Best Way I Know To Get All Of The Liberals Out Of Your State Is Pass A Freedom Of Religion Law

Actually, before people leave in droves they first try shooting. :)
Uh… getting Rambo style militant over there. I always had the impression that lefties loathed the military.

Yeah, that's why so many of us served...because we loathe the military. What branch did you serve in and for how long?
I have my wife serving to protect me like good leftists do. Then, I am a male chauvinist oppressing women from behind her skirt accusing everybody else to be a male chauvinist like good leftists do.
Actually, before people leave in droves they first try shooting. :)
Uh… getting Rambo style militant over there. I always had the impression that lefties loathed the military.

I'm not a leftie. That I have some liberal positions seems to mean to some conservatives I must be a liberal because of it despite my numerous conservative positions.

What Conservative positions are those? And please, be specific... .
Actually, before people leave in droves they first try shooting. :)
Uh… getting Rambo style militant over there. I always had the impression that lefties loathed the military.
The only part of the military "lefties" loath is the pentagon and the MIC who want us to be fighting a big war of occupation somewhere continuously. We love our soldiers enough not to waste their lives and limbs on stupid, useless bullshit.


Reader, ya may want to jot that one down. Stay in this for any time and you'll come to find it as the default rationalization that the Left uses to avoid convincing itself that it takes the exact same position on the US Military as those who the US Military is sent to destroy, and for the same reason.
If having liberal positions makes one a liberal, then isn't everyone a liberal? You wanna get a social security check when eligible right? :)

ROFLMNAO! If I didn't already have the perfect signature... THAT would be my new signature.

It defines the idiocy common to Liberalism... which in effect says: 'Just because you think and do evil doesn't 'make' you evil... You're a good person. Hey... Let's spend the day staring at teenage porn ..."
Only if it were that easy.

they didn't care about Indiana or the people living there. all this faux outrage was to get in the media (spotlight) so they can shove their hateful agenda on everyone in the country

it's disgusting and downright nasty
Actually, before people leave in droves they first try shooting. :)
Uh… getting Rambo style militant over there. I always had the impression that lefties loathed the military.
The only part of the military "lefties" loath is the pentagon and the MIC who want us to be fighting a big war of occupation somewhere continuously. We love our soldiers enough not to waste their lives and limbs on stupid, useless bullshit.

You love our soldiers.... just not the ones in charge is what you mean.

Soldiers do what they're told. Politicians declare wars. It's the soldiers that have to do the fighting and dying.
Only if it were that easy.

they didn't care about Indiana or the people living there. all this faux outrage was to get in the media (spotlight) so they can shove their hateful agenda on everyone in the country

it's disgusting and downright nasty
They hide fact that the legislation ONLY make it possible for objectors to go to court with their objection and they have to have a court ruling before they can refuse service. The law does not legitimize refusal of service itself.
If a mass murdering terrorist shoots a bunch of soldiers in Ft Hood he can't be forced to shave because his religious beliefs forbid it. Now if that same idiot decides not to bake a cake for a Bar Mitzva nobody will say anything. If he's a Christian and decides that his conscience doesn't allow him to bake a cake with two guys on it, he is attacked by the state, fined, boycotted, and forced to close his doors.

Is this fair???
If a mass murdering terrorist shoots a bunch of soldiers in Ft Hood he can't be forced to shave because his religious beliefs forbid it. Now if that same idiot decides not to bake a cake for a Bar Mitzva nobody will say anything. If he's a Christian and decides that his conscience doesn't allow him to bake a cake with two guys on it, he is attacked by the state, fined, boycotted, and forced to close his doors.

Is this fair???
What part of being a Christian did Jesus say was going to be easy, or fair? Oh right, he didn't.

And if you can't, in good conscience, bake the wedding cake for gays, then stop baking wedding cakes. You weren't serving Jesus by doing so in the first place.
Actually, before people leave in droves they first try shooting. :)
Uh… getting Rambo style militant over there. I always had the impression that lefties loathed the military.

Yeah, that's why so many of us served...because we loathe the military. What branch did you serve in and for how long?
I have my wife serving to protect me like good leftists do. Then, I am a male chauvinist oppressing women from behind her skirt accusing everybody else to be a male chauvinist like good leftists do.

Is that chickenshit way of saying you never served...unlike liberals like me?
Actually, before people leave in droves they first try shooting. :)
Uh… getting Rambo style militant over there. I always had the impression that lefties loathed the military.

Yeah, that's why so many of us served...because we loathe the military. What branch did you serve in and for how long?
I have my wife serving to protect me like good leftists do. Then, I am a male chauvinist oppressing women from behind her skirt accusing everybody else to be a male chauvinist like good leftists do.

Is that chickenshit way of saying you never served...unlike liberals like me?
Of course, you gold bricking REMF.

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