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Best Friend Commits Suicide To Be With His Dead Friend...

It sure was a great opportunity to trash cops tho wasn't it ?

When cops do things like this, they deserve to be trashed. They are supposed to be held to a HIGHER standard than civilians. Instead they sometimes have no standards at all.

Isn't that the truth. It gets worse every year.

Does anyone know if the child terminator even expressed any public remorse? That would be a pig step, I mean big step for man kind wouldn't it? That's what I'd do and if he's not man enough to do it then he has no business being a cop.
I don't believe that the Lord smiles on those who throw away the greatest gift that he ever gave them: their life. That is not the reason why he died for us. He died for us so that we could live.

God bless you and the two families always!!!


P.S. I believe that suicide is the ultimate sin.
Family mourns death of boy killed by deputy, boy's best friend - KGUN9.com

Amazing ! Un-fucking-believable !! two little boys, 10 years old.., GONE FOREVER !!

he was asking his Mother, "how far is it to heaven, i don't want him to go alone."

this kinda pisses me off, in every tragic incident, every person near by has to be counseled, why didn't his mother see the obvious ? no info as to how he killed himself. BUT ! it certainly was NOT with a gun !!

Thursday, four days after Sanchez died, family members say the boy's best friend took his own life.

"He was asking about heaven. He didn't want his friend to go by himself,"

Now, the two families, broken and grieving, hope to bury the boy's side-by-side.

"I'm hoping because I think that's what two boys would want,"

Too sad.
after finding out how young the boys were, i regret checking out this chat.

God bless you and their families always!!!


p.s. I don't know where the first one went, but due to what i believe, i have a very bad feeling about the second one. :( :( :(

he was a child. And did it because of love and compassion.
I don't think he will be judged harshly.
Teachings have changed on the issue, btw.
Rip to both boys.
And may god have mercy for both families. It's the most awful thing to happen.

now, it's where is the body ?

A 10-year-old's suicide? Where's the body? - KGUN9.com

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - A dramatic new twist in the disturbing story a mother told 9 On Your Side--how her 10-year old son took his own life after witnessing a terrible accident.

Now new questions are coming out about that entire story.

Officials in multiple departments are now telling 9 On Your Side they never heard a thing about this 10 year old suicide victim.

The suicide story came out after the story about a sheriff's deputy hitting and killing a young boy on the street. (the first boy was playing chicken running back and forth across the street when the deputy was on a non emergency call.., the word "killing" is totally inappropriate..., my OPINION )

Days later--a mother tells us a terrible story about her child---saying he had been the boy's best friend and was so distraught about the accident with the deputy that he took his own life.

The woman told us her name is Genesee Pineda, and her 10 year old son Roman killed himself after that deputy's cruiser hit and killed his best friend.

But authorities we'd expect to know about any unnatural death---especially a child's suicide now tell us they know nothing about Roman.

In an interview with 9 On Your Side Genesee Pineda told us her son Roman saw the deputy's vehicle hit his best friend Xavier Sanchez, and it haunted him.

Pineda says, "He was asking about heaven, that he had repeated that he didn't want his friend to go to heaven by himself."

She says family members later found Roman terribly hurt, from self inflicted wounds.

"They took him to UMC, where he died there," she says.

But when we checked with that hospital, we learn they have no record of the boy coming there.

TMC says it has no record of the child arriving there either.

Then there's the picture Pineda gave us to show viewers. She says it's Roman. But when we ran it through Google Image Search, we find it looks just like a picture on the HBO Website. That site says it's a boy named Josh--not Roman--who appeared on an HBO documentary about homeless kids in California.

And then there's another question.

Pineda told us Roman tried to kill himself while he was on the Pascua
Yaqui reservation. Michael Valenzuela, the tribal police chief there confirmed late Wednesday that he has absolutely no record of a 10 year old child committing suicide.

He says, "We contacted other agencies as well and there's no report, this lady that is claiming this we have no contact with her right now. There is no indication this is a true story."

"Any death like the one Genesee Pineda described would be investigated by the Medical Examiner's Office but the Forensic Science Center says no child matching that description has passed through its autopsy rooms.

Vincent Sanchez, the father of the boy hit and killed by the sheriff deputy, says the story of the boy's suicide touched him so much, he had considered sharing some of the generous donations given to his family to bury his boy.

He even thought about burying the two boys together.

The people at the Branding Iron Bar put on a benefit for the Sanchez family, and were thinking about one for Genesee Pineda.

Bartender Ginger Castellano says, "When someone tells you their son committed suicide, you believe them, like we believed her."

We tried to reach Genesee Pineda for her side of all this.

She had been talking to us freely before these questions started flying; now she is not returning our calls.

Once we made the connection between the picture Pineda gave us, and the one that is on HBO's website, we turned both over to the Tucson Police.

Late Wednesday we got word that a fraud detective has been assigned to look into Pineda's story.

We'll stay on this story and keep trying to get a hold of Genesee Pineda to find out why authorities have not heard about this child's death.

someone is going to hang for this...., at least i hope so :up:

I'm not surprised, this type of thing happened after Newtown. If she's lying I hope the put her away for a long time.

does it mater to any of you there is NO BODY !

forget about the cop, he is out of the picture, what is important is where is the kid/body ?

to me this is beginning to look more like a hoax or mom killed the kid and hid the body..., or better yet, sold the kid to a mexican sex cult.
forget about the cop, he is out of the picture, what is important is where is the kid/body ?

Forget about the cop? That's kind of the whole point is what the cop did. There is no forgetting or forgiving that.

you must be a lying liberal.., hence liarberal..., the first kid getting run over was an ACCIDENT or better yet, in my OPINION he committed suicide by playing chicken running back and forth across the street, the cop is blameless in this scenario.., get over it, the factual point now is the fucking mother lied about her kid committing suicide.., do you even care about that kid and where he might be ???????

does it mater to any of you there is NO BODY !

forget about the cop, he is out of the picture, what is important is where is the kid/body ?

to me this is beginning to look more like a hoax or mom killed the kid and hid the body..., or better yet, sold the kid to a mexican sex cult.

Sounds like fraud to get cash. People did this after Newtown. They claimed to be a member of one of the families and collected cash for the funeral ect. There probably is no kid.
I'm a lying liberal? Slowwww down there Mr. Limbaugh! I'm neither conservative or liberal, democrat nor republican. Hell I'm not even what they call "independent", because that's just another party as far as I'm concerned.
sooo..!! you are admitting you are a lying big fucking NOTHING, no religion, no affiliation to a political stance/party, which indicates to me you support that muslime mulatto son-of-a-bitch destroying this great county of mine and other patriots..., which excludes YOU !!!

you aren't too bright
i am very bright, that is why my Mother called me SON.., i am much brighter than you think.., actually "FEEEEEL",

I've been posting on bulletin boards and internet sites since the early 90's, before there were even pictures on the internet. There seems to ALWAYS be one person on every site that just doesn't get it and misses the point entirely. (like yourself ?)

WoW !! you have a very impressive resume.., here is mine, i was posting on BB's (around 1985-86) since Prodigy was the only source of "social interaction" which was before Algore invented the internet.., (ha ha ha :laugh2:) also for your info, i used a form of the internet back in the 1970's when i was in the U.S. Navy, it was a government function to communicate with other Gvmt. entities and military units, we used it to order parts for our aircraft, there also was a "Lunar Landing" like game that we played, there was no "mouse" just a keyboard.

now...!! back to this missing kid who allegedly committed suicide, which happened locally, i have been questioning the news room, /http://www.kgun9.com/ for more info, and they say there are no new developments in this story.

too bad you are not "SMART" enuff to do the same.., "Question Everything"
I'm a lying liberal? Slowwww down there Mr. Limbaugh! I'm neither conservative or liberal, democrat nor republican. Hell I'm not even what they call "independent", because that's just another party as far as I'm concerned.
sooo..!! you are admitting you are a lying big fucking NOTHING, no religion, no affiliation to a political stance/party, which indicates to me you support that muslime mulatto son-of-a-bitch destroying this great county of mine and other patriots..., which excludes YOU !!!

i am very bright, that is why my Mother called me SON.., i am much brighter than you think.., actually "FEEEEEL",

I've been posting on bulletin boards and internet sites since the early 90's, before there were even pictures on the internet. There seems to ALWAYS be one person on every site that just doesn't get it and misses the point entirely. (like yourself ?)

WoW !! you have a very impressive resume.., here is mine, i was posting on BB's (around 1985-86) since Prodigy was the only source of "social interaction" which was before Algore invented the internet.., (ha ha ha :laugh2:) also for your info, i used a form of the internet back in the 1970's when i was in the U.S. Navy, it was a government function to communicate with other Gvmt. entities and military units, we used it to order parts for our aircraft, there also was a "Lunar Landing" like game that we played, there was no "mouse" just a keyboard.

too bad you are not "SMART" enuff to do the same.., "Question Everything"

To be computer literate, yet so completely fucking stupid. Imagine that. You can talk shit on here all you want keyboard tough guy, but I will bet you good money that you wouldn't do it to me in person.

Unless of course my intuition is right and you're a cop, then no doubt you would be willing to trample on my rights and show me how tough you are when you pull me over for no reason and hide behind your badge! Or perhaps you could run me over like it appears some cops are good at? Or point your gun at me as the cop did here to the store clerk two weeks ago? And cops are the good guys? I would hate to run into the bad guys!

I don't even know what you are arguing for or against at this point. Actually, I never did know. As far as can tell, your pussy is sore because I don't swallow the bullshit that religious groups shove down your throat. That's something else that shows me your complete lack of knowledge and common sense. You are just upset because I don't blindly buy into that dumb shit like you do.

You say I support Obama? Which you call some names that sound like they fit you more than anyone. Again, you have no fear of making yourself look like a complete dumb fuck do you? I tell you PLAINLY and specifically that I don't support either party and somehow you get out of that, I am an obama supporter? There is no word for how fucking dumb you are. Stupid just isn't harsh enough. I wish I could invent a new word for a higher form of stupid right now on the spot in your honor! The kind that when the word is looked up in the dictionary, your picture is beside it.

You said "destroying this great county of mine" What COUNTY is that dumb ass? What state? For someone who claims to be so smart, you sure are a fucking idiot! I tend to re read things before I post them. I would tell you try that yourself, but you haven't listened to anything else I have said, so why bother?

You are bright because your momma called you "son". REALLY? You are a fucktard of a higher degree than any standard fucktard. The fact that you weren't embarrassed to use such a high school cliche (a 1970's high school cliche at that), tells me a lot about you. Including your age and your lack of wisdom considering that age.

Congrats on your 1970's military career. I'm sure you think that somehow makes you look smart. In fact, it makes the fact that you are such an idiot that much more embarrassing to our military and country for that matter. No doubt that is what led to your current legal career?

The bottom line when it comes to the kid who supposedly committed suicide, is that by all appearances right now, it never happened. Again, I don't see your point. I'm not arguing against that and have nothing to say about it other than it's bullshit and as I said, give the crazy bitch the electric chair for my part.

For a second time, your little punk bitch ass has called me a liar and not given one example of where. So you are just a shit talking little bitch that gets on here and bitches like a girl and when in public, you are scared of people and would NEVER even say a negative word to someone because of your fear of what would happen. What else can I say about you?

are you finished with your diatribe Miss Twisted Sister ? if not, i am finished with you.., go garggle with some nitric acid :up: :lmao:
oooh, BTW, i am really impressed with your 9 posts when over half of them are dedicated to responding to me :lmao: ....... :lmao: ....... :lmao: ....... :lmao:
You're just on opposite sides of the fence slinging shit at each other like a bunch of monkeys in the zoo.

Monkeys are probably even intelligent enough to avoid slinging shit at each other :)

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