemingly were not addressed. This attack was never a out of control protest despite what the administration repeatedly claimed and they knew this right away. Did anyone commit a crime not that I know of was there a cover up, incompetence, and corruption involved sure seems to be. At the very least Benghazi deserves the same amount of attention as Christie's bridgegate which got more coverage, scrutiny, and investigating in two weeks than Benghazi has in almost two years.

Those who need to know the answers do. Not everything can be declassified. Republicans know this which is why they think they can get away with this little game for the next 50 years or so. Not going to happen.

And you know that how?
The question "did the regime lie about Benghazi" is the definitive test of the ancient question "does a bear shit in the woods?". Pelosi remains ambivalent.
Look at the limp dick shitbag's lame smoke and mirrors distraction....attempt.

The GOP eats BLACK babies!!!!! Come on you can try that one, asswipe.

Republicans have nothing to offer the middle class.

Republicans reduced security funding ($350 million) to embassy's so the CIA had to provide it.
Yeah's all fake.

Nobody died, it's a Hollywood movie. :cuckoo:

Never said it did but there were previous attacks at consulate before the 9-11 one Ambassador Stevens expressed concern over security before the 9-11 attack all of which seemingly were not addressed. This attack was never a out of control protest despite what the administration repeatedly claimed and they knew this right away. Did anyone commit a crime not that I know of was there a cover up, incompetence, and corruption involved sure seems to be. At the very least Benghazi deserves the same amount of attention as Christie's bridgegate which got more coverage, scrutiny, and investigating in two weeks than Benghazi has in almost two years.

Those who need to know the answers do. Not everything can be declassified. Republicans know this which is why they think they can get away with this little game for the next 50 years or so. Not going to happen.

And you know that how?

Sorry. Can't comment. On going investigation and all. ;)
The question "did the regime lie about Benghazi" is the definitive test of the ancient question "does a bear shit in the woods?". Pelosi remains ambivalent.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much did you hate Obama before Benghazi and how much did you hate Obama after Benghazi?
Looks like another massive right wing conspiracy.

The Nevada Cattle Barons are behind it all.

If there was anything there Darrell Issa would have found it way before now. So here's the deal: This happened over a year an a half ago. Are the Republicans that incompetent in uncovering a truth?
No. This stuff has been well hidden by the administration. In fact people would be going to prison over what was hidden, I'm believe.

Something very bad is being covered up.

WHY were seals in the area told to stand down in an emergency?
If Behghazi brings down the Obama regime they will not have died in vain. They'll go into history has saviors of our nation.

Republicans are going to flame out on this one this time. Putin overplayed his hand and Republicans just overplayed theirs.

The scary part is there are enough low-thinking sociopaths in this country to totally vote out Democrats so the Republicans can wipe out what's left of the middle class.
If Behghazi brings down the Obama regime they will not have died in vain. They'll go into history has saviors of our nation.

Republicans are going to flame out on this one this time. Putin overplayed his hand and Republicans just overplayed theirs.

The scary part is there are enough low-thinking sociopaths in this country to totally vote out Democrats so the Republicans can wipe out what's left of the middle class.

Be patient. Obama still has three more years left to wipe out the remaining middle class. He will do the Repubs job for them.


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