Bet-o Against Biden: Beto blames Biden for Texas Latinos voting GOP: 'didn't spend a dime or day' near the southern border during campaign/presidency


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Downballot Democrats are publicly distancing themselves from Biden at a far greater rate than Republicans are distancing from Trump. Tells you what the public really thinks of the two, even if the media can’t see it.

Nobody here is paying any attention to Beto's dramas. He's just some rich white kid doper running around trying to convince anybody he's important, and failing.
Beto is so out of touch with Latinos. Latinos care about small business, economic opportunity, gun rights, and affordable gas prices. Latinos don’t give a shit about abortion rights or bullshit green economy. These are things that are most important to O’Rourke.

Robert Francis had better realize this.

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