Bergdahl Supporters?


May 23, 2014
Question: Where are all of Bergdahl's fellow platoon members that are coming out in public and supporting him? Some of his defenders on these post want to criticize a rush to judgement based on those platoon members who have been critical of him.
How about letting the kid go home to his family and leaving him alone?

Poor fucking guy. I guess the families of those dead soldiers will just have to toughen up a little. Again, mindless automaton for Obama.
how about letting the kid go to the stockade for desertion during war time.
How about letting the kid go home to his family and leaving him alone?

He indirectly caused the death of his fellow Soldiers. There is consequences for his actions, he took an oath. He betrayed his platoon, and his country
I repeat and I hope all his supporters are in the audience when this happens on live TV:"Sgt. Bunghole left his base camp of his own free-will and joined enemy forces to kill American troops. He was no POW. I hope right in the middle of Sgt. Bunghole's homecoming in Idaho he leaps up screeching AHHHYAAAHAAA "ALLAH AKBAR" !!!!!! Then goes fucking postal right then and there. Like a Manchurian candidate." Even if he did that left wing nuts would support him if Obama does.
How about letting the kid go home to his family and leaving him alone?

The guy left his body armor and weapons and walked off the base at best he went AWOL at worst he deserted so until he explains his actions how about no.
This is a slam dunk, the guy is a oration. The WH missed the optics because they don't understand the code of duty, honor, country. They never served in military. These people have the mind-set of 60's Weather Underground when it comes to the military. They though America would be elated over this rats release? Goes to show you the opinion they have of the peoples intelligence.
Question: Where are all of Bergdahl's fellow platoon members that are coming out in public and supporting him? Some of his defenders on these post want to criticize a rush to judgement based on those platoon members who have been critical of him.

A soldiers job is to shut up,follow orders and get the job done. Not comment on a POW and speculate over stupid shit. We leave that to arm chair warriors and republicans..usually one in the same.
Its been 5 years. Most are EAS'd out. Shut up and get the job done? Kinda like Sgt. Bunghole? As a former infantry combat vet I can assure you the opinion of 99.9999999% of other combat arms service members is they want this guy to fry. Oh, and by the way, you have been commenting on here in his behalf.Why? Because Obama did this. If Obama says eating a pile of steaming dog shit everyday is a new national policy for every American you would have flies on your mouth telling everyone how good it taste.
How about letting the kid go home to his family and leaving him alone?

Because he broke military law.
Because he did not adhere to his commitment
Because his actions forced us to release 5 hardened criminals who were captured at the cost of American lives.
In other words....

Because he brought it upon himself.
Remember when Bush Sr. was VP to Reagan who was selling weapons to the Mujaheddin?

GHW Bush should die in prison for treason.
Question: Where are all of Bergdahl's fellow platoon members that are coming out in public and supporting him? Some of his defenders on these post want to criticize a rush to judgement based on those platoon members who have been critical of him.

A soldiers job is to shut up,follow orders and get the job done. Not comment on a POW and speculate over stupid shit. We leave that to arm chair warriors and republicans..usually one in the same.


A soldier does not have to give up his or her right to free speech while out of uniform.

Know your code of military conduct before you spew garbage.

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